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1、Education should not be considered to be a(special right or advantage) in a modern society.A. previousB. privilegeC villageD. voyage参考答案:BThe topic of the speech was(limited to) politics.A. confined withB. defined withC. confined toD. defined to参考答案:cIn his eye, the cat is the(a thing or a person th

2、at shows the quality of) of laziness.A. episodeB. episiteC. epitasisD. epitome参考答案:Dfelony A.重罪prognosis A.判病结果She is the odd woman out, often the only females in the crowd of hard-hatted and hard-headed males.A. the woman who didn11 work together with the male workersB. the woman who was driven out

3、 by the male workmatesC. the woman who does not mix easily with her male workmatesD. the woman who is too strange that she can not get along with her workmates参考答案:cWomen dont even like walking past the construction site, why would they want to work on one? Well, to paraphrase the famous lineHlt is

4、the money stupid.HA. It is for the sake of money.B. Money doesn11 matterC. Money is not the only thing they concernD. People who work for the sake of money are stupid参考答案:AThere are a great many manic depressive who eitherhide in alcohol or drugs. (2 分)A. covered by the behavior of either excessive

5、drin king or taki ng drugsB. hiding in a bar or drugstoreC. trying to hide from the truth that they either drink or take drugD. burying oneself in alcohol and drugs参考答案:AWe didn t want to see communism take over the world, and that was what we felt it wasat stakeat that time.A. well-knownB populariz

6、edC. in dangerD. safe参考答案:cdermatologistA. 心理医生B. 儿科医生C. 妇科医生D. 皮肤科医生参考答案:DAnd I justlet loosein this emotional tirade I just lost it I started, I was angry. I was scared I was in tearsA. lost my mindB. became nervousC. release, set freeD. got crazy参考答案:cHer gossip about others privacy are sometimes

7、(change so it is strange or unclear).A. believableB. distortedC- mysteriousD. doubtful参考答案:Btug-of-warA. 拔河B. 比赛C. 战斗D. 战争参考答案:AShe had to(regain control) before she continued to relate her horrible experienee.A. correct herselfB. collect herselfC. recover herselfD rescue herself参考答案:BThere isa fine

8、 linebetween reality and illusion.A. a great distinctionB. a distinction seen only with difficulty and effortC- similarityD. differenee参考答案:BHe may sound like an Archie-bunkeo but he s got a point.A. a kind of jobB. a famous movie starC. rich people with high social statusD. A type of workingclass m

9、an who often reacts to social pressures in a bigoted and self-righteous manner. 参考答案:DThe Russia ns had bee n talki ng about their superior technology and they weremaki ng hay withthis all over the world.A- making use of somethingB. selling somethingC. stopping using somethingD. discussing about som

10、ething参考答案:AHe gotaggravatedwith it.A. irritatedB. movedC. dissapointedD. impressed参考答案:AJessie 0 Neal, a psychotherapist,(invent a new term) of “ Affluenza ” .A. inven ted the coinB. termed the coinC. made the coinD. coined the term参考答案:DIn every way, she isa phenomenon.A. a state or processB. a le

11、aderC- a common personD. an unusual person参考答案:DWhen you arrive at another place, try to act(respecting or esteeming) the local customs.A. according toB. in deferent toC. in def ere nee toD. in accord with参考答案:cHe is always(not sever, especially in punishing people) in his treatment of offendersA. h

12、arshB. indifferentC- lenientD. stubborn参考答案:cThey just wan ted to beat him up bad eno ugh to teach him a less on, not to come on to straight people and don? t be aggressive about it anymoreA. straightforward peopleB. honest peopleC. heterosexual peopleD. homosexual people参考答案:cdino saurA. 恐龙B. 豚鼠C.

13、树熊D. 袋鼠参考答案:AAccordi ng to Lin da, the first lady can(to take con trols of the situati on) better and faster tha n any other women she has ever known.A. circle the wagonB. drive the horseC. run the hoopD. walk the dog参考答案:Atran smitterA. 点火器B. 太空船C. 发射机D. 发动机参考答案:CBobs parents gave him all the spend

14、ing money he wanted with few boundaries and he spent it,chasing adrenalin highs, like sky diving.A. challenging himself to the most extentB. trying everything that seems impossibleC. burning a hole in his pocketD. seeking extreme excitement参考答案:DHe is a stubborn man(no matter judging from what aspec

15、t).A. as a resultB. in allC. in the endD. by all accounts参考答案:DThe achievement made in study closely(to show the close shared relationship) the scholarship.A. relates toB correlates withC. relativeD. relation参考答案:BSometimes, the greatness of the parents lies in their decision to sacrifice themselves for the(advantage,bene fit) of their childr en.A. welfareB. goodnessC. wellD. good 参考答案:DHis plan was to pretend he was sick. But t



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