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2、. 单项选择1、It that China _ its first homemade aircraft carrier (国产航空母舰) in the water in Dalian on April 26, 2017.Awas reported; put Bwas reported; was putCreported; put Dreported; was put2、_ big success the charity show was! We have raised a lot of money.AHowBWhatCHow aDWhat a3、-Must I stay here with y

3、ou, Mum?-No, you _ .You may go home now, but you _ go to the net-bar.Amustnt; neednt Bneednt; mustntCmust; need Dneed; must4、It was a difficult time for the relatives of Missing MH370 Passengers when they heard the bad news , but they didnt _ hope.Agive outBgive offCgive inDgive up5、-Mary failed the

4、 exam yesterday.- Give her a phone call. We should _.Acheer up her Bcheer up Ccheer her up Dcheered up6、We were looking forward to seeing the three film stars in today s concert, but to our great disappointment, only one _.Agrew upBshowed upCwoke up7、It _ heavily when we got off the train.ArainsBrai

5、nedCis rainingDwas raining8、-Can you look after my dog for me while I am away?AIts a pleasure BWith pleasure CNever mind DThats right9、Look at my stamps. How do you like them?They are beautiful! Youve got a wonderful _.AintroductionBexhibitionCcollection10、Students _ to read the text carefully befor

6、e they answered the questions.Aask Basked Care asked Dwere asked. 完形填空11、Four students are talking about the future after class.“In 2050, our life will be much 1 than it is now. The sky is bluer and water is clearer. We can 2 the fresh air every day. Humans and animals 3 the world peacefully. ” says

7、 Zhang Tao, full of hope.Wang Yan thinks that it is not a 4 to travel to the moon for a holiday. We eat healthy food every day. At that time, everyone will enjoy a 5 life.Li Yuanyuan believes that people will have more free time because robots (机器人) will be very popular and will do many things 6 peo

8、ple. And we will build new 7 on other planets (星球). Maybe we can chat with each other in our new homes.Zhao Kai thinks that no animals will die out because of cloning (克隆). There will 8 no pollution (污染). The whole world will be one big 9 As time 10 , well live a much easier and better life.Their te

9、acher Mr. Chen tells them to work hard for their dreams and future. “Nothing is impossible. ” says Mr. Chen.1Abetter Blonger Csafer Dfaster2Alook Btaste Cbreathe Dsee3Afight Bshare Clive Dlove4Adream Bway Cfeeling Dfun5Ashorter Bfaster Clonger Dfatter6Afull Bthink Chear Dfor7Afamilies Bhomes Cschool

10、s Dhospitals8Ais Bare Cbe Dhave9Afamily Bearth Cball Dhouse10Apast Bpasts Cpass DPasses. 语法填空12、A man was walking through a large city. On a street corner,he saw a boy 1 (sell) a number of small birds in a cage(笼子)He looked at the birds flying about in the cage and 2(try)to get out. He stood for som

11、e time looking at the birds .At last he said to 3(冠词)boy,“How much do you ask for your birds?” “Fifty cents a bird,sir,” said the boy. “I 4(not) mean how much a bird,” said the man,“ 5(连词)how much for all of them? I expect to buy 6(it) all.”The boy began to count,and found they came to five dollars.

12、 “There is your money,” said the man. The boy took it 7(happy).Then the man opened the cage door as quickly as he could,and let all the birds 8(fly)away.The boy,in great surprise,cried,“What did you do that9(介词),sir?You have lost all your birds.”“I will tell you why I did it,” said the man.“ I has b

13、een shut up for three years in a prison(监狱), and I10 decide) never to see anything in prison which I can make free.”. 阅读理解A13、Yesterday the police were joined by more than 20 volunteers in the continuing search for the two missing teenagers, Vicky Gray and Tom Hunter, and their guide, Gavin Jones. T

14、he police said that they had disappeared during an adventure tour of Cape York Peninsula.This was the second day of the search and the police were now very worried about the safety of the three missing people.The police said that the search had covered a wide area, but the rainforest was thick and t

15、heir work was made harder by the recent rain. Later on Chief Inspector (警官) Roger Fleet said, “The travelers had a radio with them. If they had been in trouble, they would have called us.”The three travelers left Cooktown very early on Saturday morning in a Toyota car. They took a small dirt road that runs down



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