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1、【文库独家】Unit 6Reading (20 分钟50 分) . 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10 分)1.“I have a fever. ” “Have you taken your t_? ”2. A q_ is fifteen minutes. 3. China has the largest p_ in the world now. 4. Taking good care of our _ ( 环境) is very important. 5. A year has four s_; they are spring, summer, autumn and winter. .

2、 单项选择( 10 分)1. How was your school trip? It was _. We had a great time. A. badB. wonderC. wonderfulD. just so so 2. You won t have any problem _ Chinese food in England. A. findingB. to findC. findD. found 3. About _ of the students in Class 1 were born in 1999. A. two three B. two threes C. two thi

3、rd D. two thirds 4. Mary is _ excellent student in her class. A. anB. aC. theD. / 5. India has a _ population. A. less and less B. larger and larger C. higher and higher D. lower and lower . 句型转换( 10 分)1. She has ever been to Japan. (改为一般疑问句 ) _ she ever _ to Japan? 2. Shanghai has a busy road. Its

4、name is“Nanjing Road”. (合并为一句 ) Shanghai has a busy road _“Nanjing Road”. 3. The population of the town is 100 thousand. ( 对画线部分提问 ) _ the population of the town? 4. Don t make her awake. ( 改为同义句 ) Don t _ her _. 5. I am afraid that I can t get there on time. ( 改为同义句 ) I _ that I can t get there on

5、time. . 阅读理解( 10 分)Dear Zhang Hua, Have you ever been to Thailand? It is a country in Southeast Asia. I ve been in Thailand for a few days with my parents. We are here for a holiday. Now we are staying in Bangkok( 曼谷). It is the capital of Thailand and it is a very interesting place to visit. Yester

6、day we visited some places of interest in the city. They are great! This morning we went shopping. Bangkok is a wonderful place to shop for jewelry(珠宝)and clothes. My mother bought a nice necklace, my father and I bought some fashionable T-shirts. Thailand is called “Land of Smiles” , because people

7、 here are very friendly. And it s true! When we eat in the restaurants in Bangkok, the waiters are really nice and they are always smiling. Thai food is delicious, but it is sometimes a little spicy(辛辣的)for me. You can also get Chinese food here because a lot of Chinese people came to live in Bangko

8、k many years ago. Chinese food is very good, and it isn t as spicy as Thai food. Our American food can also be found in Bangkok, however, I don t eat it. You know, I d like to try new things when I travel. The weather has been very hot. Yesterday it rained and got a little cooler. But today it s hot

9、 again. Yours, Mary 根据短文内容,补全下列句子。1. Thailand is in _ and it is called _. 2. Most tourists go to buy _ and _ in Bangkok. 3. Mary thinks _ is spicier than _. 4. Mary doesn t eat American food in Bangkok because she wants to _ when she travels. 5. Because of the _, it was _ in Bangkok yesterday than t

10、oday. . 短文填空( 10 分)从方框中选词填空,使短文内容完整、通顺。natural, island, population, southeast, around, wonderful, been, provinces, wish, tourists Have you ever been to Taiwan? Taiwan lies in the 1of China. It s the largest 2in China. It has an area of about 36, 000 square kilometers and it has a 3of over 20, 000, 0

11、00. It is rich in 4resources. Bananas, rice and tea and so on are famous at home and abroad. Clothes, food and so on are also well-known 5the world. Its beautiful scenery, such as Sun Moon Lake and Mount Ali, and its 6climate(气候) makes more and more 7come to Taiwan. Taiwan has 8a part of China since

12、 ancient times. Most people of the island came from Fujian and Guangdong 9. All the people on both sides of the strait(海峡)have a strong 10to unite our motherland(统一祖国 ). 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 答案解析. 答案: 1. temperature2. quarter3. population4. environment 5. seasons . 答案:

13、15. CADAB . 答案: 1. Has; been2. named/called3. What s 4. wake; up5. fear . 答案: 1. Southeast Asia; Land of Smiles2. jewelry; clothes 3. Thai food; Chinese food4. try new things5. rain; cooler . 答案: 1. southeast2. island3. population4. natural5. around6. wonderful7. tourists8. been9. provinces10. wish



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