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1、空乘英语自我介绍空乘面试自我介绍范文(一) 各位评委你们好,我叫xx,来自青岛,我的特长是声乐、钢琴。XX年参加过在北京举行的首届中国民航航空院校学员推介展示会,并且获得了航空知识问答银奖、服务技能银奖,在才艺展示中以一首钢琴谈唱友谊地久天长获得在长评委和观众的好评,因为父亲是一名部队飞行员,所以在部队里张大的我,从小就有一种军人的素质和工作作风。我相信,我会以我教好的服务意识,继续为东航保持良好的服务形象,谢谢。 空乘面试自我介绍范文(二) 英文版 good morning everyone,my name is xx,and my english name is xx. iam 21 ye

2、ars old and iam from (qingdao/xx) . i have very happy family, they were my mother,my father and i. my father is soldier and my mother is doctor .i love them verymuch,we leave very luckly everyday! i have some interests, four example: play piano singsong ang swimming.i have lend so much from them. wh

3、en i was young, i haved a dream, i was dreaming flying in the sky, so ,i long to work in the plain. then, iam here,i weash you would take me, because iam looking four would, to working four(china easten airlines),nice meeting you again. thank you ! 空乘面试自我介绍范文技巧 其实空乘的面试主要就分为3个大部分,第一关:个人形象的展示与自我介绍,第2关

4、:英语口语加上笔试。第3关:面试官的各种提问(主要考察学生的家庭基本情况、语言表达的能力、身体健康状况、有无其他特长等) 第一关: 第一关最重要,因为直接关系到后面的成败。在个人形象展示时候(站姿、走路、蹲起),要面带微笑,眼睛看位于考官席中间的主考官,有人会问看考官的什么地方呢看考管的眉心,这样她会感觉你非常专业,非常舒服。在个人形象展示完之后每个人会有一个1分钟的个人自我介绍,有同学想问了,自我介绍都应该说些什么好有人在自我介绍时会说我叫xx,就读于xx学校,身高xx,体重xx,爱好xx,回答完毕。全是废话!考官听了马上会说:好,下一个!注意,1分钟的自我介绍,只用了10秒不到就说完了,连

5、考官观察你的时间都没有,让人感觉是你不重视这次面试,其实你不是,心理还特别紧张特别重视。首先,自我介绍要分为中文30秒,英文30秒,中英文的内容不能重复,不要把中文自我介绍直接翻译成英文说出来。下面我就把我当时的自我介绍发出来给大家做参考: 自我介绍 各位评委你们好,我叫xx,来自青岛,我的特长是声乐、钢琴。XX年参加过在北京举行的首届中国民航航空院校学员推介展示会,并且获得了航空知识问答银奖、服务技能银奖,在才艺展示中以一首钢琴谈唱友谊地久天长获得在长评委和观众的好评,因为父亲是一名部队飞行员,所以在部队里张大的我,从小就有一种军人的素质和工作作风。我相信,我会以我教好的服务意识,继续为东航

6、保持良好的服务形象,谢谢。 英文版 good morning everyone,my name is xx,and my english name is xx. iam 21 years old and iam from (qingdao/xx) . i have very happy family, they were my mother,my father and i. my father is soldier and my mother is doctor .i love them verymuch,we leave very luckly everyday! i have some i

7、nterests, four example: play piano singsong ang swimming.i have lend so much from them. when i was young, i haved a dream, i was dreaming flying in the sky, so ,i long to work in the plain. then, iam here,i weash you would take me, because iam looking four would, to working four(china easten airline

8、s),nice meeting you again. thank you ! 我个人认为其实英文的自我介绍就是一个展示口语发音以及表达能力的平台,内容无所谓,只要你的发音够标准!我在写完这英文自我介绍后专门找了个教口语的英语老师一句话、一个单词慢慢练出来的,当时我说的这段英语,发音应该不逊于cctv9的播音员了(这也是我这自我介绍中最值得骄傲的了哈哈)。 当你说完这段自我介绍,用时差不多1分钟多点,但是如果你说的够熟练够自然,眼神不停的在跟评委们交流,评委绝对不会因为你说的多了而中间打断你,而且会开始仔细听你说的内容开始观察你,说完中文当你说英文的时候,如果你下工夫去练了背了找老师把发音纠正了

9、,那么评委会对你的印象很不错,学乘务员专业的同学英语水平实在不敢恭维(包括我自己),学这专业的都是玩过来的,没办法,但是就是这自我介绍,可以说是非常重要!因为绝大多数人在说自我介绍的时候都是:我叫xx,就读于xx学校,身高xx,体重xx,爱好xx,回答完毕,看了我上面的内容你们应该自己偷着乐了。 第二关: 下面我说下关于第2关英语考试的问题,各个公司考试内容不一样,国航比较注重口语,东航口语笔试都要考,口语比较简单,一般问八九个问题,如果你高中好好上听懂问题应该不大,笔试应该是考的新概念第二册75课以后的,我只记得阅读理解有个关于小提琴的,具体内容忘了。反正新概念第二册能看懂考试就没问题!深圳

10、航空考试的内容比较全面,数学,英语,时事政治等等,我看也就是初中的水平,比较简单(可能现在不一样了,我是说当时XX年我考的这些),厦门航空考试也比较全面,而且还有心理测试。 第三关: 最后一关就轻松多了,考官的表情明显轻松了,就跟你以朋友式的交流问一些你自己的情况,包括在学校的表现,家里父母都是做什么的等等。评委可能要求女孩子卸妆,看下你的皮肤、牙齿怎么样,男生也是一样。还有个才艺展示环节,就是让你唱歌跳舞,会什么就表演什么,最好提前准备好,自己没事在学校女生就多参加学校的演出,跳舞唱歌什么的,都可以锻炼一下。男生就学点武的,抬拳道、田径、篮球足球都可以。现在航空公司普遍喜欢阳刚帅气的,不喜欢

11、有女性美的男生(这种男生以前很吃香,但现在男生飞行都干兼职安全员,要求就是阳刚型的)。 空乘面试英语自我介绍范文 good morning everyone, my name is xxx.i am xx years old.i graduated from xxx.i have a dream since i was a child.i dream that one day i can fly in the blue sky like the bird. now i have the chance to make it come true. if i can take this job. i

12、 ll try my best to do everything well.because i love this job.thank you . hello my name isxxx.i am xx years old.i graduatedfrom xxx.i have a dream since i was a child.i dream that one day i can fly in the blue sky like the bird. now i have the chance to make it come true. if i can take this job. i l

13、l try my best to do everything well.because i love this job. hello my name isxxx.i am xx years old.i graduatedfrom xxx.i have a dream since i was a child.i dream that one day i can fly in the blue sky like the bird. now i have the chance to make it come true. if i can take this job. i ll try my best

14、 to do everything well.because i love this job. good morning everyone, my name is xxx.i am xx years old.i graduated from xxx.i have a dream since i was a child.i dream that one day i can fly in the blue sky like the bird. now i have the chance to make it come true. if i can take this job. i ll try m

15、y best to do everything well.because i love this job.thank you . 空乘自我介绍英文版 空乘自我介绍英文版(一) hello, everyone .my name is mickey .i m very pleased to be here . i was born in nineteen ninety-nine .i m in grade six. though i am occupied with my study, i would like to spend time on my hobbies. such as playin

16、g the piano, surfing the internet. one of my favorite hobby is reading. reading has been in my life for many years, since i began to learn characters. it can not only kill the time, but more importantly, help improve my comprehension ability. when reading, i can learn a lot. reading shakespeare s words, i know how



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