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1、 四年级英语(上)第一、二单元试题 班级 姓名 成绩 听力部分(30分)一、 选择你所听到的单词。(10分)( )1. A. pear B. panda C. parrot( )2.A. have B. here C. hello( )3.A. this B. these C. those( )4.A. horse B. horses C. hot X k B 1 . c o m( )5.A. thank B. thanks C. thank you( )6.A mango B. man C. woman( )7.A.under B. behind C. helen( )8.A.This is

2、 my pen. B. That is my pen. C. That is your pen.s this? B. Whats that? C. Whats it?( )10.A.this pineapple B. that pineapple C. the pineapple二、听录音,用数字给下列句子排序。(5分) http:/w ww.xkb1.c ( )Lets make a fruit salad.( ) I like pineapples.( ) Look at my toy elephant.( ) Do you have any pens?( ) Whos the girl?

3、三、听录音,根据所听到的内容,选择相应的回答。(5分)( ) 1. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, I do.( ) 2. A. Thanks. B. How nice! C. Here you are.( ) 3. A. Black. B. No, it isnt. 新一| 网 C. Great!( ) 4. A. Yes, I do. B. Its a dog. C. No, I dont.( ) 5. A. No, it isnt. B. Two apples, please. C. Yes, I do.四、听录音,完成下列句子。(10分)1.

4、you have ? , I do.2.I orange and some .3. Miss Li is _teacher.4. Do you _ pineapples? Lets _a fruit salad.笔试部分(70分)一、英汉互译。(10分)1. 一个玩具熊猫 2. Here you are. 3.那些猫 4.our fruit salad 5.喜欢马 6. cute and fat 7. 一些香蕉 8.make a cake 9. 这只狗 10. how many bags _二、找出不是同一类的单词。(5分) ( ) 1. A. animal B. pig C. cow ( )

5、 2. A. fruit B. apple C. orange ( ) 3. A. he B. she C. my ( ) 4. A. any B. some C. grape( ) 5. A. lions B. monkeys C. elephant三、选择填空。(12分)( ) 1. Look these toy animals. A. is B. at C. it( ) 2. I like cat. A. these B. that C. those( ) 3. Do you like this ?A. a lion B. lions C. lion( ) 4. Do you like

6、? A. a lion B. lion C. lions( ) 5. I have five . A .book B. a book C. books( ) 6. Do you have rubbers?A. some B. any C. a ( ) 7. 当你告诉别人你喜欢小狗时你应该说: AI like a dogs. B. I like dogs. C. I have a dog.( ) 8.当你想问别人是否有一些橘子时,你可以说:A. Do you have any orange? B. Do you have some oranges? C. Do you have any oran

7、ges?( )9.你想知道别人有没有蛋糕,你会问:A .Do you have a cake? B .How many cakes do you have? C .What do you have?( )10.你想知道对方喜不喜欢老虎,会问: A .Do you like this tiger? B. Do you like tigers? C. Do you have a tiger?( )11.你问Bobby想不想要一个水果沙拉,你会问:A. Would you like a pie ,Bobby? B. Would you like a fruit salad, Bobby? C. Wh

8、at would you like ,Bobby?( )12、你想问Sam 有多少个芒果,你应该问:A. Do you have any mangoes? B. How many mango do you have? C. How many mangoes do you have?四、从右栏中找出左栏相应的答句。写在题前括号内(10分)( )1. Do you like cakes? A. Yes, it is.( )2. What is that? B. Thanks.( )3. Here you are. C. Its cute.( )4.Look at my dog. D. No, I

9、dont( )5.Is this a monkey? E. Its a toy monkey.五、根据情景,完成英文句子。(10分)1.你喜欢狗吗?不,我不喜欢。_you _ _?No, I _.2.那是一只狮子吗?不,不是。它是一只老虎。Is _a lion? No, _isnt. Its a_.3.我有一些葡萄。你有一些葡萄吗?I have _grapes. Do you have _grapes?4.看我们的芒果。Look at _mangoes.六、连词成句,注意句子开头字母的大写(5分)1. like you do tigers (?)_ 2. have do any you pin

10、eapples(?)_ 3. robots do how you have many Mike (, ?)_ 4. make lets salad a fruit (. )_ 5. look boys these girls at animals toy and (, . )_ 七、排序(10分)A. Whats that on the desk?B. Do you like pineapples?C. Its a big pineapple.D. Great. Lets eat it together(一起)。EYes, I do.八、阅读短文,判断正误。(正确用 “T ”,错误用 “F”表示) (8分)Lily: Hi, Nancy. Look,I have a toy cat.Nancy: How cute!Lily: Do you like


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