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1、 Unit 1 Grammar Unit 1 GrammarSubjectverb AgreementSubjectverb Agreement主主 谓谓 一一 致致主谓一致主谓一致是高中英语非常重是高中英语非常重要的语法,也是高考考点,要的语法,也是高考考点,贯穿在高考英语贯穿在高考英语语法填空语法填空,短文改错短文改错和和书面表达书面表达中。中。What is S-V agreement? What is S-V agreement? 用动词的适当形式填空用动词的适当形式填空1. I _ (be)a teacher. 1. I _ (be)a teacher. 2. He _ (be)go

2、od at swimming. 2. He _ (be)good at swimming. 3. You _ (be) late for school again.3. You _ (be) late for school again.4. They _ (have)many new books. 4. They _ (have)many new books. 5. She _ (have)two sisters. 5. She _ (have)two sisters. amisarehavehas主谓一致主谓一致就是主语与谓语动词保持就是主语与谓语动词保持人称人称和和数数的一致。的一致。12

3、. 主语复谓语复主语复谓语复 ; Theshoes_(belong)tome.belongbelongs主语单主语单 - 谓语单谓语单The bike _ (belong) to me.Thecattle_intheshed.(be)Thepolice_searchingforhim.(be)3. areare只表示复数意义的只表示复数意义的 集体名词,谓语常用复数,集体名词,谓语常用复数,牛人警察和船员牛人警察和船员; (cattle , people,police, crew)4.4.集合名词如集合名词如 family, team, class, group, audience等等 作主语

4、作主语, 如果作为如果作为一个一个整体整体看待看待, 谓语用谓语用单数单数.如果指集如果指集体里体里每一个成员每一个成员,谓语用谓语用复数复数.Theteam_(have)somegoodplayers.Theteam_(be)handsome.hasareThegroup_(be)madeupofninestudents.Thegroup_(be)dancinghappily.isare 31 31期报纸改错期报纸改错Ifthefamilyhavetwoorthreechildren,itisevenhardertopaythemoney._has1. 【课文句子】【课文句子】Followi

5、ng Janes way of studying Following Janes way of studying chimps, chimps, ourgroup_(be) all _(be) all going to visit them in the forest.going to visit them in the forest.Jane warns us that Jane warns us that our group our group _ (be) going to be very tired _ (be) going to be very tired and dirty by

6、the afternoon and she and dirty by the afternoon and she is right.is right.areis1. 1. 句句中中groupgroup强调成员,故其后谓强调成员,故其后谓语动词用语动词用_形式;形式;2. 2. 句句的的groupgroup强调整体,故其后谓强调整体,故其后谓语动词用语动词用_形式。形式。( (单数单数/ /复数复数) )复数复数单数单数主主语语谓语动词谓语动词可数名可数名词单词单数或不可数名数或不可数名词词可数名可数名词词复数复数只表示复数意只表示复数意义义的集体名的集体名词词people,police,cat

7、tle等等family,class,group,team类类集体名集体名词词强强调调整体整体强强调调成成员员单单数数单单数数复数复数复数复数复数复数5.不定式,不定式,动动名名词词(短(短语语)作主)作主语语1.Toloseweightistokeepagoodhabitofeatinghealthily.(范文背范文背诵诵)2.Goingshoppingisoneofhishabits.谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数数2.2.学习帮改错学习帮改错_TakingPaying_1. 课文例句课文例句 Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first a

8、ctivity of the day.1. Take a deep breath is a 1. Take a deep breath is a helpful way to reduce your helpful way to reduce your stress.stress.2. Pay lots of attention to the 2. Pay lots of attention to the lessons will affect their school lessons will affect their school subjects.subjects.1.Whenhewil

9、lcomeisapuzzle. 改错:改错:Where he comes from are a mystery.is6.由引导词引导的主语从句作主语,由引导词引导的主语从句作主语,谓语动词通常用谓语动词通常用单数单数。2.Whenhewasbornremainsunknown,maybein1776or1777.1.Whatheneeds_(be)thatbook.2.Whatheneeds_(be)somebooks.3.Whathesawisthestarsinthesky.(改改错错)规律六: _引导的主语从句,可根据 _决定主句动词的单复数形式。what 表语areisare特殊情况:


11、tooanxioustohelpaneventdevelopoften_(result)inthecontrarytoourintention.(学(学习习帮)帮)3.Buyingclothes_(is/are)oftenatime-consumingjob.4.Tounderstandthesituationcompletely_(requires/require)morethought.resultsrequiresisis7. 定语从句的关系代词定语从句的关系代词who, which, that在从句中作主语时,谓语动词与先行词在从句中作主语时,谓语动词与先行词的人称和数保持一致。的人称

12、和数保持一致。 Those who enjoy singing may join us. Tom, who is your friend, should help you.1.YouwillprobablywanttojointheStampCollectorsClubwhichexisttoaddmorestampstoyourcollection.(学学习习帮改帮改错错)2.Inthepast,peoplehadtodolotsofworkwhichwereverydangerous.(学学习习帮改帮改错错)3. Obesitycomesfromourunhealthyeatinghabi

13、tlikeeatingtoomuchhigh-energyfood,which_(lead)togettingmorefatinourbody.(范文背范文背诵诵)existswasleads 定语从句谓语动词由关系代词所指代定语从句谓语动词由关系代词所指代的的先行词决定先行词决定。主主语语谓语动词谓语动词不定式、不定式、动动名名词词主主语语从句从句定定语语从句中关系代从句中关系代词词作主作主语语通常用通常用单单数数通常用通常用单单数数与先行与先行词词一致一致8.manya,morethanone,oneandahalf与与单单数数名名词词组组成的短成的短语语,谓语谓语用用单单数。数。Many

14、aboyhasseenit.许许多孩子都看到了。多孩子都看到了。Manyateacherareworriedabouttheeffectsoftelevisiononyoungpeople.(学学习习帮改帮改错错)Morethanoneperson_(be)involvedinthematter.isis9. “9. “a a number of + number of + 名词复数名词复数”- - 谓谓语语复复 “ “thethe number of + number of + 名词复数名词复数”- - 谓语谓语单单1. A number of students _(go)to the co

15、untryside to help with the autumn harvest since 2008.2. The number of pages in this book _(be) two hundred.have gone is10. a (large) quantity of +可数或不可数名可数或不可数名词,谓语动词用词,谓语动词用单数单数。 quantities of +可数或不可数名词可数或不可数名词, 谓语谓语动词用动词用复数复数。 A large quantity of people _ A large quantity of people _ (be) needed h

16、ere.(be) needed here.Quantities of food nuts _ (be) Quantities of food nuts _ (be) on the on the table. table.isare11.twentypercent(百分数百分数)twothirds/half(分数分数)therest,+of单名单名+复动复动复名复名+复动复动 Ten percent of the pupils _ absent today.Three-fourths of the surface of the earth _ sea.areis12.12.表示表示时间时间,距离距离,价格价格,长度长度,重量重量等名词的等名词的复数复数作主语,并作为作主语,并作为整体整体看待时,看待时,谓语动词用谓语动词用单数单数。1)Four hours _ enough to do the experiment .(be)2)Ten dollars _ too much to pay for that shirt . (be)isis主主语语谓语动词谓语动词表示表示单单位数量,指位数


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