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1、短文改错突破1错误形式(1)多词:多余的词,往往是结构词,如冠词、介词、代词等。一种是根据涉及的名词、动词的特点、搭配和含义判断是否多了冠词、介词或副词。另一种是根据全句的结构和意义,判断是否多了连词或其他词。(2)缺词:漏掉的往往是冠词、介词、连词等虚词。这又与前后词的搭配有关。见到名词,应考虑是否缺了冠词;见到动词,可注意后面是否少了应与之搭配的介词或其他词。见到某些固定搭配,如in front of,as soon as,就考虑是否完整。不是固定搭配的,也要注意英语行文习惯或逻辑上的搭配。如英语不可说She shook head,而应说She shook her head.(3)错词:错


3、副词的用法,比拟级、最高级以及修饰关系是否正确。(6)代词的指代、数、性的一致关系,关系代词、不定代词的用法。(7)介词的运用、惯用法的搭配。(8)句子结构及固定搭配的使用。(9)倒装、省略、强调和there be句型的运用。(10)疑问、否认(完全否认、局部否认)使用是否正确。(11)用词是否恰当、准确。(12)行文是否通顺,是否符合逻辑。3方法规律技巧做短文改错可以用“三个看的方法,即一看意思,二看时态,三看结构。先看意思,就是先看看该行有无意思上的错误,即连词but和and,so等是否用错;疑问词或从句的引导词是否有错;代词的人称、单复数形式是否前后一致;语态是否有误等。如果意思无误,再

4、看所用时态是否前后一致。如果时态没问题,最后再看结构:有无平行结构的错用;名词单复数是否有误,其前是否有冠词的多、缺、错问题;介词是否多、缺、错;形容词、副词形式是否有误;非谓语动词的形式是否有误;主谓是否一致;固定句型或搭配是否有误。在改错过程中,可能涉及的问题有三类:一类是虚词(介词和小品副词、连词、代词、助动词、限定词、小品词to等)方面的问题;一类是实词(名词、动词、形容词、一般副词)的词形(包括词尾变化、词性选择)方面的问题;一类是同义、近义、形似词选择的问题。只要仔细分析,综合考虑,就能作出正确的判断。1(2022郑州二次质检)May 10,2022 FineToday I was

5、 having a PE lesson while I fell down1.whilewhenand hurt my foot.I was in greatly pain at that moment,2.greatlygreatbut I tried to act as if nothing has happened until the3.hashadclass was over.Though I had difficulty walk back to4.walkwalkingmy classroom,I still didnt tell anyone but even refused5.

6、butandthe offer of help of my classmates.As result,the hurt6.As后加ain my foot became worse.Now I know I7.can tell others our need for help and accept his help.8.histheirSome day we can not help others in return.In this way,9.去掉notwe can get along to each other happily and peacefully.10.towith2(2022太原

7、二次质检)Time is valuable but limit. Theres a famous saying,1.limitlimited“Time is money, this shows the importance of time. When2.thiswhichtime has gone, it will never return back.3.retrunturn或去掉backIt is a pity when many people make poor use of time. They4.whenthatspend precious time sleeping, drinkin

8、g and traveling.5.spend后加theirThey dont realize wasting time is equal to waste part of their life.6.wastewastingThey always regret having made a little achievement so far.7.去掉aTherefore, we should form the habit of value time. Do not8.valuevaluingput off what can be done today until tomorrow. Lazine

9、ss9.will not only bring us failure, but also lead us on the road 10.ontoof poverty and even death.3(2022南宁二次调研)Hi Susan,Im sorry that I wasnt able to return to your1.去掉第二个tobike on time yesterday.I mean to give it2.meanmeantback to you before four in the afternoon,and I3.andbutwas hold up on my way

10、back.Just before I4.holdheldturned corner of Park Street.I happened to5.turned后加thesee an accident.A little girl was hurt and her6.mother needed help.So I helped them going to7.goinggothe nearest hospital.I stayed here for one and8.heretherea half hour and made sure that the girl was all9.hourhours1

11、0.werewashope you understand.Thank you!Li Ling4(2022开封二次模拟)Every summer many people, girls and women, so well as1.soasboys and men, trying to swim from England to France or from2.tryingtryFrance to England. The distance at the nearest point is only3.about 21.7 miles, but because the strong tide, the

12、y usually4.because后加ofhave to swim more than twice as far. The first man succeeded5.succeeded前加who/that或succeededsucceedingin swimming the English Channel was a captain, an Englishmen.6.EnglishmenEnglishmanThat was in August 1895. Since then on there have been7.SinceFrommany more successful swimmers

13、. In 1960,a Canada crossed8.CanadaCanadianthe Channel within 10 hours and 23 minutes. Because sea9.sea前加theis quite cold, swimmers cover their bodies in grease(油脂).10.inwith5(2022永川调研)My classmates and I worked as volunteer in Beijing1.volunteervolunteersParalympics in September 13. Early in the mor

14、ning at 7202.inonwe gathered at the National Stadium, namely“the Birds Nest.3.As soon as we got into it ten minutes late,we started to do4.latelatersome cleaning.From 900 am to 400 pm,we tried our best help5.help前加tothe disabled athletes to get ready for their competitions, leading the6.leadingleada

15、udience to their seats and keep order.It was until 1200 that we7.until前加nothad lunch and took a rest,which last about an hour. We stopped8.lastlastedworking at 400.Though it was a tired job, We felt9.tiredtiringthat it an honor to serve the disabled friends from all over the world.10.去掉that或在it后加was6(2022桂林高三模拟)Dear John,How nice to hear from you! In your letter you asked me how to keep health. I would like t


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