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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑东师英语写作(二)16秋在线作业1 东北师范大学东师英语写作(二)16秋在线作业1 一、单项选择题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。) 1. Some of his answers were correct ,but I dont remember _ . A. what one B. which one C. what ones D. which ones 正确答案: 2. Evidence from a recent study suggests that injuries _ most likely to occur at social gatheri

2、ng right after somebody hollers,A. A.should be B. B.be C. C.are D. D.were 正确答案: 3. By the end of next month ,they _the financial report . A. would have completed B. will have completed C. complete D. will complete 正确答案: 4. Go and get your suitcase .It is _ you left it . A. when B. whether C. how D.

3、where 正确答案: 5. Lisa Black is _ as a Labour candidate in the forthcoming election . A. standing B. sitting C. contending D. entering 正确答案: 6. It is not so much the language _ the legal jargons that makes the book difficult to understand . A. but B. nor C. as D. like 正确答案: 7. Cases involving young peo

4、ple under 18 are heard in specially constituted _ courts . A. junior B. youth C. infantile D. juvenile 正确答案: 8. It was not until midnight _ the camping site . A. that they reached B. that they did not reach C. did they reach D. did they not reach 正确答案: 9. The scientists became very excited as they f

5、elt they were _ of a discovery . A. on the crest B. on the surface C. on the borderline D. on the brink 正确答案: 10. Im broke.I wish I_ so much money. A. didnt spend B. hadnt spend C. havent spent D. dont spend 正确答案: 11. Now Tim regrets _ hard enough while at the university . A. not to work B. having n

6、ot worked C. not having worked D. not have worked 正确答案: 12. If there were no subjunctive mood ,English _ much easier . A. would be B. could have been C. will be D. would have been 正确答案: 13. The breakfast at the school cafeteria usually_ fried eggs ,bacon ,ham and hash browns. A. consists of B. is co

7、nsisted of C. makes up D. including 正确答案: 14. Neither Tom nor I had ever heard of ,let alone _ such a fascinating book . A. see B. to see C. seeing D. seen 正确答案: 15. _ producing methane ,the process also produces carbon monoxide . A. Apart B. As well C. Besides D. In addition 正确答案: 16. There is ever

8、y indication _ the number of international teaching assistants at universities will remain constant or even grow in the future . A. what B. which C. that D. as 正确答案: 17. The young man seemed to have few regrets for the damage he had _ on those closest to him . A. inflicted B. afflicted C. conflicted

9、 D. relied 正确答案: 18. The line is busy ;someone _ the telephone . A. must use B. must be using C. must have been using D. has been using 正确答案: 19. I know this is the right train .The ticket agent said it would be on _. A. Platform Three B. the Platform Three C. Third Platform D. the Three Platform 正确

10、答案: 20. The spokesman said that the case _. A. was been looked into B. was being looked C. was being looked into D. had been looked 正确答案: 21. The petrol station lies within _ of Victorias farm . A. fifteen-minute-drive B. fifteen minutes drive C. fifteen minutes drive D. fifteen minutes drive 正确答案:

11、22. According to people who have been to the park ,it is a place with views that will take your breath _. A. off B. away C. on D. down 正确答案: 23. After three hours ,the jury were still unable to reach a unanimous _ . A. verdict B. decision C. judgement D. conclusion 正确答案: 24. The first tourist who _

12、will get a surprise . A. A.arrives B. B.arrived C. C.will arrive D. D.is going to arrive 正确答案: 25. It is a legal requirement that you _insurance for your car . A. A.have B. B. need to have C. B.ought to have D. D.must have 正确答案: 26. The lecturer said A. began B. should begin C. begin D. are beginnin

13、g 正确答案: 27. The man drew the curtain and _ the painting behind it . A. projected B. revealed C. exposed D. brought 正确答案: 28. You will be able to stay with the team provided that you _ make the same mistake again . A. wont B. dont C. are not going to D. didint 正确答案: 29. The flats I have looked at so

14、far were too expensive .So Im better off _ where I am . A. stay B. staying C. to stay D. stayed 正确答案: 30. Hearing the noise outside ,the man went cautiously to the steel-sheathed door ,which was _ by the heavy iron outer grille . A. included B. reinforced C. made D. prevented 正确答案: 英语写作(二)16秋在线作业1 二

15、、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。) 1. In the 1970s ,the U.S witnessed an increased interest in physical fitness ,and one result is the current widespread popularity of marathons in many American cities . A. 错误 B. 正确 正确答案: 2. they are trying to introduce the digital hearing aid that clarifies the spoken word . A. 错误 B. 正确 正确答案: 3. Large organizations usually send a former letter to an


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