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1、2022高考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1 Have you watched the film “Avatar”? Not yet. But I the film is worth watching.Aam toldBwas toldChave toldDhave been told2

2、The aim of the government is to make every citizen better off,_, to help them live a happy lifeAas a resultBfor a startCfor one thingDin other words3Children who are not active or_ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.AwhatBwhoseCwhichDthat4Its nearly four years since I worked in that firm.

3、I _ a band with other fellows.AoperatedBhad been operatingCwas operatingDam operating5Li Hua _ his money for dollars before he went on a holiday in America.Aexchanges Bhas exchangedCwill exchange Dhad exchanged6The statement of One Foundation helps you _ where your money is goingAkeep track ofBput u

4、p withCcome up withDfit in with7The people succeeded because they understood that you cant let your failures _ you you have to let your failures teach you.Adefine BdeclineCqualify Dsimplify8_ that it was sold out when it came out.ASo was her successful bookBSo successful was her bookCSo her book was

5、 successfulDSo successful her book was 9Kimberly _ an article, so dont disturb her.Awould writeBwritesCwroteDis writing10You cant imagine how excited we were _ that our schoolmates had won the first place in National Robot Competition.AlearningBhaving learnedCto be learningDto learn11I wanted some m

6、ore cold meat but there was _ left.AnoneBno oneCanyDsome12If these new measures dont work, well have to _ our old system.Amake up for Bcome up withCbreak away from Dfall back on13Wild swans _ in the area is a good indication of a better environment.AexhibitionBescapeCabsenceDappearance14He _ in a un

7、iversity for five years, but now he runs a company of his own.Ahas taughtBhad taughtCtaughtDhas been teaching15John lives _. He has a very small budget and little money to spend on clothes.Ain the black Bon a shoestringCover the moon Dat the drop of a hat16_ caught in the rain unexpectedly, we still

8、 enjoyed the journey very much.AWhenBAsCUnlessDAlthough17To work from home, which one could hardly imagine, has been made with the development of computer technology.ApossibleBit possibleCpossiblyDto be possible18_what they say about me, Im going to continue my work.AIn terms ofBRegardless ofCInstea

9、d ofDIn favor of19In time we reached a stage we had more young readers than old onesAwhereBhowCwhoDwhat20Our teacher entered the classroom, _.Aa book in hand Bbook in hand Cbook in his hand Da book in hands第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is mostl

10、y a desert. However, this has not stopped the country from creating great building projects. On September 26, UAE officials announced another ambitious project Mars Science City. Expansive deserts and miles of coastline provide plenty of options for safe rocket launches (发射). And its position on the

11、 Earth makes it especially appealing as the spin of the Earth provides an extra push, meaning less fuel is needed to get payloads into orbit. All these seem to make it possible.The Mars City Project, designed by Bjarke Ingels Group, or BIG, will provide a realistic model to simulate (模仿) living on t

12、he surface of Mars, the red planet. It is part of the UAEs Mars 2117 Project to lead the global race to land humans on Mars and be the first to build a settlement there. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Prime Minister and ruler of Dubai, says, “The UAE seeks international support to develop technologies

13、that benefit humans, and lay the foundation of a better future for more generations to come.”Built outside Dubai, the 1.9 million square feet city is expected to cost $135 million. It will consist of several dome-shaped laboratories, similar to the ones imagined for the first Mars settlers. Scientis

14、ts from around the word will be invited to conduct research to come up with methods to create food, water and energy, using techniques which can be copied onto the red planet. The living spaces, where the researchers can live for up to a year, will simulate the planets conditions as much as possible

15、.The research city will also include a museum featuring famous space achievements to help educate and inspire children to undertake space exploration and discovery. To discover whether the construction method works on Mars, the museums walls will be 3D printed using the sand from the nearby desert. Now, if they would only add some living quarters for the genera


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