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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上新译林8B英语UNIT 6单元知识点归纳及练习题8B Unit 6 一、词汇大汇总 1、need some more food 需要再多一些食物2、 a disabled / blind / homeless person 一个残疾人/盲人 / 无家可归的人3、 an elderly person 一个老年人4、deaf people 聋哑人5、train to be . 接受训练成为6、 the Olympic Games 奥运会7、at work 在工作8、people who need help 需要帮助的人9、 local government 当地政府10、

2、 provide sth. for sb. = provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物1、 Work as a volunteer 作为一名志愿者工作2、 Give up their spare time 放弃某人的空闲时间3、 Provide support for the athletes 为运动员们提供支持4、 Achieve their dreams 实现某人的梦想5、 Bring people together 把人们聚到一起6、 Work closely with 与.密切合作7、 Similar to 与相似8、 Receive training 接受训练9、 M

3、ake the event a great success 使这次活动取得巨大的成功10、 Finish fourth 位居第四11、 From different backgrounds 来自不同的背景12、 Volunteer for .自愿参加 13、 The most amazing experience of ones life 某人生命中最令人震惊的经历14、 Children and adults with intellectual disabilities 有智力缺陷的孩子和成人15、 A chance to do . 一次做某事的机会 16、be born with inte

4、llectual disabilities 天生有智力缺陷 17、win a gold 赢得一枚金牌 18、.not ., but . 不是.而是. 19、feel like part of one big family 感觉上像一个大家庭中的一份子 1、 Give seats to the elderly 让座给老人2、 Keep parks clean 保持公园干净3、 Make sure 确保4、 Have any trouble talking to . 和.交谈有障碍5、 Make friends with 和.交朋友6、 Plant trees 植树来源:学科网ZXXK7、 Tak

5、e part in . 参加8、 Mean a lot 意义重大 1、a training plan 一个培训计划2、 keep in touch 保持联系3、talk on the phone 电话交谈4、 improve their lives 改善他们的生活5、 a college student 一个大学生6、 a primary school teacher 一个小学老师7、in our daily lives 在我们的日常生活中8、 teach them Chinese 教他们汉语9、in this way 用这种方法10、 save our pocket money 节约我们的零

6、花钱11、 donate money to . 捐款给. 1、 Organize your ideas 组织你的观点2、 Be made up of . 由.组成3、 See different people and sights 看见不同的人和景物 4、 Learn about different cultures 了解关于不同的文化5、 Help our mind relax 帮助我们的思维放松6、 Help us keep fit 帮我们保持健康7、 Be not as .as before 不如以前.8、 Not.any more. 不再.9、 Change often 多变10、 N

7、eed to take action to protect it . 需要采取措施来保护它 1、 Be ill in hospital 生病住院2、 A serious blood disease 一种严重的血液病3、 As soon as possible 尽快4、 Lose ones life 丧生5、 Give a helping hand 伸出援助之手6、 Earthquake survivors 地震幸存者 二、句型大汇总:1I need some more food to eat at work我还需要一些在工作时吃的食物。(p. 78 )More用作形容词,其前面表示数量概念的词

8、(组),视:其后面的名词而定。如后面是不可数名词,可用some,any,a little,plenty,much,no等表示量;如后面是可数名词,可用基数词some, any, a few, ( a good) many, plenty,no等表示。如:Have you any more bread?你还有面包吗?I have a little more.我还有一些。I want some more books.我还要几本书。Here are a few more.这儿还有一些。2. They can provide special places for homeless people to

9、stay他们能给无家可归的人提供特别的可以待的地方。(p. 79 )(1)provide作“供给、供应、提供”解时,可跟双宾语。如:The government will provide them useful work.政府给他们提供有用的工作。We provided them food and shelter.我们给他们提供食物和避难所。I must provide food and clothes for/to my family.我必须给我的家庭提供食物和衣服。(2)下面4句意思相同(第三句不及第二句普通):We provided them with food and clothing

10、.我们给他们提供食物和衣服。We provided food and clothing for them.We provided food and clothing to them.We provided them food and clothing.3. Now he thinks that is the most amazing experience of his life现在他认为那是他一生中最令人惊奇的经历。(p. 80 )(1) experience作“经历”、“经过的事”解是可数名词。如:He told me his experiences in America他告诉了我他在美国的

11、经历。I told the company about my experiences.我告诉了公司我的经历。(2) experience作“经验”解一般用作不可数名词。如,Employers usually prefer to hire someone who has some work experience.雇主通常喜欢雇用有工作经验的人。搭配sum up experience总结经验leam by/from/through experience从经验中学到have an experienced eye目光锐利4. Over 40,000 people gave up their spare

12、 time for the 2007 Special Olympics World Games超过4万人为了2007年的世界特奥会放弃了他们的空余时间。(p. 80 )Give up意为“放弃”,它和pick up一样,也是由“动词+副词”构成的短语动词,当名词作宾语时,名词可以放在动词和副词之间或副词的后面;当代词作宾语时,代词只能位于动词和副词之间。如:You ought to give up smoking. I gave it up last year.你应该戒烟。我去年就戒掉了。Why dont you give him up?你怎么不和他一刀两断呢?拓展由动词give加其它副词构成

13、的常见短语有:Give in屈服;让步;交上Give out 分发Give over停止(交出,移交,不再,停止)Give back归还(送回;反射)Give away送掉(泄露,放弃,分配,出卖)5.You get to help them achieve their dreams,. 你帮助他们实现他们的梦想,(p. 81 )(1) achieve作“取得(胜利、成功等)”、“实现(目标、目的等)”解时,习惯跟以下名词搭配:victory,success,modernization,ambition(抱负),fame , aim,goal, etc.如:Nothing would stop

14、 me from achieving my ambition.没有什么可以阻止我的抱负。(2) achieve可和 a lot, much, a great deal, little, nothing,anything,something连用。如:He worked hard and achieved a lot.他努力工作,并且获得了很多。(3) dream用作名词,意为“梦;梦想;愿望”。She has a dream to be a singer.她有一个成为歌手的梦想。His dream of visiting Beijing has come true.他去北京的愿望实现了。Dream用作动词,意为“做梦;梦想”。如:What did you dream about?你梦到什么了?I dream of being the best footballer in the town我梦到成为全城最好的足球队员。搭配Dream of sth.梦到什么事Dream to do sth. 梦想做某事Like a dream毫不费力地Dream away虚度,像梦一样度过Go



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