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1、四年级英语练习题综合题-四年级试卷pep英语四年级下册综合练习题姓名- 班级-一、判断下列每组单词的划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“”,否则打“”。(10分) ( ) 1. red desk ( ) 2. snake bag( ) 3. cold rose ( ) 4. cute toothbrush ( ) 5. kite window 二、选择正确的答案,并将其编号填在括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. How _ sheep are there? Thirteen.A. much B. many C. many ( ) 2. The pants _ very expensive. A. i

2、s B. are C. am ( ) 3. Its 7:10. Its time _ go to school.A. to B. for C. of ( ) 4. _ is this sweater? Its Sarahs.A. Where B. Whose C. What ( ) 5. Can I help you? Yes. I _ a pair of sneakers. A. see B. wear C. want三、连词成句。(20分) 1. shoes your are baby those ( . ) 2. much that pretty how is dress ( ? ) 3

3、. your is computer this ( ? ) 4. cloudy its London in ( . ) 5. hens are the fat ( . )6. teachers this desk is a ( . ) 7. what it colour is ( ? ) 8. it time what is ( ? )9. is weather the what like ( ? )四、 阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。(10分)Dear Uncle:Thank you for the new jeans. They are very pretty. Its co

4、ol in Beijing. Its sunny, too. I can wear my jeans and sweater. I have a pair of new sneakers. My old sneakers are too small. Today is grandmas birthday(生日). I want to buy some apples for grandma. She likes apples. Whats the weather like at the farm? Is it warm? How many ducks are there?Your love, J

5、ohn 1. Its sunny and cool in Beijing. ( )2. John can wear the jeans. ( )3. Johns old sneakers are too big. ( )4. Today is Johns birthday. ( )5. Uncle is at the farm. ( )五、根据所给的提示,把短文或对话补充完整。(注意所给出图片的单、复数)(20分)1、Look, this is my family. My father is a . My grandpa is a . My mother is a . And I am a _

6、 player. We are very happy.2、John: Hello, Sarah. What can you do? (你能干些什么?) Sarah: Oh, I can cook the , wash my , feed the . 3、This is a weather report. It is and in Singapore.4、Hello, how much is the ? Its 2 yuan.六、 阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。(10分) A: Excuse me. What time is it now? B: Its three pm. A:

7、Thank you. My name is John. B: Hello, John. My name is Chen Ming. Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too. B: Im from Beijing. Where are you from? A: Im from London. B: Great. What time is it in London now? A: Its seven am. B: Wow! How funny! 1. Chen Ming is Chinese. ( )2. John and Chen Ming are

8、good friends. ( )3. When(当时候) its five am in London, its one pm in Beijing. ( )七、选择正确的句子填空,使对话通顺,序号写在横线上。(10分) A: Welcome to my farm. B: . A: Look. These are tomatoes. B: They are big and red. . A: Yes, they are. B: Do you have many animals? A: Yes. This way, please. B: . A: No, theyre goats. B: Do you have any horses? A: . Lets count. A&B: .1. One, two There are twelve.2. Yes, I do.3. Wow, its so big.4. Are they carrots?5Are they sheep?4 / 4


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