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1、2019-2020年八年级英语4月月考试题一、单项选择(20分)( )1.Hi, Tom. You _ very sad, is there anything wrong?A. feel B. look C. taste D. sound ( )2.Have you _ read the book? Yes. I really enjoy it.A. still B. yet C. ever D.never( )3.There _ life in the old forest for thousands of years.A. have been B. has been C. have had

2、 D. has had( )4.Can you remember that garden ? We _ it last year.A. visited B. visiting C. will visit D. have visited ( )5.I found _ easy to sing that English song.A. that B. this C. they D. it ( )6. Have you found your coat ? _A. No, I found. B.Yes, I do. C.Yes ,I have . D.No, you have.( )7.Lets_as

3、andwichtogether.A.made B.make C.tomakeD. making( )8. _?Sheisfriendlyandlovely.A.Whatdoesshelooklike B.Whatisshelike C.Whatdoesshedo DHowisshe( )9.Mymotherhastaughtinourschool_tenyears. A.sinceB.forC.inD.before( )10.Hecanplayfootballverywell,_?A.doesntheB.doesheC.cantheD.canhe( )11.Yourparentstoldyou

4、_toomuchsweetbeforegoingtobed. A.toeatB.ateC.nottoeatD.tonoteat( )12.Itsagoodidea_newwordseveryday.A.checking B.checks C.tocheck D.checked( )13.Haveyouheardthesong“Take me to your heart”?Yes,it_terrible.A.smells B.tastes C.looks D. sounds( )14.What_interestingbookitis!A.an B.the C.a D./( )15.Itraine

5、dheavilyyesterday,but_ofthestudents waslateforschool. A.bothB.allC.noneD.neither( )16.Have you ever_to a foreigner?A. speakB. spokeC. spokenD.to speak( )17.They_that question three times.A.already asked B.have already asked C.already have asked D.asked already( )18.Mrs Wang has lived in Haikou_2005.

6、A. in B.from C.after D. since ( )19.Mr Green_China since the summer of 1998.A. has been to B. has been in C. has come to D. came to( )20. -_you_to Japan?-No,I_.I_there early next month.A. Did,go; didnt,was going B. Had,been; hadnt,am goingC. Have,gone; havent,was going D. Have,been; havent,am going二

7、、完形填空(10分)At9:00a.m.onOctober15,2003,ourcountrylaunched(发射)its firstspaceship,Shenzhou,intospaceatJiuquanSatelliteLaunchCentre.IttookYangLiweiandhisspaceshipabout21hours_1theearth14times.YangLiweiisChinasfirstastronaut.He_2_LiaoningProvinceand_3_anairforcepilot(飞行员) since 1983.He was chosen _4_pilot

8、s aftermanydifficult tests.Thelifeofanastronautishardtoimagineformanypeople._5_onaspacesuittakeshim15minuteswiththehelpofothers.Sleepinginspaceisnoteasy,_6_.He_7_sleepinaspecialsleepingbagonthewall because thereis no gravity (重力).Yang can eat chickenandrice. Its specially made _8_ in space but taste

9、s justliketherealthing.“Imfeelingverygoodinspace,anditlookswonderfulhere,”saidYang.“Ihavelookedatourbeautifulearthandrecorded_9Ihaveseenthere.”Chinahasbecamethethirdcountryintheworldtosendapersonintospace.Weareall_10_ourmother-land.( )1.A.circled B.circling C.tocircle D.circle( )2.A.wasborn B.cameto

10、C.comesfrom D.gavebirthto( )3.A.hasbeen B.was C.are D.in( )4.A.of B.for C.in D.from( )5.A.Toputting B.Put C.Puts D.Toput( )6.A.too B.also C.aswell D.either( )7.A.must B.hasto C.may D.can( )8.A.toeat B.eat C.ate D.eatup( )9.A.whichB.whatC.whereD.when( )10.A.prideofB.pridein C.proudof D.proudin三、补全对话(

11、10分)A:Goodafternoon,DoctorHuang.B: 1_Whatswrongwithyou?A: 2 B:Doyouhaveacough?A: 3Icoughnowandthen.B:Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis?A: 4AndImfeelingterriblenow.B:Letmecheckyouover.Oh,youhaveafever,too.A:Isitserious? B:Nothingserious.Takethismedicineanddrinkmorewater.A: 5 B:Threetimesaday.Haveagoodrestan

12、dyoullbeallrightsoon.A:Thanksalot.B:Notatall.A. Howoftenshould1takethemedicine?B. Yes,Ido.C. Ihaveabadcold.D. Goodafternoon,youngman.E. Abouttwodays.1._2._3._4._5._四、阅读短文(40分)(一)Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars


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