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1、Unit 1 Nice to meet you湘教版四年级上册 Lets ReviewHello ; Hi 你好Good morning 早上好Good afternoon 下午好This is这是Im.我是如何和人打招呼HelloHiGood morningGood morningThis is my brotherNice to meet you Nice to meet you ,tooNew Words Meet 见面;碰到短语:meet you 遇见你例句:Nice to meet you.很高兴遇见你同音字:meat 肉课文重现Good morning, Amy.Good morn

2、ing ,Lingling.How are you?Im fine .Thank you.This is Chen Dong. Hes my brother.Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you, too!系动词bebe( is am are)的用法我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is用在他(he)、她(she)、它(it);单数形式用is;复数形式在用are;你们、我们、他们也用are系动词be练习填上对应的Be动词I _good at maths .Tim _good at English.Mum_ cooking in the kitchen.My g

3、randma _washing in washroom.Father _ watering the plants.Rabbits _my friend.I_ doing my homework.Mary_ sweeping the floor.They_ playing basketball.【即学即用】选词填空fine This morning brotherThank Nice are meet1、Good ( ) .2. ( ) is my ( ) .3、Its a ( ) day. 4、( ) to ( ) you.5、They ( ) cats.6、( ) you very much

4、.New Wordsglad 高兴的Glad to see you! 很高兴见到你扩展:We are glad to hear the news. 听到这个消息,我们很高兴。-Welcome to Mr. Lis class.Step1 Lead-incircleStep2 Presentation1. New words: 圆形圆形square正方形正方形line_线a dot circlesquare_linedotcirclesquare_linedot抽取图片,并快速说出抽取图片,并快速说出相应图形的名称相应图形的名称Swat Flies 拍苍蝇拍苍蝇circlelinesquared

5、ot看到苍蝇从哪个图形落下,准确说出看到苍蝇从哪个图形落下,准确说出该图形的英文名称就算拍中了苍蝇。该图形的英文名称就算拍中了苍蝇。circlelinesquaredot看到苍蝇从哪个图形落下,准确说出看到苍蝇从哪个图形落下,准确说出该图形的英文名称就算拍中了苍蝇。该图形的英文名称就算拍中了苍蝇。What s this ?It s _.What s that ?Its _.2. New sentencesa circlea circlethis 指代较近的事物指代较近的事物that 指代较远的事物指代较远的事物What s_?It s _.What s _?Its _.a squarea sq

6、uarethisthatWhat s _?It s _.What s _?Its _.a linea linethisthatWhats this?Its a circle.Step3 PracticeWhats this?Its a square.Whats this?Its a lineWhats this?Its a dot.Step4 Role playWhats this?Its a circle.Its a square.Its a line.Its a dot.Whats this?Whats this?Whats this?:1.按正确格式抄写句子按正确格式抄写句子2.预习预习

7、A部分对话,部分对话, 听写听写B部分单词。部分单词。elephantmonkeytigerbirdmousebirdtigermonkeyelephantmouseLook at that elephant.Its big.Look at this monkey.Its funny.Look at that tiger.Its strong.Look at this bird.Its beautiful.Please answer(请回答)。1.How many kinds of animals are there?(有多少种动物?)Four.2.What are they?(它们是什么?)

8、A big elephant.A funny monkey.A strong tiger.A beautiful bird.Elephant,elephant,look at this elephant.Big,big,its big.Monkey,monkey,look at that monkey.Funny,funny,its funny.Tiger,tiger,look at this tiger.Strong,strong,its strong.Bird,bird,look at that bird .Beautiful,beautiful,its beautiful.Warm pr

9、ompt(温馨提示): Animals are our good friends. We should love them and take good care of them.:Unit 4 These are flowers.thisthatthisthat这个这个s那个那个tthis和和that的用法的用法1.this是离说话人比较是离说话人比较近近的人或物;的人或物; that是离说话人比较是离说话人比较远远的人或物。的人或物。This is a pen.(这是一支钢笔。这是一支钢笔。)That is a pencil.(那是一支铅笔。那是一支铅笔。)this和theseThis is

10、 a bird.These are birds.that 和 thoseThat is an egg.Those are eggs.birdbirdseggeggstreetreesflowerflowerssheepsheepgrasschildchildrenbirdbirdseggeggstreetreesflowerflowerssheepgrasstreesflowersthesechildrensheepthoseflowertreeeggsbirdsgrassSweep bombsHomework1,Unit 4 单词抄写四英一中,并熟读。2,预习Unit 4 课文。3. The

11、 rabbits are .A lovelyB Jacks2. The birds are .A funnyB strong1. The zoo is .A PetersB beautiful茶庵铺镇中心小学 唐满How do you feel?I m hungry!饥饿的饥饿的 dumplingdumpling 饺子饺子breadbread 面包面包 biscuits biscuits 饼干饼干 noodlesnoodles 面条面条 rice rice 米饭米饭 milkmilk 牛奶牛奶What do you like?I like biscuits.I dont like rice.I

12、 like biscuits.I dont like rice.情景表演We are at restaurant. What do you like?I like biscuits.I dont like rice.breadnoodles milk jam dumplingsLets chant:Noodles, noodles,I like noodles.Rice, rice ,I like rice.Bread, bread, I dont like bread.Milk ,milk ,I like milk.Dumplings, dumplings ,I dont like dump

13、lingsBiscuits. biscuits. I like biscuits. Dongdong: Im hungry.Dongdong: Im hungry. Peter: Me too.Peter: Me too. Dongdong: I love dumplings.Mmm.Dongdong: I love dumplings.Mmm. Anne: I like milk and bread. Anne: I like milk and bread. What do you like, Lingling? What do you like, Lingling? Lingling:I

14、like noodles.Lingling:I like noodles. I dont like rice I dont like rice . .Reading:Homework1.熟读熟读PartA,可以提前背诵。,可以提前背诵。2.抄写抄写PartB单词,英文四遍,中文一遍。单词,英文四遍,中文一遍。3.用英文向你的家人朋友介绍菜单。用英文向你的家人朋友介绍菜单。桃源县龙潭镇中心小学 刘冰雪左左 边边右右 边边leftrightturn转弯转弯turn left 向左转向左转turn right 向右转向右转Which hand? left or right?糖果在哪只手上?up 向上

15、向上down 向下向下 I say you do!我说你做!我说你做!Lets sing and dance !What are we ?You are .What are we?You are soldiers.a soldiersoldiersAre you soldiers?Yes, we are.No, we arent.What are we?You are policemen.policemanpolicemenAre you policemen?Yes, we are.No, we arent.traffic policeman交通警察交通警察traffic policemen

16、交通警察(复数)交通警察(复数)stopturn leftturn rightLets play a guessing game.Left,right,left,right.What are we?Are you soldiers?Turn right!Yes, we are.What are we?You are traffic policemen.Listen and answer !听音回答听音回答1.Are you _ ?2.Yes, _.3.What are we?_Check answers!2.Yes, _.1.Are you _ ?3.What are we?1.Are you _soldiers_ ?You are traffic policemen.2.Yes, we are.Lets play a guessing game.Left,right,left,right.What are we?Are you soldiers?Turn right!Yes, we are.What are we?You are traffic policemen.角色扮演角色扮演


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