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1、Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.

2、Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.夏天的风SUMMER WIND趣玩生活2021六月月度系列暖场活动策划案 目录CONTENTS01活动思路A c t i v i t y i d e a s02活 动 总 述A c t i v i t y o v e r v i e w03活 动 排 期A c t i v i t y s c h e d u l i n g04活 动 细节A c t i v i t y d e t a i l sPART ONE活 动

3、 思 路Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your t

4、ext.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.夏天的风在这个充满初夏风味的月度,通过打造一系列趣味的,激情的,暖心的活动,邂逅初夏季节的美好。In this month full of early summer flavor, through creating a series of interesting, passionate and warm activities, we can meet the beauty of early summer.六月涵盖了端午节,父亲节,欧洲杯重大营销节点。June cove

5、rs the Dragon Boat Festival, fathers day and major marketing nodes of the European Cup.夏天的风Create a lively range of the scene, gather people.营造现场热闹范围,聚集人气。Increase the popularity and reputation of the project in the hearts of customers.增加项目在客户心中的知名度和美誉度。Let customers feel the intention of the projec

6、t, sincere, careful and customer first determination.让客户感觉到项目的用心,诚心,细心以及客户至上的决心。活动目的活动目的PART TWO活 动 总 述Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to ent

7、er your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.活动主题:夏天的风趣玩生活活动时间:2021年6月活动地点:地产项目营销中心参与人群:老业主、目标客户、意向客户,自然到访客户活动形式:围绕节点进行活动,以及两重美好一夏计划活动调性:趣味、亲子、狂欢、民俗、活活 动动 总总 述述PART THREE活 动 排 期Click

8、 here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click

9、 here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.夏天的风SUMMER WIND趣 玩 生 活第一周初夏专场第二周端午专场第三周父亲专场第四周足球专场PART FOUR活 动 细 节Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text

10、.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text

11、.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.初夏专场第一周第一周 初夏专场# #互动打卡互动打卡# #热情的夏天,和一顶沙滩帽最为相配,尤其是加上自己的灵感与创意

12、,戴上它,去看夏日里盛放的花、青翠的草感受热烈的夏风、灿烂的阳光,不负夏日好时光,这个夏天让你“帽”美如花!# #沙滩帽沙滩帽# #第一周 初夏专场热情的夏天,和一顶沙滩帽最为相配,尤其是加上自己的灵感与创意,戴上它,去看夏日里盛放的花、青翠的草,感受热烈的夏风、灿烂的阳光,不负夏日好时光,这个夏天让你“帽”美如花!热情的夏天,和一顶沙滩帽最为相配,尤其是加上自己的灵感与创意,戴上它,去看夏日里盛放的花、青翠的草感受热烈的夏风、灿烂的阳光,不负夏日好时光,这个夏天让你“帽”美如花!# #生态瓶生态瓶# #第一周 初夏专场夏日炎炎,没有时间去亲近大海的你,不如就换个方式,将缤纷海洋带回家,心情也

13、会跟着清爽起来。活动现场设置手工互动区,提供多款金鱼及透明景观瓶和相关布景装饰品,安排1名手工老师现场指导来宾制作。热情的夏天,和一顶沙滩帽最为相配,尤其是加上自己的灵感与创意,戴上它,去看夏日里盛放的花、青翠的草感受热烈的夏风、灿烂的阳光,不负夏日好时光,这个夏天让你“帽”美如花!# #精美冷餐精美冷餐# #第一周 初夏专场营销中心内设置茶歇区,为客户供应美食饮品。Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your

14、text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.端午专场第二周端午来历端午来历端午节(别称:端阳节、重午节、龙舟节、龙日节、正阳节、浴兰节、天中节,英文名:D

15、ragon Boat Festival)是中国首个入选世界非遗的节日,起源于中国古代,日期是每年农历五月初五。第二周 端午专场第一周 初夏专场# #互动打卡互动打卡# #热情的夏天,和一顶沙滩帽最为相配,尤其是加上自己的灵感与创意,戴上它,去看夏日里盛放的花、青翠的草感受热烈的夏风、灿烂的阳光,不负夏日好时光,这个夏天让你“帽”美如花!# #暖场演绎暖场演绎- -古筝古筝# #第一周 初夏专场现场将邀请专业的古筝大师到现场进行暖场音乐的演绎,完美烘托现场中式传统佳节的氛围。热情的夏天,和一顶沙滩帽最为相配,尤其是加上自己的灵感与创意,戴上它,去看夏日里盛放的花、青翠的草感受热烈的夏风、灿烂的阳

16、光,不负夏日好时光,这个夏天让你“帽”美如花!# #手作香粽手作香粽# #第一周 初夏专场包粽子是端午节的一种传统风俗。现场备用不同的粽子馅材料,可供客户选择,同时将邀请专业老师现场进行特色美味的粽子DIY教学,做好的粽子可带走回家进行烹饪食用。(每份4个粽子,含包装)热情的夏天,和一顶沙滩帽最为相配,尤其是加上自己的灵感与创意,戴上它,去看夏日里盛放的花、青翠的草感受热烈的夏风、灿烂的阳光,不负夏日好时光,这个夏天让你“帽”美如花!# #手作艾草香囊手作艾草香囊# #第一周 初夏专场夏季来临,天气渐转湿热,百病易生,现场准备了天然的艾草,选择自己喜欢的图案,慢慢装入艾草,一针一线细细缝制,小巧精致,味道独特,挂于腰间、包上,车里可驱虫防蚊,护佑安康。热情的夏天,和一顶沙滩帽最为相配,尤其是加上自己的灵感与创意,戴上它,去看夏日里盛放的花、青翠的草感受热烈的夏风、灿烂的阳光,不负夏日好时光,这个夏天让你“帽”美如花!# #非遗扎染方巾非遗扎染方巾# #第一周 初夏专场扎染问世于秦朝,是享誉中外的蓝印花布的品种之一,现今扎染的面料扩展到了棉、麻、丝、缎、平绒、类绒、皮革等。现场展示国家级



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