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3、将短文写成履历表。误例1人物介绍Name:Wang Shan Sex:female Age:16School:Bening Yangguang Middle School这种填表式表达显然不符合考试要求。正确表达应为:I日记Time:Weather:finePlace:DangShanMountainWhat:planttrees正确表达应为:FineItting Day.Eady in the morn-mg,My classmates and lwent to Dang Shan Mountain to planttrees.2.灵活变通,防止硬译式表达(1)简单罗列类:表格中的汉语提示简

4、洁凝练,概括性强,表达时切忌逐字逐句翻译,也忌简单或机械地罗列要点,必要时要灵活调整或进行适当的补充。业余爱好:游泳、溜冰、集邮、流行音乐。罗列表达:Hobbits:mps,popmusic 机械表达:Myhobbies are swimming.skating.collect-ing stamps,popmusic.灵活变通表达:Inmy spare time Ienjoy listing to pop mu-sic and collecting stamps.My favorite sports are swimming inSmllmer and skating in winter内容:

5、白天,上课、做作业;晚上,做作业。罗列重复式表达:Inthe daytime.wetooklessons andhad to do our homework.In the evening.we had to do ourhomework.灵活变通表达:We have to go to school even at week-ends and do much homework both in the davtime and in theevenmg(2)直译类:表格中常出现抽象或复杂的汉语提示,这些提示往往以成语或经典谚语的形式出现,这时应善于变通,可采用转换手段将提示中的“雅词妙句转换为通俗的

6、汉语,然后用地道的英语表达。如:?21世纪报?图文并茂,广为人知,深受青睐。直译类:2lst Century has interesting arhcles and color-ful pictures.It is widely known and deeply loved by people转换表达:t is a Well-known newspaper.which isvery popular with studentsand English learners校园环境幽静,绿树成阴。转换表达:A.It is quiet in our school and there are alotoft

7、rees in and around it.B.Ourschool is quiet with alot of trees.in and around it(3)汉语式英语。由于英语和汉语在语言结构上有很大的差异,局部同学受母语思维模式影响而写出不合标准或不合英语文化习惯的畸形英语。在用英语表达时一定要调整好语序,写出地道的英语句子。如:我们发现学好英语是很困难的。汉语式英语:We find thal to learn English well is diffi-cult.地道表达:We find it difficult to learn English well.呆在家里不能亲身了解外界。

8、汉语式英语:Staylng athonle(T0 stay at thome)can notknowtheoutslde of the world地道表达:Thev Will lose the chance of getting to knowthe outslde world when staying athome.3.注意衔接,防止单句式表达高考写作不同于单句翻译。局部同学在表达时只注意单个句子的完整性,而忽略了句与句之间的衔接以及整个语篇的连贯性,致使全文虽没有语法错误,但逻辑性不强,可读性差。试比拟: 原句:Many of us are in favor of staying at h

9、ome.Thevthlnk its convement and eomfortable.Thev can save moneyfor other purposes.But thev will lose the chance of gettmg toknow the outsi de wold.修正:Many of us are in favor of staying at home.Theythink its more.they can save money for other purposes.But they Will lose thechance of getting to knowth

10、e outsldewodd.文章通过修正,巧妙地使用了过渡成分。这样,前后连贯,结构紧凑,收到了满意的效果。4.注意写作顺序,防止次序式表达表达时切忌千篇一律,不要完全按照表格内容出现的先后顺序来写,应从语篇角度统筹安排要表达的内容,必要时在表达顺序上作适当调整,目的是使全文重点突出,通顺连贯。实战演练:根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇题为“The Simllanties and differnces between newspapem andwebsites的英语短文。注意:1短文须包括表中的全部内容,可适当发挥;2词数:100左右;3参考词汇:更新(update)、音频(au-dio)、视频(

11、vldeo)。参考范文:The similaries and dlfferences betweennewspapers and websitesNewspapem and websItes are both imporant news mediain the world tody.They are Similar to eaeh other in some wayFor example,they are both used to providing news and infor-marion for people.They have diffeerent pages with various

12、 textsand pmturesBut there are great differnces between them.Newspa-pets are traditional and have a long hlstory.while websites areqmte new.We bsites need a computer and the Internet.whileyou can read newspaper everywhere And websdes have notonly texts with pictures but also audloS and videos.whichmake stones more interesting Whatsbetter.websireschangesall the time.Many websites areupdated many times a day Thelates tnews is al ways able to be seen on websites.


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