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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑甲骨文中国2022校园招聘大礼包 篇一:人教新版2022-2022一上语文第一单元 魏庄小学导学案 魏庄小学导学案 三、拓展导学(二)学习“天地人”1.出示甲骨文的“天”,猜猜是什么字;2.出示“天”,读一读;3.合作图片,结合甲骨文,教师讲解“天”的本义;4.熟悉田字格中的“天”,初步感受汉字书写的美;5.同“天”的教学方法类似,教学“地、人”;6.读一读三字经中“三才者,天地人;三光者,日月星”, 了解“天地人”的含义。三才,就是天、地、人。 天地人合一,有了这三个方面,世界才开头。(三)学习“你我他”1.出示三个小挚友做嬉戏的图片,熟悉“你我他”三个生

2、字;2.根据句式:“你是_,我是_,他是_, 我们都是_。 ” 上台做小挚友彼此熟悉的口语交际小嬉戏。3.课中操:大家看幻灯片起立唱一唱你的名字叫什么,在歌咏中稳定生字“你我”。(四)稳定嬉戏1. 摘苹果嬉戏:可重复玩几次;2.找挚友嬉戏:找找图片中熟悉的字,学习在生活中熟悉更多的字宝宝;3. 开火车嬉戏:除了读图片上的词语,还可以给“天地人你我他”找更多的挚友(口头组词)。 四、反应导学小挚友们,通过这节课的学习,你熟悉了哪些字宝宝?梦想你们在以后的每天里,无论在哪里遇到这些字宝宝,以及其它你熟悉的,想熟悉的字宝宝,都留心读一读,比一比谁交到的字宝宝挚友最多。 其次课时 一、稳定生字 1我会

3、认。 变序抽取字卡,学生开火车读,全班齐读。 做找挚友嬉戏。 2我会记。 你是怎么记住这些字的? 全班交流。激励学生用自己热爱的方法识记。 3我会用。 摘果子说词语或句子。 选生字卡填空。 交流:我们周边还有哪些地方用上了这一课的生字? 三、指导书写天人 1查看课本中田字格里的范字。 2说一说:通过查看,你察觉了什么?(引导学生从横的长短变化及其在田字格 里位置变化这两方面来说) 3教师范写二三,边写边陈述书写要领。 4学生分别描一个、写一个,写完后与范字比较。教师巡查,个别指导。 5讲评:讲评后,学生持续练写。 魏庄小学导学案 篇二:甲骨文非技术网测题 11月30日,目前为止最全的网测题目

4、就攒rp用了,感谢前面发forester那篇文章的战友,梦想能对还没测试的同学有扶助,东西是我一遍做题一遍复制黏贴的,有些乱,大家将就着看看吧 please read all instructions very carefully before you begin. this is the pac baseline it aptitude assessment. it is composed of 45 questions divided into 6 sections used to evaluate your fundamental knowledge and skills in math

5、ematics, it reasoning, english (reading comprehension and sentence structure), attention to detail and logic diagramming. you will have 40 minutes to complete this assessment. please note that once you have completed a question you will not be able to return to it in order to make changes. all quest

6、ions carry equal points and no points will be deducted for wrong answers. assessment breakdown section time questions math reasoning 10 10 sentence structure 5 10 it reasoning 5 5 reading comprehension 7 5 attention to detail 5 10 logic diagramming 8 5 assessment totals 40 minutes 45 questions if yo

7、u would like to take a break, you may do so at any time and for any length, between sections or assessments. when you do choose to take a break, your progress will be automatically resumed upon your return. assessment: baseline it aptitude section purpose the purpose of this section is to test your

8、basic math skills. section instructions this is the math reasoning section. it is designed to test your ability to understand and implement mathematical principles within concrete circumstances. use the information presented in each question to solve the problem. you will have 10 minutes to complete

9、 the 10 questions in this section. if you would like to take a break, please do so now. clicking the button below will start your assessment. continue math reasoning the average annual contribution per donor to a charity is $150. at the end of every year, the charity deposits the amount in a bank wh

10、ich offers 10% interest annually. for the first year there are 100 contributors. if the number of contributors rises by 10 every year and the average contribution rises by $20 every year, then what is the amount saved by the charity at the end of 3 years? $51,620 $65,120 $61,520 $56,120 question num

11、ber 2 a sports dealer bought 200 basketballs at a total price of $700. if 10% were found to be defective, 20% were to be donated to local charities, and 10% were to be sold at a discounted price of $3.00, at what price should the rest be sold if the dealer has to make an overall profit of 20%? $5.50

12、 $6.50 $6.00 $7.00 the distance between 2 cities is 1600 kilometers (km). bill drove at 50 km per hour and rested for an hour every four hours. what was his approximate average speed including stoppage time? 45 km/hr 43 km/hr 40 km/hr 41 km/hr a grocer uses a false weight in order to sell an item at

13、 25% additional profit, but is in turn underpaid by a customer by 20%. what is the net impact of this transaction for the grocer? 5% loss there is no impact 5% profit cannot be determined andy is 25% more efficient than barry who is 20% more efficient than colin. barry takes 12 days more than andy t

14、o complete a project if either works alone. if colin works alone on that project for 36 days and andy then works alone on it for 16 days, then how many days would barry working alone take to complete it? 10 16 8 12 (5x+10)/(x+2) = (3x-10)/(2x+5), then what is x? -5 5 -2 -2 or -5 the price of an arti

15、cle was first marked down by one-third and then marked up by one-third. if the final price of the article is $400, what was the original price of the article? $400 $420 $300 $450 the price of an article was first marked down by one-third and then marked up by one-third. if the final price of the article is $400, what was the original pric



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