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1、 双语心理分析:童年经历影响你将来一生You weren”t allowed to choose your own clothes: You become codependent. 假如你不能自由的选择自己的衣服,你将成为一个依靠别人的人。 If you had a “Super parent“ who didn”t allow you to dress yourself, choose your own playmates or food, you”ll end up as a codependent adult. 假如你有一个“超人父母”,他们不让你自由的选择自己的衣服、玩伴和食物,那么长

2、大后你将成为一个依靠别人的人。 You had controlling parents: You become a stubborn adult. 假如你有掌握欲很强的父母,你将称为一个固执的人。 Stubbornness is a defense mechanism that children adopt in order to escape their controlling parents” will. The children will also likely grow up to inherit this trait. 固执是儿童实行的一种防备机制,目次是为了躲避父母的掌握。儿童长大

3、后倾向于继承父母的强掌握欲。 You played lots of imitation games: You have an ability to accept other cultures. 假如你常常做一些仿照的嬉戏,你将更简单接纳其他文化。 If you copied everything your parents did even if it didn”t make sense, you developed a willingness to assume that actions have some “unknown“ purpose. This will make you more

4、open to sharing and transmitting culture later on in life. 假如你仿照父母的任何行为(即使那些无意义的行为),你会情愿假定有些行为是基于未知的目的。这样在以后的生活中,你会更乐于共享和传播不同文化。 You were spanked: You”re a sneaky adult. 假如你被打耳光,你将成为一个鬼鬼祟祟的人。 If you were spanked often as a child, you”ll likely resort to misbehaving even more, but you”ll learn how to

5、 do it without getting caught. Eventually, you”ll become a very sneaky adult. 假如你在童年时期常常被打耳光,你的不良行为会更多。但是你会学会怎样能不被抓到。最终,你会变成一个鬼鬼祟祟的人。 You had an intimate relationship with your father: You”re able to maintain intimacy now. 假如你和父亲的关系很亲切,你将保持亲切关系。 If you had an emotional connection with your father as

6、 a child, you”ll be able to enter a healthy, physically intimate relationship with a partner later in life. 假如童年时期你和父亲有情感纽带,你在以后的生活中会和伴侣成就安康、亲切的关系。 You experienced childhood trauma: You suffer from obesity. 假如你童年有过创伤经受,你会得肥胖症。 Several studies have shown a correlation between sexual abuse and other traumatic childhood experiences and eating disorders. 许多讨论都已经证明白性虐待及其他童年创伤和饮食失调之间的关系。



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