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1、 学习目标A. 学会并掌握Unit 2.中所学的生词和短语。B. 复习课文并理解某一特定时刻不同的地方人们正在做的事情。C. 学会写明信片来描述此时此刻人们正在做的事情。学习反馈 A. 识记下列单词和词组1. 离开 2. 饭店 3. 驾车 4. 衣服 5. 去剧院 6. 开始 7. 此刻 8.热狗 9. 打电话回家 10. 下班 11. 下车 12 喝下午茶 *13在不同的地方 B. 理解与运用a. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The students are dong different _ (thing).2.Look! The boy _ (lie) in the sun.3.My fa

2、ther likes taking _ (photo).4.At the moment, we _ (have ) dinner at home.b. 按要求完成句子。1.They are playing the piano. (改为否定句) They _ the piano.2.He is watching TV at home.(划线提问) _ _ he watching TV?3.They swim in the pool.(变为现在进行时) They _in the pool.c. 选词填空。 play, be, like, places, watch1.Look! The boys

3、_basketball.2.Its seven oclock. Tom _ TV.3.Lucy with her sister_ science. 4.There_ some milk in the cup.5. Now in different_ of the world, people are doing different things.学习拓展 一 根据所给中文提示来完成句子,每空一词。1他们正在等公交车或火车。They _ _ _bus or trains.2一些人正在下公交车,一些人正在家里吃下午茶。Some _ _ _ the bus, some are _afternoon t

4、ea_ home.3人们没有在睡觉,他们在工作。People _ _, they _ _.4一些人正在见朋友,往家里打电话。Some people are _friends,or _home .5谢谢你的明信片。_ _ _your postcard.6请送一张贺卡给你的奶奶。 Please _ a card _Grandma.7我正在写明信片给你。I _ _the postcard _you.二、请写出下列动词的 V-ing 形式。1. Its five oclock and people _ (离开) work.2. Its nine oclock and people _ up. (起床)

5、3. The child _ computer games.(玩)4. They _ friends. (探望)5. She _ the sweater. (洗)三、句型转换。1. She can speak Chinese. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ Chinese?2. She is eating an ice cream. (改为否定句) She _ _ an ice cream.3. She has dinner at home. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ dinner at home?4. She is doing her homework. (改为否定句) She _

6、_ her homework.5. Please send me a postcard. (改为同义句)Please send a postcard _ _.四用所给动词的适当的形式填空。注意两种时态的区别。1People usually _(leave) work at five oclock. Now they _(leave)work.2Tom often _(have)lunch at school. Look, he _(have)lunch.3Daming and Betty _(like)singing. Listen , they _(sing)now .4Children a

7、lways _(start)work at seven. At the moment, they_(start) work.5Where is Tony? _he _(watch) TV at home ? Yes , he _.-_he ofen _(watch) TV at home? Yes, he _五书面表达 假如你的名字叫Betty,现在正在长城游玩。按照你的妈妈的要求写一张明信片给你的奶奶告诉她你的旅游情况。1.What are you doing now? 2.What are you enjoying now? 3.What are your friends dong now?Dear Grandma, _LoveBetty学习延伸 A认真听录音, 模仿朗读课文3遍。B. 假设你和家人现在在外度假,请写一张postcard给你的朋友,说说你们在做什么。


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