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1、综英教材写作词汇整理第二部一. 词的替换:(按字母顺序)according toin proportion to 根据advantagevirtue/beauty/strengthat oncepromptlybadbring.to ruineg: bring years of my efforts to ruins.把我多年的努力化为了泡影 become, change intodevelopinto 演变成为 (带有过程)be popularcatch onchallenging-difficult有时候因为只要是困难的就可以说是有挑战性的considerdeemcontinuousin

2、an endless streamconvenientwith a conveniencedifferent kinds ofavariety ofdisappearfadeawaydisobeyviolate(违背)dissatisfieddiscontentedespeciallyinparticularforevereternalfrom time to timeoccasionallygreat considerablegroupcommunityhave(表拥有时)possess / take (get) possession of / be in possessionofhave

3、an effect onhavea definite influence on sb / exert (adj.)influence onhabit(n.)habitual(adj)/customaryhave bad effect onworkinvisible harm on.helpassistancehowever 用于开头nevertheless, on the other hand, in contrast,while, whereas,impossiblethereis no question of (sb ) doing sth 不可能做,再也不会有in any situati

4、ononany accountin this situationinthis case, on this account/this state of affairsit doesnt mean thatit is not ones contention thatlearnacquirelook high uponprize/ valuelook down uponbeindifferent to 对漠然,ones indifference tounderestimate/undervalue 低估lonelysolitarymake suresee to it that.meaningless

5、futile 无用 的modern/ real life, modern/real societyaffluent life/society 现彳弋牛活more and more growing,increasingly,obviouslytransparently 显然的 most of the timethrough much of the yearoften, mostlyforthe most partpartlyinpartplantsvegetation植被pollutioncontaminationpoor familieslow-incomefamiliesquickly, e

6、asilywitha speed and easeremembercommit sth. to memoryhave a clear memory of sth second/ thirdanother. .(way/measure/factor/point)is that.seriousacute, harshsituationthestate of affairs 形势,状况,occasion,so . thatso/such. as to 女口此以至于so thatsuch thattake action immediatelytakea prompt/an immediate acti

7、onthankbegrateful for, be appreciatetry toendeavor to, make attempt/effort to, intend touseemployvery much too, far too, unquestionably, definitely, absolutely,exceptionally, fundamentally, basically, utterly, thoroughly, totally, significa ntlyvery+负面形容词be sick withunutterably难以言表的(公认的万能词)understan

8、dmake ofuselessfutile, invalidwant to by choice 自愿,out of choice, deliberately, by design,intend towill dobelikely to, be able to, be more likely toworse and worsedeteriorate(用于身体、世态、形势、环境等恶化)(名词形式:deterioration)或者 catch up in an endless spiral 陷入死循环表示生气的n.IndignationAngerFuryWrath表示生气的adj.indignant

9、angry furiousRage(raging/rageful)二、句型替换When.in the event of.(但是后面只能跟名词)Generallyinits broad sense (从广义上说)Be importantbe given equal weightSth is oversthis brought to a closeSth is dangeroussbtakes the risk of doing.sth is usefulThere was some point to. 某东西有用It doesnt mean thatIt is not ones contenti

10、on that.我并不是说1、表达对某个背景的回忆,可用于开头做引子:It has ever occurred to people that./ It has ever dawned on sb that. 曾想过,曾发生 过2、表达记得什么:I have clear memories of.表某物曾岀现过现在还记得:survive in ones mind3、结论性总结句:This is what sth is really about这就是的所在4、用丁结尾预示坏结果:sound the alarm敲响警钟5、用于励志文章:model for为做(好)榜样6、描述新技术、新思想、个人成长成

11、熟等有发展过程的,用于结尾表展望:It takes. (time) to do7、表达某东四很重要:be at the heart of.是的核心8、情绪低落和高涨的表达:feel low/ high emotionally, feel down, feel distressed, feel depressed, be in blue9、将people具体化:peers(同龄人),the public(大众),the common people(普通人),the+ adj.等11、适用于政治上:lay an exclusive claim to 拥有,对有主权13、承上启下句:Opinions

12、 among us are divided.Opinions (to.) are divided.Opinions vary greatly (from person to person).This is not truethisis seldom the case, howeve匚14、sth replace Bsth give way to B15、all people agreethisis a consensus 16、The road to.is paved with .通往的道路是由 铺成的There has been a growing concern over.开头现象句三、话

13、题词汇 就业话题:governmental position 公务员,get re-employed 再就业,laid-off workers 下 岗工人 社会话题:area of poverty 贫穷地区,poverty-striken area 特别贫穷地区 narrow the gap between rich and poor 缩小贫富差距, low carbon life 低碳生活, ethical values 道德体系private property tax/personal income tax 个人所得税 extended family 大家庭aging老龄化:表现:redu

14、ction of death rate; decrease of birth rate政策:one-child policy/ birth control policy/ family planning policy the burden for the working labor 劳动人 口 负担 fundamental construction 基础建设the system of medical guarantee 1疗保障制度medical insurance 医保social assistance aid 社会救助 处理原则:sustainable development可持续发展 A

15、partheid种族歧视Segregation种族隔离时间表达:years ago几年前 three decades ago几十年前模糊年代表达法stretch up from time long gone 从古至U今In the early of. ; at the end of; in the latter half of的后半叶 环境污染:alarmist危言耸听者at the expense of 以.为代价sustainable grows 可持续的far-sighted 远见give us a timely alarming给我们一个及吋的警告噪音的危害:hearing less lack of slee


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