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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑国际运输英文缩写 国际运输英文缩写 缩写 E.& O.E. E.G. e.g. E/M EA EBA EBS ECU EDI EDP EIR, E/R EIU EMS ENCL EPS ETA ETAD ETB ETC ETC ETCD ETD ETD ETL ETR ETS excl. 英文 errors and ommisions excepted example gratia for example export manifest each emergency bunker additional emergency bunker surcharge e

2、uropean currency unit electronic data interchange electronic data processing equipment interchange receipt (containers) even if used express mail special enclosure or enclosed equipment position surcharges estimated time of arrival expected time of arrival and departure eepected time of berthing eet

3、imated time of completion estimated time of closing estimated time of commencing discharging estimated time of departure estimated time of delivery estimated time of laoding estimated time of readiness estimated time of sailing excluding 中文 有错当查(错误和遗漏不在此限) 例如 例如 出口载货清单,出口舱单 每个,各 紧急燃油附加费(非、中南美) 紧急燃油附

4、加费 欧洲货币单位 电子数据交换 电子数据处理 设备交接单(集装箱) 即使使用(也不算) 特快传递 附件或所附的 设备位置附加费 (船舶)预计抵港时间,到港日 (船舶)预计到达和离开时间 (船舶)预计靠泊时间 (船舶)预计完成时间 截关日 (船舶)预计开头卸货时间 (船舶)预计离港时间 开船日 (船舶)预计开装时间 预计打定就绪时间 (船舶)预计开航时间 不包括,除.外 EXP EXPS 缩写 F F.A.A. f.a.c. F.A.C. f.a.q. F.and D. f.g.a. F.H.E.X. f.i.a.s. F.I.B. f.i.h. F.I.L.S.D. f.i.o.s. f.i

5、.w. F.O.C. F.O.D. f.o.w. F.P.A. F/F F/M F/N FAC FAF FAF FAK FAK FAK FBL export expenses 英文 fuel oil free of all average fast as can (loading or discharge) forwarding agents commission fair average quality freight and demurrage free of general average fridays and holidays excepted free in and stowed

6、free into barge free in harbour free in lashed, secured and dunnaged free in and out stowed free into waggon flag of convenience free of damage first open water free of particular average Freight Forwarder export freight manifest fixture note facsimile fuel adjustment fee fuel adjustment factor frei

7、ght all kinds freight all kinds freight all kind FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of 出口 (费用)支出 中文 燃油 一切海损不赔险 尽快(装卸) 货运代理人佣金 中等质量货物 运费和滞期费 共同海损不赔险 星期五和节假日除外 船方不负担装货费和理舱费 驳船上交货 港内交货 (船方)不负担装货,捆扎,加固,隔 垫(料)等费用 船方不负担装卸费和理舱费 船方不负担装入货车费 便当国旗 损坏不赔 第一解冻日(保) 单独海损不赔 货运代理 出口载货运费清单,运费舱单 确认备忘录,也称订租确认书 传真 燃油价调理附加费(

8、日本线专用) 燃料附加费 (不分品种)同一费率 包干运费 各种货品 FIATA多式联运提单 FCB FCL FCR FCS FCT FDFT FEU FFF FFI FHEX FI FILO FIO FIOST firavv FLT FLT FM FMC FND FO FOB FOC FOT Foul B/L FPA FPAD Lading(FIATA Document) freight for class and basis 基于商品等级和计算标准的包箱 费率 full container load 整箱货(集装箱),整柜 forwarders certificate of receipt

9、(FIATA Document) 货运代理人收讫货物证明 freight for class 基于商品等级的包箱费率 forwarders certificate of transport(FIATA) 货运代理人输送证明 fore draft 艏吃水 fourty foot equivalent 40标准集装箱 freight forwarding fee 货代佣金 FIATA forwarding instructions 国际货运代理协会联合会代运说 (FIATA form) 明 friday and holidays excepted 节假日除外 free in 船方不负担装货费 fr

10、ee in ,liner out 船方不负担装货费但负担卸货费 free in and out 船方不负担装卸费 free in and out, stowed and trimmed 船方不负担装卸费、平舱费和堆 舱费 first available 最有效的 forklift truck 叉车 full liner terms 全班轮条款 from 从.,来自. Federal Maritime Commission 联邦海事委员会 final destination 交货目的地 free out 船方不负担卸货费 free on board 装运港船上交货 flag of conveni

11、ence 便当旗船 free on track 车上交货 foul bill of lading 不清洁提单 free from particular average 平安险 freight payable at destination 目的地付运费 FRG for your guidance FRT freight Frt.fwd. freight forward frt.ton freight ton FT foot, feet FT freight ton ft.ppd. freight prepaid FWC full loaded weight & capacity (contain

12、er) FWD forward FWDFT fresh water draft fwdr. forwarder FWR FIATA warehouse receipt (FIATA Document) 缩写 英文 G.B.L. government bill of lading G.C. general cargo G.C.R. general cargo rates G.W. gross weight GCR general cargo rate GENCON Uniform General Charter GFA general freight agent GMT greenwich me

13、an time gps global positioning system GR grain capacity,gross GR gross GRD geared GRD general rate decrease GRI general rate increase GRI general rate increase GROSS TERMS gross terms GRT gross registered tonnage 供你参考,供你掌管处境 运费 到付运费 运费吨 英尺 运费吨 运费预付 满载重量和容积 前部 淡水吃水 货运代理人 FIATA仓储收据 中文 政府海运提单 杂货 杂货费率,普

14、遍货物运价 毛重 普遍货物运价 统一杂货租船合同(金康合同) 货运总代理 世界标准时,格林威治时间 全球定位系统 (船舶)散装容积 或 毛(重) 毛重 带吊杆的 运价下调 运价上调,综合运费上涨 全面涨价 总承兑条款,即船方负担装卸费 总登记吨,简称总吨 GSA GW 缩写 i.a.w. I.C.D I.E. i.o.u. I.P.A. IA IAC IACS IAF IATA ICAO ICC ICS IFF I-H IMDG IMO IMP in. INC,incl. INCOTERMS INST INT INT general sales agent 销售总代理 gross weight 毛重 英文 中文 in accordance with 按照 inland clearance depot 内陆点清关堆场 id est 即是.,那就是. I owe you 借据,欠条 including part


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