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1、2015届初三英语一模考试分析一、完型填空1. 完型主要考查学生在对整篇文章有一定理解的基础上对词汇的辨析。其中考查了名词,考查了动词,35考查形容词,40考查了副 词。同时也体现了课标对学生读的要求。1) 获取文章的具体信息。2).根据文 章的具体信息进行简单推断。4).理解作者的意图、观点和态度。2. 木篇完型是一篇情景记叙文。讲述了一个父亲照顾三个淘气孩子的过程。不 同于冇些完型文章,这篇文章主要是场景描述,并没冇总结一个道理,所以文章 的选择比较新颖,呈现了另外的一种文章模式。文章共有各种复合句1()句,其 中长难句两句。文章除了给出中文的

2、词汇,基本没有生词。期中的chant, decorate 虽然没有出现在新的中考说明里,但教材里出现过。3. 在设题中,主要考查了学生利用上下文找到答案的能力如31题,32题,34题 35题。31. “Ill look after _31,the kids.在下文 his three little “good kids就可以找到 答案。32. When _32_ had not appeared within thirty seconds, food.通过上文 Breakfast, Daddy.选项中和 breakfast 有关的词是 food.34. while Alex _34_ agai

3、n 通过理解 again,参考上文 Alex started to shout loudly.得出答案是shout.35. Nobody could find _35_ socks, 通过下文 although they were before their eyes, someone named Not Me had spilled(洒,泼出)a whole glass of orange juice into the basket of clean clothes.选出 clean.通过上下文理解,并能分析推断岀答案的如36, 37,38题,36. Brad knew the talk sh

4、ow had already _36_.通过下文 Brad realized that the talk show was over and reading would be impossible.可以推断出答案 started o37. By ten o?clock, things were out of _37_.通过下文描述的情景 Alex was wondering why the fish in the jar refused his bread and butter. Mike was trying to show off his _38_ by decorating the ki

5、tchen wall with his colour pencils . Randy, thankfully, appeared to be reading quietly in the family room, but closer examination _39 that he was eating apple jam straight from the bottle with his hands.说明事情 失控了,所以选control.38. Mike was trying to show off his _38_ 通过后面 by decorating the kitchen wall

6、with his colour pencils .以及前而的show off分析答案应该选talent.而33,39, 40题包含了对作者态度观点的理解。难度稍大,学牛错误率高。33. Brad _33_ his newspaper would have to wait for a few seconds39. Randy, thankfully, appeared to be reading quietly in the family room, but closer examination _39 that he was eating apple jam straight from the

7、 bottle with his hands. Brad realized that the talk show was over and reading would be impossible.40. At exactly 11:17, Brad called the daycare center( H 托所)I suddenly have to gointo work and my wife,s away Can I bring the boys over in a few minutes? The answer was 40 “yes” because Brad was smiling4

8、.我校学牛木题答题情况。题号平均分得分率零分率难度区分度单选311.2784.815.20.850.44单选321.0569.730.30.70.45单选330.8154.345.70.540.44单选341.1576.723.30.770.5单选351.1375.624.40.760.6单选360.9764.935.20.650.6单选370.8456.243.80.560.6单选380.8556.843.20.570.64单选390.6946.253.80.460.42单选400.6442.757.30.430.41分 数 段人 数单 选31单选32单选33单选34单选35单选36单选37

9、单选38单选39单选40102以1:220EEFEEEFEE72以1:332EEEEEEEEE72 以 下4EEEEE0EEEEABCD人数选率人数选率人数选率人数选率3145184.8214326224. 132336.237169.710619.91633315529. 1397.3427.928954.334468.740876. 744& 3285.33540275.6519.6529.82143634564.98716.4336.26011.337275. 18616.211321.229956.2389918.6427.930256.88315.63924646.212824. 1

10、8716.46512.240346.415128.422742.711421.4从表格可以看出各分数段39,40题错误率最高,其次是33,37, 38,正确率较高 的是31, 32,34, 35,36.此数据说明设题的难易标准是明确的。5.错误原因我认为:1)主要是对词汇不熟悉。如39题的predicted, expressed,40 题的obviously等词汇。直接导致这两道题错误率最高。2)不同词汇含义把握不准确,不能很好的排除干扰。如,33 题 thought 和 realizeo 选 A 占 29%。3)理解文章不到位。如38题,不同学生对此有不同看法。 因此木题选择其他三个选项的学

11、生比例比较均衡。二、阅读理解(一).课标对阅读的要求1 获取文章的具体信息。2根据文章的具体信息进行简单推断。3根据上下文推断生词的词义。4.理解作者的意图、观点和态度。5.理解、归纳文章的主旨要义。(-)A篇是一篇图表,主要考查学生获取文章的具体信息的能力ABCD人数选率人数选率人数选率人数选率4142479.79016.950.971.34240.881.551196. 130.643152.8326264.945385.2从图表可以看岀41题B选项出现较大干扰,有相当一部分学生没有认真区别。41. You canat J&M Music Store.A. have guitar less

12、onsB. borrow new or used CDsC. have homemade breakfastD. buy all kinds of music books42. 43得分率较高,都可以一直接从图表中找到答案。J&M Music StoreRock, pop and country musicBuy CDs new or usedListen before you buyGuitar lessons offeredB篇介绍了一个人经历,总结了一个道理。4道题基本属丁实事细节,可以从文中找到相关信息。从数据可以看出,44,45,46,47得分率较高。ABCD人数选率人数选率人数选率

13、人数选率4461. 15009481.5112. 14547489. 1336.2142.650.9464728& 7214214112. 14791.7336.246587.4193.6c篇是一篇记叙文,关于如何教给孩子学会口己管理钱的内容。文章篇幅较长,共445个单词。48ABCD人数选率人数选率人数选率人数选率295.534965.6427.910219.24930757. 75610.569139417. 750397.3387. 1641238572.451468.729355. 17313. 711421.44&题考查学生猜测词义的能力,通过上下文分析正确答案。此题错误率较高, 选项D干扰较大。19.2%的学生选择此选项。48. What does the underlined word proposed mean?A. Continued.B. Planned.C. Passed.D. Took.The grandparents, aunts, uncles, and parents realized that, behaving like this, the children would never lcani to manage the


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