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1、2019-2020年中考试新人教版 (I)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分)1. When did the woman make her speech? A. This morning. B. Yesterday. C. The day before yesterday.2. What does the woman say about the iPhone? A. Its too expensive. B. Its so fashionable. C. It may be a present.3. Why does the man make the phon

2、e? A. To ask for information about a house. B. To put on an ad in Sundays newspaper. C. To ask for the womans name and number.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Who likes to use the electric bike. B. How to deal with the electric bike. C. Whether the electric bike should have been thr

3、own away.5. What happened to the speakers? A. They broke the window. B. They had a car accident. C. Their house was broken into.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. How long is the track? A. A quarter of a mile. B. Half a mile. C. A mile.7. When will the woman have her first volleyball game?

4、A. Two weeks later. B. Tomorrow afternoon. C. Next week.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What is Mr. Johnson doing? A. Answering the phone. B. Having a meeting. C. Working in the office.9. Where will Mr. Johnson go at four ? A. To the airport. B. To the accounting office C. To his customers office.请听第8段材料,回答第10至12

5、题。10. Why does the man make posters for the office walls?A. To make the office walls look very beautiful. B. To remind people to take a break every hour.C. To tell people to pay more attention to teamwork.11. How does the woman feel about the mans idea?A. Great. B. Doubtful. C. Meaningless.12. What

6、does the man advise doing?A. Getting up early every day.B. Not staring at the computer too long.C. Practicing their spoken English together.请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What did the man speaker promise to do last year?A. Stopping smoking. B. Save some money. C. Work harder than before.14. Which of the foll

7、owing is the woman speakers resolution this year?A. Getting more exercise. B. Saving some money. C. Having a nice vacation.15. Whose watch is always fast by ten minutes?A. Henrys. B. The man speakers C. The woman speakers.16. Where will the speakers probably go after the conversation?A. To a booksto

8、re. B. To a watch store. C. To a fast food store.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What kind of use of plants is NOT mentioned in the talk?A. Building houses. B. Making paper. C. Making dyes.18. What do people mostly depend on flowering plants for?A. Food. B. Fuel. C. Decorations.19. Where can people find plan

9、ts according to the speaker?A. On snow mountains. B. Under rocks. C. In deserts.20. What does the speaker mainly want to tell us?A. Plants exist on the earth long. B. Plants used to be widely used. C. Plants are the source of many things. 第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:单项填空(满分15分)21. - Im afraid I cant return the s

10、cience fiction to you before Wednesday. - _. A. Dont be afraid B. Be careful C. Not at all D. Take your time22. -He was nearly drowned once. -When was _? -_ was in 1998 when he was in middle school. A. that; It B. this; This C. this; It D. that; This 23. I often listen to BBC news because it is _ ev

11、ery day. A. made B. deleted C. updated D. printed24. When work is _ pleasure, life is _ joy! When work is _ duty, life is _ slavery. A. /; a; a; / B. a; /; a; a C. a; a; a; / D. the; a; the; / 25. Not far from the station there used to be a pretty garden, _ owner would be seated in it, reading newsp

12、apers every afternoon.A. where B. whose C. its D. which26. - How was your recent trip to Beijing? - I have not had _ one before.A. a more pleasant B. a pleasant C. a most pleasant D. the most pleasant27.Today, many college students are seeking“golden professions” _ the Internet. A. at B. via C. of D

13、. past28. The firm _ by Lenovo Group Limited a couple of days ago.A. had been taken over B. had been taken inC. was being taken over D. was taken over29. Our country will continue to push for the _ of its political system, but will not copy western models, a government spokesman said.A. progress B.

14、performance C. reform D. tendency30.We should _ our success to our hard work rather than intelligence.A. refer B. owe C. own D. prefer31. After the long journey, the five of them went back home, _.A. hungry and tiredly B. hungrily and tiredlyC. hungry and tired D. hungrily and tired32. It is obvious to the students _ they should get well prepared for their future.A. as B. which C. whether D. that33. The project _


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