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1、Unit Three Could you please clean your room?重点单词解析:1. lend borrow和keep【解析】lend “借给,借出”,强调_。 borrow “借进,借入”,瞬间动词,_和段时间连用。强调_。keep“保持,保存”,持续动词,_时间段连用。【做一做】1. -Can I _ your bike? -With pleasure. But you mustnt _ it to others. A. lend, borrow B. borrow, lend C. lend, lend D. borrow, borrow2. There are p

2、lenty of books in our library. You can _ four at a time. A. own B. borrow C. lend D. carry3. How long may I your bike? For a week. But you mustnt it to others.A.borrow, lend B.keep, lend C. lend, borrow D. keep, borrow2. neither did I 【解析】“neither +_/_/_动词+主语”,用于_定的上下文中,表示下文提到的情况和上文相同,意为“也不”。 “so +_

3、/_/_+主语”,用于肯定的上下文中,表示下文提到的情况和上文相同,意为“也是”。 1.I hope the summer vacation will come soon. _.Its really relaxing. A. So I did B. So I do C. So did I D. So do I2.My mother likes reading. _.A. So Lilys mother does B. So does Lilys mother C. So Lilys mother is D. So is Lilys moter3. I didnt see the film Pi

4、rates of the Caribbean: On stranger Tides. _.A. Neither did I B. So did I C. Neither I did D. So I did4. I have two sisters, but _of them is a teacher.A. all B. neither C. both D. none5. The teachers in that school speak either English or French, or even _. Thats so cool!A. all B. both C. neither D.

5、 none6. Which do you prefer, a CD player or a walkman? _. I prefer a portable computer. A. Both B. EitherC. None D. Neither7. He speaks _English _French. Instead, he speaks German.A either; or B not only; but also C both; and D neither; nor8. The first one wasnt bad. _ . A. So wasnt the second B. So

6、 the second was C. Neither wasnt the second D. Neither was the second 9. I dont like rainy days. _. Rainy days always make me sad.A. Neither do I B. So do I C. Neither I do D. So I do10. I cant play the piano ,and _.A. neither can my sister B. my sister cant , tooC. so cant my sister D. can my siste

7、r, either11. went to the park yesterday. _ . But I didnt see you there. A. So do I B. So did I C. Neither did I 3. in surprise【解析】in surprise为固定短语,意为“_”。例如:He looked at him in surprise. 用来修饰_. to ones surprise意为“_” surprise还可用作动词,意为“使惊讶,使惊奇”。例如:Her success _ her parents.【做一做】1. 令他惊奇的是,他妈妈的电话改变了他的生活。

8、_,his mothers phone call changed his life2. 他惊讶地问:“发生什么事了?” “What happened?” he asked _.3. 我们在28日下周五为张老师举办一场惊喜聚会吧。Lets _for Ms. Zhang next Friday the 28th.4.那个令人惊讶的消息让我们很吃惊。 We were _ at the _ news.4. as soon as 【解析】as soon as 意为“一就“,引导时间状语从句。在含有as soon as引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句中,主句用一般讲来时,从句则用_表示将来。例如:He le

9、ft as soon as he heard the news. I will call you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.【做一做】1. 妈妈刚一出门,那男孩就打开了电视。 The boy turned on the TV _his mother went out.2. I_(write) to you as soon as I get there.3. Ill give it to Jim as soon as I _(see) him tomorrow.4. What time will Diana get to Chengdu? Im not sur

10、e. When he _(arrive), Ill call you.5. spend, pay, take, cost【解析】spend表示“花费”时,主语为表示_的名词或代词。常用结构为_pay表示“花费”时,主语为表示_的名词或代词。常用结构为 _cost表示“花费”时,常指花费金钱,主语为表示_的名词或代词。常用结构为sth./ it costs sb. some money.或者sth./ it costs sb. some money to do sth.take表示“花费”时,常指花费时间主语为表示_的名词或代词。常用结构为_【做一做】1. I _ some of my free

11、 time playing football for my school team. A. take B. pay C. spend D. cost2. It _ me much time to finish my homework last night. A. took B. paid C. spent D. cost3. How much does the ticket _ from Shanghai to Beijing?A. cost B. took C. spend D. pay4. Your watch is so beautiful. It must be expensive.

12、Not at all. I only ¥20 for it.A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took5. Remember to spend some time _ your loved ones, because theyre not going to be around forever. A. from B. with C. in D. on 6. My father _ one hundred thousand yuan on his new car. A. spent B. cost C. paid7. How much did you _ for this computer? Five hundred dollars. A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay8. I bought a new sweater last weekend. It _ me 120 yuan. A. paid B. take C. cost D. spend9. It will _ them several years to learn E



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