21年秋新人教PEP版小学五年级上册英语 Unit 2 Part B 第一课时测试卷有答案

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21年秋新人教PEP版小学五年级上册英语 Unit 2 Part B 第一课时测试卷有答案_第1页
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1、21年秋新人教PEP版小学五年级上册英语 Unit 2 Part B 第一课时测试卷有答案因为内容复制时一些内容如图片之类无法显示,需要下载的老师、家长可以到帖子下面(往下拉)下载WORD编辑的DOC附件使用! 内容预览: Part B 第一课时一、听录音,给下面图片排序。( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,判断下面句子是()否()正确。( )1. I often sing at home.( )2. I often have an art class.( )3. Do you often read books?( )4. Do you like English?三、看图片,选短语。(

2、)1. A. play football B. play ping-pong( )2. A. watch TV B. read books( )3. A. wash my clothes B. clean the room( )4. A. ride a bike B. do his homework四、根据提示填写单词,完成句子。1. I often play football _ _ _(在周末).2. I often_ _ _(洗衣服) on Sundays.3. I often _ _ (做家庭作业)on Saturdays.4. I often watch TV _ _(在周三).五、

3、根据图片,补全对话。1. Do you often read books on the weekend?_2 Do they often play football on the weekend?_3. What do you do on Mondays?_4. _We play football on Tuesday afternoon.5. What do you do on the weekend?_听力材料:一、1. play football2. listen to music3. play ping-pong4. read books二、1. I often read books at home.2. I often have an art class.3. Do you often listen to music?4. Do you like English? 2 / 2


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