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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑论海上货物运输中承运人迟延履行的赔偿责任 摘 要 “现代国际贸易对航运服务提出了更急速、更准时的要求,在强烈的商业竞争环境中急速准时的交付已变得和货物的安好同等重要。”汉堡规矩第一次在国际公约中明确提出了迟延交付问题,顺应这种国际立法趋势,中华人民共和国海商法(本文简称海商法)对承运人迟延交付做出规定,为解决迟延交付的有关争议供给了法律依据。但是,海商法并未完全借鉴汉堡规矩迟延交付的有关规定,将未在对一个勤勉的承运人所能合理要求的时间内交付货物也定义为迟延交付。商法在承运人对迟延交付应承受的赔偿责任的范围以及赔偿限额等方面的规定,存在确定的缺陷。鉴于此,对于

2、海上货物运输中的迟延交付问题,司法实践中存在着大量的争议。 本文试图从迟延履行责任的构成要件、承运人对迟延履行造成损失的赔偿责任、免责事由、责任限制和责任期间入手,通过对比海牙规矩、海牙维斯比规矩和汉堡规矩和联合国国际贸易法委员会第三工作组(运输法)第十九届会议的程或片面海上货物运输公约草案(本文简称UNCITRAL运输法海运国家的海上货物运输法、我国海商法和合同法的有关规定,并结合国内外的一些判例,探讨海上货物运输中承运人迟延履行的赔偿责任问题,商法中迟延交付的法律缺陷提出自己的粗浅看法。 本文第一章从承运人迟延履行责任的构成要件入手,重点议论我国50条中迟延交付的范围问题。其次章从损失、迟

3、延履行与损失的因果关系和免责事由三个方面论述承运人对迟延履行损失的赔偿责任,其中重点议论了迟延交付造成的经济损失。第三章从单位赔偿责任限制和经济损失的通知时间的角度议论了中限制承运人迟延履行损失的赔偿范围的特有的法律规定。第四章从责任期间的角度重点论述了承运人的责任期间之外的迟延履行损失的赔偿责任。 关键字 海上货物运输,迟延履行,赔偿责任 第 I 页 同时,海也全(草案)、主要并对我国海海商法第海商法 ABSTRACT In the modern world the international trade demands more swift and punctual carriage se

4、rvice, and the swift and punctual delivery has become as important as the safety of the cargo in the competitive commercial environment. It is Hamburg Rules that first made provisions regarding delay in delivery in the international convention. Accordingly, the Maritime Code of the Peoples Republic

5、of China (hereinafter referred to as the Chinese Maritime Code) also applies to delay in delivery. Yet, the Chinese Maritime Code does not lay down regulations regarding the reasonable time during which the carrier should deliver the cargo. Meantime, the Chinese Maritime Code has some flaws in the r

6、egulations as to the measures of damages arising from delay in delivery and the limitation of liability. Therefore many disputes arise from delay in delivery in the judicial practice. The paper tries to study the carrier liability for delay in delivery in comparison with the relevant regulations in

7、the international conventions, Transport Law Draft convention on the carriage of goods wholly or partlyby sea, the acts of the carriage of goods by sea of some countries and our country and some judicial sentences, and puts forward my own opinions about flaws in the regulations regarding delay in de

8、livery. The first chapter studies the constructive conditions of the liability of the carrier for delay and the scope of delay in delivery in Article 50 of the Chinese Maritime Code is especially paid attention to. The second chapter studies the loss arising from delay, causation between the loss an

9、d delay and exoneration. The third chapter analyzes the special regulations in the Chinese Maritime Code regarding the limitation of liability of carrier and the notice of economic loss resulting from delay. The fourth chapter analyzes the liability of the carrier for delay of the carrier beyond the

10、 duration of responsibility. Li Peng (International law) 第 II 页 Directed by Professor Yang Zhaonan KEYWORDS: the carriage of goods by sea, delay, liability for indemnification 第 III 页 目 录 引 言 . 1 第一章 承运人迟延履行责任的构成要件 . 2 第一节 承运人迟延履行 . 2 一 承运人迟延履行的法律性质 . 2 二 履行期限 . 3 (一) 明确商定的履行期限 . 3 (二) 法定履行期限 . 6 (三) 我国海商法中货物交付的履行期限问题 . 8 其次节 承运人主观状态 . 13 一 英美普遍法下承运人的主观过失 . 13 二 我国海商法下承运人的主观过失 . 14 其次章 承运人对迟延履行损失的赔偿责任 . 17 第一节 损失 . 17 一 损失的分类 . 18 (一)我国民法中损失的分类 . 18 (二)英国法中损失的分类 . 19 (三)我国海商法中损失的分类 . 20 二 货物的“灭失或者损坏” . 21 (一)三大国际公约中货物的灭失或者损坏造成的损失的范围 . 21 (二)我国海商法中货物的灭失或者损坏造成的损失 . 23 三 经济损失 .


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