1、话题积话题积累累 水滴石穿水滴石穿根底根底盘盘点点 自我演自我演练练要点精研要点精研 考点考点讲练讲练课时标课时标准准训练训练decreaselossreservemercyappreciatesecurebiteinspectincidentfierceprotectionprotecthunthunterrespondresponsedistantdistancereliefrelievedie outin peacein danger (of)in reliefburst into laughterprotect .from注意挑选出形成;产生按照;根据所说以至于;结果损害;伤害;对有害
2、outinbeing pollutedas you wish/hopeIt is a pity thatThere is so little time leftflewto talkwere huntedto makewherelongerbecausefinallywherehad learnedaffecteffectaffectedaffected by the earthquakeitbeing treatedappreciationunemployed inasto employEmployed in reading,he didnt see Tom come in.Employin
3、g himself in reading,he didnt see Tom come in.运用,使用was dying todie downdie awaypay attention tocatch my attentionhave your attentionwas fixed onpaid tofixing his attentionwhile standingYoung as he isas they were doing farm workdo as the Romans doAs is known to us all/As we all knowsincebeforethatthatin which/thatthat/which