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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑高级英语第一册课后答案 Lesson6 BLACKMAIL I . 1)Yes, he did, because he wanted to make them more anxious. 2)Because she didnt like her maid and secretary to know what they would talk to the detective. 3)Because he thought that he knew their secret and that he was in an advantageous position. 4

2、)She found a note made but not destroyed by her husband. 5)He found that on the night the couple entered the hotel through the basement instead of the lobby, both very much shaken. 6)A brush trace is a mark left on something when lightly touched or rubbed. 7)Ogilvie came to talk with them rather tha

3、n go to report to the police. 8)They had to spend one day or two investigating in the suburban areas. 9)Because every repair shop had been told to report to the police when a car needing fixing like theirs came in. 10)She thought that was safe for them by making use of the detectives avidity. 11)Ori

4、ginally, the detective asked for ten thousand only to keep silent and not to report to the police. But now the Duchess was asking him to drive their car north and she was ready to offer such a large sum. She knew the detective was greedy. Given so much money, he would do as she told him to. 12)Yes,

5、Ogilvie accepted the Duchess offer. . 1)The house detectives small narrow eyes looked her up and down scornfully from his fat face with a heavy jowl. 2)This is a pretty nice room that you have got. 3)The fat body shook in a chuckle because the man was enjoying the fact that he could afford to do wha

6、tever he liked and also he was appreciating the fact that the Duchess knew why he had come. 4)He had an unnaturally high-pitched voice. now, he lowered the pitch. When he spoke 5)Ogilvie spat out the words, throwing away his politeness. pretended 6)The Duchess was supported by her arrogance coming f

7、rom parents of noble families with a history of three centuries and a half. She wouldnt give up easily. 7)Its no use. What you did just now was a good attempt at trying to save the situation. 8) more acceptable,Ogilvie said. He lit another cigar, were making some progress. 9).he looked at the Duches

8、s sardonically as if he wanted to see if she dared to object to his smoking. 10)The house detective made noises with his tongue to show his disapproval. . See the translation of the text. IV. 1)advertisement 2)brassiers 3)doctor 4)refrigerator 5)gymnasium 6)high fidelity(radio, photography, etc. ) 7

9、) intercommunication system 8)liberation 9)memorandum 10)microphone 11)modern 12)permanent wave 13)poliomyelitis 14)popular-song 15)preparatory (school) 16)professor 17)sister 18)television 19)veterinarian 20)zoological V. 1)a half-finished letter 2)a half-closed window 3)a piece of half-baked bread

10、 4) a half-turned body 5) a well-appointed hotel 6)well-behaved pupils 7)well-chosen words 8)well-fed children 9)well-informed sources (people) 10) high-flown language VI. 1)sound (v.) His words sound lofty and pretentious. 2)figure (v.) Commerce figures largely in the prosperity of the city. 3)go (

11、n.) He is always on the go from early morning till late at night. 4)try (n.) He didnt succeed in his first try, but he kept on jumping. 5)dust (v.) They are dusting 6)square(v. ) He squared his the crops with insecticide. shoulders to show his determination 7)good(n)Overworking yourself will do more

12、 harm than good 8)head(v)On hearing that,he headed straight for the gate without looking back 9)make(n)I dont like a bicycle of this make 10)reason(v)If you reason from false premiseshow can you expect the conclusion to be sound? . 1)real 2)of no useuseless 3)are making some progress are accomplishi

13、ng something 4)explain it exactly and in detail 5)what happens 6)deduce/reason out 7)started for 8)upset 9)a quick examination or inspection 10)needoccasion 11)observesnotices 12)bribed 13)wealthywell todo . 1)surveyed 2)gaze 3)swept 4)flipped 5)chuckled 6) shot out 7)spat forth these words 8)sprang

14、 to her feet 9)clasped lO)swung around 11)detect 12)stared . 1)sardonic重在嘲讽,sarcastic重在讽刺。 2)self-confidence意为依靠自己的气力;self-assurance指过于相信自己的才能,带贬义,可指自负。 3)accuse可用于正式场合,也可用于非正式场合,可用于官方,也可用于私人;charge指正式控告,到法院控告某人。 4)tired指疲乏或疲惫;weary指厌倦,不能或不愿持续下去。 5)leisurely意为不紧不慢地或冷静不迫地。 6)oblige指为?协助;help意义广泛得多。 7

15、)discreetly意为保持沉静,不让别人知道。 8)racing指脑筋在快速地转动,quick指的是回响快,聪明(quickminded)。 9)tense和nervous都表示畏缩、惦记;tense还可指焦虑担心,神经上慌张。在这里,用tense示意公爵不是一个生性慌张的人,而是当时焦虑担心和畏缩。 10)eventuality指可能展现的结果,possibility指可能展现的事情。 11)respite指延期、推迟或短时间的休息;relief指解除痛楚、疲乏、忧虑等之后的轻松。 12)vacillate指思想一时动摇,拿不定方法;indecisiveness那么指人优柔寡断的性格。 1)sleep


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