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1、人力资源管理基础人力资源管理基础2011-2人力资源管理与竞争优势课件第一章第一章 人力资源管人力资源管理与竞争优势理与竞争优势第二章第二章 人力资源规划人力资源规划第三章第三章 工作分析工作分析第四章第四章 招募招募第五章第五章 甄选甄选第六章第六章 培训与开发培训与开发第七章第七章 绩效评价绩效评价第八章第八章 薪酬与福利薪酬与福利第九章第九章 生产率改进方生产率改进方案案第十章第十章 员工安全与保员工安全与保健健第十一章第十一章 海外人力资海外人力资源管理实践源管理实践第十二章第十二章 在人力资在人力资源管理领域中工作源管理领域中工作 人力资源管理与竞争优势课件Chapter 1Huma

2、n Resource Management and Competitive Advantage1. Human Resource Management2. Who Is Responsible for Developing and Implementing HRM Practices?3. Gaining a Competitive Advantage4.Competitive Advantage and HRM人力资源管理与竞争优势课件LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the nature of a firms human resource management

3、practices.Understand the roles played by the managers and human resource professionals in the human resource management process.Understand what competitive advantage is and how companies can achieve it.Understand how a firms human resource management practices can help it gain a competitive advantag

4、e.Understand why competitive advantage gained from human resource management practices is likely to be sustained over time. 人力资源管理与竞争优势课件1. Human Resource ManagementHuman resource management:practices that help organizations deal effectively with its people during the various phases of the employmen

5、t cycle. 雷蒙德 诺伊等:Policies, practices and systems that influence employees behavior, attitudes and performance.Consists of three phasesPre-selectionSelectionPost-selection人力资源管理与竞争优势课件1.1 HRM Preselection PracticesHuman resource planning: A process that helps companies identify their future HRM needs

6、 and how those needs can be met.Job analysis: A systematic procedure for gathering, analyzing, and documenting information about particular jobs. Job analysis information is used to plan and coordinate nearly all HRM practices.人力资源管理与竞争优势课件1.2 HRM Selection PracticesRecruitment: A practice that comp

7、anies locate and attract job applicants for particular positions. It may be internal or external. The aim is to identify a suitable pool of applicants quickly, cost efficiently, and legally.Selection: A practice that companies assess and choose job candidates. To be effective, selection processes mu

8、st be technically sound and legal.人力资源管理与竞争优势课件1.3 HRM Postselection PracticesPractices used to maintain or improve their workers job performance and satisfaction levels.Training and DevelopmentPerformance AppraisalCompensationProductivity Improvement Programs人力资源管理与竞争优势课件Training and Development Pl

9、anned learning experiences that teach workers how to perform their current or future jobs effectively. Training focuses on present jobs.Development prepares employees for possible future jobs. 人力资源管理与竞争优势课件Performance AppraisalA process to measure the adequacy of employees job performances and commu

10、nicate these evaluations to them.Aims to motivate employees to continue appropriate behaviors and correct inappropriate ones Management may use them as tools for making HRM-related decisions, such as promotions, demotions, discharges, and pay raises.人力资源管理与竞争优势课件CompensationThe pay and benefits that

11、 employees receive from the company.Aims to establish and maintain a competent and loyal workforce at an affordable cost人力资源管理与竞争优势课件Productivity Improvement ProgramsOrganizational interventions designed to improve productivity by increasing employee motivation. Tie job behavior to rewards.Rewards m

12、ay be financial or nonfinancialAims to motivate employees to engage in appropriate job behaviors人力资源管理与竞争优势课件1.4 HRM Practices Influenced by External FactorsEvents outside the work environment can have far-reaching effects on HRM practices. Safety and health concernsInternational influences 人力资源管理与竞

13、争优势课件2. Who Is Responsible for Developing and Implementing HRM Practices?Responsibility for a firms HRM practices lies with: Human resource professionals Line managers 人力资源管理与竞争优势课件2.1 HR Professionals RoleHR professionals typically assume the four areas of responsibility:Establish HRM proceduresDev

14、elop/choose HRM methodsMonitor/evaluate HR practicesAdvise/assist managers on HRM-related matters人力资源管理与竞争优势课件2.2 Line Managers RoleLine managers direct employees day-to-day tasks.From an HRM perspective, line managers are the main people responsible for:Implementing HRM practicesProviding HR profes

15、sionals with needed input人力资源管理与竞争优势课件3. Gaining a Competitive AdvantageFirms can gain a competitive advantage over competitors by effectively managing their human resources.人力资源管理与竞争优势课件迈克尔迈克尔波特的价值链理论波特的价值链理论支持性支持性 活动活动基本活动基本活动企业基础设施(财务、计划等)企业基础设施(财务、计划等)人人 力力 资资 源源 管管 理理技技 术术 开开 发发采采 购购进料进料后勤后勤生产生

16、产发货发货后勤后勤销售销售售后服务售后服务边边际际利利润润人力资源管理与竞争优势课件3.1 Competitive advantage definedCompetitive advantage:A status achieved by a company when gaining a superior marketplace position relative to its competition.Firms can accomplish this aim through: Cost leadership Product differentiation人力资源管理与竞争优势课件3.2 Cost LeadershipA firm provides the same services or products as its competitors, but produces them at a lower cost. A firm can reduce its per unit cost by increasing the value of the following ratio:Numbe


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