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1、 双语:腊八节的来历和习俗关于腊八的传奇 The eight-treasure porridge was first introduced to China in the Song Dynasty about 900 years ago. 八宝粥最开头消失是在900年前的宋朝。 Buddhism was well accepted in the areas inhabited by the Han Chinese, who believed that Sakyamuni, the first Buddha and founder of the religion, attained enligh

2、tenment on the eighth day of the twelfth month. Sutras were chanted in the temples and rice porridge with beans, nuts and dried fruit was prepared for the Buddha. With the passing of time the custom extended, especially in rural areas where peasants would pray for a plentiful harvest in this way. 那时

3、候佛教已经被信奉佛祖释迦牟尼的汉族人广泛承受。传奇佛祖在十二月初八受到教化。人们会为佛祖预备好有豆子、坚果和干果的大米粥,寺庙里也会唱起佛经。随着时间的推移,这种习俗就传播出去了,尤其在农村,会用会用花生煮粥祈祷一年的好收成。 There is, however, another touching story: When Sakyamuni was on his way into the high mountains in his quest for understanding and enlightenment, he grew tired and hungry. Exhausted fro

4、m days of walking, he passed into unconsciousness by a river in India. A shepherdess found him there and fed him her lunch - porridge made with beans and rice. Sakyamuni was thus able to continue his journey. After six years of strict discipline, he finally realized his dream of full enlightenment o

5、n the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. Ever since, monks have prepared rice porridge on the eve and held a ceremony the following day, during which they chant sutras and offer porridge to Buddha. Thus, the tradition of eating Laba porridge was based in religion, though with the passing of time

6、 the food itself became a popular winter dish especially in cold northern China. 另外还有一个感人的故事:释迦牟尼在去深山求得理解和教化的路上又饿又累。由于连日走得精疲力竭,他在印度的一条河边不省人事。一个牧羊女发觉了她,把自己的午餐用豆子和大米做的粥给他吃了。释迦牟尼因此得以连续他的旅程。经过六年严格的修行之后,他最终在农历十二月初八悟到了自己布满启发的梦。从那时起,僧人们就要在腊八前夜预备米粥,在其次天进行一个仪式,他们要唱着佛经献粥给佛祖。因此,吃腊八粥的传统其实是源于宗教的,虽然随着时间的消逝,这种食物本身

7、就成了冬日的一道美食,尤其在严寒的中国北方。 According to written records, large Buddhist temples would offer it to the poor to show their faith to Buddha. In the Ming Dynasty about 500 years ago, it became such a holy food that emperors would offer it to their officials during festivals. As it gained favor in the feudal upper class, it also quickly became popular throughout the country. 依据有记载的历史,大的佛寺要向穷人施粥以显示对佛祖的信仰。在距今500年前的明朝,腊八粥变成了神圣的食物,就连皇帝也要在过节的时候赐粥给群臣。在封建上层社会的推动下,腊八粥快速风行全国。 以上是无忧考网整理的双语:腊八节的来历和习俗,恭祝大家节日欢乐,事事如意!



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