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1、龙文教育一对一个性化辅导教案学生学校年级次数第 次科目英语教师日期时段课题 Unit8 Surprise endings 课文知识与语法讲解教学重点1.熟记Unit8重要单词、短语及句型并会准确运用;2.掌握重要语法知识点- 名词,形容词后可加介词的用法3 运用常用语表达情感,态度,原因和结果教学难点中低频词组的掌握语法的实际运用教学目标能够会运用所学的单词和短语掌握语法知识根据本单元所学,进行相关话题的写作教学步骤及教学内容一、课前热身:Small-test :等二、内容讲解: 步骤一:课文基础知识巩固复习1. 单词与短语:读、听默,检查学生对本单元的词汇掌握情况 2. 单词与短语的巩固练习

2、(单词拼写、完成句子)3. 课文内容及重点句型、短语表达及用法巩固复习afford 及物动词,意为“买的起,负担得起(.的费用)”,后面接名词,代词或动词不定式作宾语,通常用在can,could,be able to 等之后。Eg:The computer is too expensive.The boy cant afford it.present 此处作可数名词,意为“礼物”。拓展:present 用作名词,还可意为“现在,目前”;at present 意为“目前,现在”。步骤二:课文同步语法知识点讲解及中考链接练习 形容词后可加介词,例如, be afraid of be good at

3、 be good for. be good to.步骤三:综合巩固练习(找出学生未掌握的知识点)三、课堂小结:四四、作业布置: 管理人员签字: 日期: 年 月 日作业布置1、学生上次作业评价: 好 较好 一般 差 备注:2、本次课后作业:课堂小结 家长签字: 日期: 年 月 日Unit8 Surprise Endings 讲义 Name: Date:Step 1: Check about the homework and explain about the mistakes; a five minute check about last class.Step 2: Lead in to thi

4、s Unit:Step 3: Explain the language points in the reading part and the more practice part.Step 4: Explain the grammarStep 5: Do some exercises related to this unit Step 6: summarize what we learnt in the class Unit8 Surprise Endings1. She could not afford a present.(教材115页) afford 及物动词,意为“买的起,负担得起(.

5、的费用)”,后面接名词,代词或动词不定式作宾语,通常用在can,could,be able to 等之后。Eg:The computer is too expensive.The boy cant afford it.Can you afford to pay such a price? present 此处作可数名词,意为“礼物”。 Eg:I received a special present on my ninth birthday.拓展:present 用作名词,还可意为“现在,目前”;at present 意为“目前,现在”。2. Jim and Della had two poss

6、essions which they were both proud of .(教材115页) be proud of. 意为“对.感到自豪,以.为荣”,后面 可以接人或物作宾语,相当于take pride in His parents are both proud of his success.中考链接:-Mom,I was the first to reach the top of the mountain.-Good job,Jack , Im of you. A.careful B.proud C.tired D.afraid3. It fell about her,and reach

7、ed below her knee. below此处作介词,意为“在.的下面,在.以下”,其 反义词为above。4. Then Della searched through the stores looking for a present for a present for Jim.(教材115页) search through 意为“在.搜寻”,表示搜寻的范围。search 此处作不及物动词,意为“搜寻,查找”。5. His eyes were fixed on Della.(教材115页) be fixed on.意为“集中于.”。拓展:fix.on.意为“把(目光,注意力等)集中于.”

8、Eg:All the students fixed their eyes on the teacher.6. There lay the set of combs that she had always wanted. (教材115页) 以there 或here 开头的句子,如果主语是名词,句子要用 倒装结构:There/Here + 谓语动词+主语。Eg:There stands a tall tree in front of the house.Here comes the bus!7.Now they were hers,but her hair was gone.(教材115页) be

9、 gone 意为“去了,离开,消失” Eg:The unhappy days are gone forever.辨析:gone,lost 和missing gone 表示“失去”,包括“(东西)没了;(时间)过去 了;(人)去世”等,而且语气肯定。 lost 广义的“丢失”,有可能找回,也有可能找不回。 missing 强调某人或某物暂时找不着了(含最终可能 找到之意)Eg:He is gone.I lost my pen.There is a page missing from this book.8. She smiled and held out Jims present.(教材第115

10、页) hold out 意为“递出,伸出”。 Eg:The woman in the room held out a newspaper. I held out my hand to steady her. 拓展:hold on (打电话时)别挂断 hold on to 坚持 hold up 举起 More Practice一. 词汇讲解 1.He was past 60 and earned a little money by being a model. 他超过六十岁,靠做模特来赚一点钱。(1)past 意思是“超过”。He was past 60.也可说成he was over 60 y

11、ears old. (2)earn money 意思是“赚钱”,同义词组是make money. Eg. I missed a golden chance to make a lot of money. 我失去了一个赚大钱的好机会. 2.They looked out of the window at the ivy vine. 他们看着窗外的常青藤。Look out of 意思是“向.外看” 3.Shes out of danger.她脱离了危险。Out of danger 意思是“脱离危险”,be in danger 意思是“处于危险中” Eg. The doctor said that

12、his life was out of danger. 医生说他的生命已经脱离危险了。 Reading练习一. 根据句意和所给的首字母完成下列句子。 1.Mothers Day is coming. Lily is going to make a card as a g_for her mother. 2. The teacher c_ the number of the students before setting out. She found someone was missing. 3. Simon d_ a book from his bag and put it on the ta

13、ble. 4. Excuse me . Have you seen the s_ over there? It says no smoking here. 5.Bella s_ the information about Mothers Day on the Internet and found a lot about its origin.二. 语言知识运用1. His parents both work in a hospital. One is a doctor and _is a nurse. A.other B.the other C.others D.another2. This is the magazine _ was sent to me by post. A.what B.that C.it D.who3. Linda got the first prize in the singing competition _. She jumped to her feet when she heard the result.



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