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1、高二下学期期末测试卷(共三大题,计分95分)I-单项填空(共25小题,计分25分)A)观察所给单词的读音,从A、B、C、D中选出其划线部分的读音用所给单 词划线部分读音相同的选项.1 Captain B blindD failB seizeD affairB haircutD. violinB frequentyD silienceB storeD. forbidA insistC child2. chainA painterC bargain3. tear(v.)A. heartC variety4. secertary A. liberateC. generation5. forgive

2、A sportC. fortuneB)从A、B. C、D选项中选出可以填入空口处的最佳答案.6. By the time shethe Hongkong Airport, the plane |A got to, leftB reached, had leftC. arrived, had goneD came, had left7. He said that he would stick tothe Chinese language though he was busy.A the study ofB. studyC. learnD. learning of8- In given condi

3、tions, bad things cangood results.A lead toB. lead outD. leadC. lead from9. Tommya going-away present from Mary, but heit. |A accepted, receivedB.received, didntacceptC.got, didnt receiveD.received, accepted1(). The advice she gave at the meeting proves Awas correctB.to be correctC.him correctDcorre

4、ctness11. He is leavingLondon tomonow. A. toB. forC inD with12. The question waswould go and fetch the water from the well. JA. whoB. whereC.thatDwhen13. Is this the materialin the lab next Monday?A testedBbeing testedC testingDto be tested14. I was justto go out when it started raining. |A. /B. abo

5、utC. likelyD. off15 Her name and addressme at that moment.A jumped offB ran downC. forgotD. escaped16. teachers and students crowded in the hall, listening to a talk given by aworld-known scientist.A Hundreds ofB Hundred ofC. HundredsD. Hundred17. The manhis case in the office, so he had to wait unt

6、il his wifehome. A. has left, comesB. left, had comeC. had left, cameD. had left, would come18. How long is it since wc last met?. A. Long timeB Two years agoC. Its two yearsD. We didnt meet two years ago19. What does your mother do? I 1A She is very well. Thank youB She is a very good workerC. She

7、looks after the familyD. She works for the government20. , she couldnt come to the conference. B. Be illD. To be illA Being illnessC. Being ill21 Once, it can never be forgotten A. seeingB. seeC. to seeD. seenD No matter what23. He disagreed with us,? JA. did heB didnt heC. does heD doesnt he24. The

8、 bovs and girls went homeafter class.A. No matter howB. No matterC. HowA. hand to handB shoulder in shoulderC hand in handD. side to side22. pure the water looks, I prefer not to drink it.25. Mount Jolmelungma ishigher than Mount Huang which locates in AnhuiProvince A. veryB. fairlyC. quiteD. rather

9、II.完形填空(共15小题,计分15分)Once a 26 was leading a donkey to the market when a bag of corn fell down off his donkey and fell into the ground He didnt know 27 to do because the bag was 28 for him alone His hope was that presently someone would lend him a 29Soon a man appeared, but the villagers 3() sank bec

10、ause he recognized _31 was the great man who lived nearby. He thought, “If the person riding here 32 not so great a man!”However, the great man 33 his donkey, saying, “ I see youve had 34 and Em here just 35 the right time Before the villager begged, both of them lifted the bag of corn on the back o

11、f the 36 . “ 37 can I pay you?n said thevillager. “38 Do the same for him 39 you see anyone who needshelp, replied the 40.26. A villagerC doctor27. A. howC what28. A. too lightC. heavy29. A donkeyC. bag3() A. heartC. face31. A. heC. this32. A. wereC. is33. A. got offC rode34. A. good luckC good day3

12、5. A. inC. for36. A. horseC donkey37. A. HowC. When38. A Easy enoughC. Easily enough39. A wheneverC whatever40. A. villageC great manB workerD. soldierB whateverD. howeverB. lightD. too heavyB handD. headB donkeyD. bagB thatD. itB. wasD. areB got onDe stoppedB bad luckD. bad dayB onD. atB houseD. ma

13、nB. WhyD. WhatB Hard enoughD Simple enoughB whereverD. howeverB donkeyD horsein.阅读理解(共25小题,每小题2分,计分50分) A)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案.(1)Making a film takes a long time and is very hard work. Writing the story for the film may take many weeks. Filming the story being acted-一-or shooting the film, as it

14、 is calledoften takes at least six months. Actors and cameramen work from very early in the morning until late at night. Each scene (场景)had to be acted and reacted, filmed and refilmed, until it is just right. Sometimes the same scene has to be acted twenty or thirty times.The film studio is like a large factory and the indoor stages are very big indeed Scenery of all kinds is made in the studio, churches, castles and forests are all built of wood and cupboard Sever


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