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1、ExitLife Is Full of Life Is Full of Choices Choices Main MenuMain MenuNavigation for Unit ThreeWarming-up Activities1.Howtoreacttosomethingbad?2.Howtomakelifeexciting?3.Choosetolearnsomethingbad?4.Whykeepingagoodmood?HomeIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionInthelongjourneyoflife,youaresurelytoencoun

2、termanyevents.Yourattitudetowardsthoseeventsmakesyourlifedifferent.Areyouavictimoflifesevents,choosingtoseethenegativesidenomaterwhatthesituationis?Or,doyoubelievenomatterwhathappensyoushouldthinkpositivelyandlearnfromtheexperience?Toagreatextent,apersonsoutlookonlifedecidesitsoutcome.Return 1. 1. W

3、hat will you do when something bad happens to you?What will you do when something bad happens to you? Warming-up activitiesWarming-up activitiesReturnReference:Iwillfeelmiserable.Iwilllearnsomethingfromit.Iwillbehappy.Iwillseeitasatypeoflearning.Iwilltrytoavoidit. 2. 2. How do you make your life exc

4、iting?How do you make your life exciting? ReturnReference:Idliketogettogetherwithmyfriendsatweekend.Idliketogetsomethingpositivefromsomethingbad.IdliketobuymyselfwhateverIwant.Idliketochoosetohaveagoodmoodeveryday.3. 3. Do you always choose to learn from Do you always choose to learn from something

5、bad? Give an example. something bad? Give an example. Return4. Why do people need to choose a good 4. Why do people need to choose a good mood whatever happens to them?mood whatever happens to them? ReturnReturnNavigation for Unit 3Navigation for Unit 3Life Is Full of ChoicesLife Is Full of Choices

6、Preparation Preparation Reading Through Reading Through ExercisesExercises Merry Learning Merry LearningCOCONTNTENTSENTS Preparation PreparationSpot DictationSpot DictationActivity IActivity IActivity IIActivity IIWatch and DiscussWatch and DiscussSpot dictationDirections: The following paragraph is

7、 taken from Text A. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks without referring to the original text. Michael replied, “Each morning I wake _ and say to myself, “Mike, you have two _ today. You can choose to be in a good _ or you can choose to be in a bad mood.? I choose to be in a good mood. Each tim

8、e _ bad happens, I can choose to be a _ or choose to see it as a type of learning. I choose to learn from it, to see it almost _ a victory.” up choices something mood victim as Watch and DiscussWatch the film clips and discuss the followingquestions:1)Whatisthisclipabout?2)Whatdopeopleusuallydoafter

9、adayswork?3) How do you usually relax yourself after a daysstudy? In this clip, the lady is talking about a nice way to encourage people to get out to socialize more. According to her, it is too easy to become lazy after a long days work. People usually go back home, turn on the TV, take shoes off a

10、nd just relax. It is a passive choice of relaxing. But if you make an effort to go out and have a good time after work, you will have a good time. For example, you can go to have a dinner in a nice restaurant, and you might even make new friends there. That will be an active way of relaxing. Your li

11、fe can be different. All depends on your choice.Summary of the clips and reference for discussion Reading ThroughNew Wordsmillguytwinlestprincemoodvictimvictoryyeahbottomweeklytowersurgeryintensivereleasemetalrodscarwell-beinginchlatterparamedictransferactionyellgravemorePhrases and ExpressionsPhras

12、es and Expressionsrun-of-the-millat workin a moodsee asbottom linereflect on/uponinvolve inwithin an inch oftake action Main Idea & StructureFirstreading:Scanthepassageandtrytocatchthemainidea.Thefollowingwordsareforyourreferencetoorganizetheidea.bright side of a situation, positive attitude, benefi

13、t from, accident, save from Second reading: Read the passage again and try to identify the structure of this passage. For your referenceFor your reference The passage tells us a story of about Michael. Michael is a person who chooses to look on the bright side of a situation. He takes a positive att

14、itude towards everything and he benefits a lot from his positive attitude, especially when the terrible accident happened to him. It is his amazing attitude to face life with laugh that at last saved him from death. From this story we learned that attitude is everything. Life can be different, and i

15、t all depends on your own choice. Main IdeaMain IdeaMain IdeaMain IdeaStructureStructureStructureStructureMain idea: Michael encountered a terrible accident and his positive attitude saved himself from death. Main idea: Michael takes a positive attitude towards life and he also helps others to look

16、on the positive side of a situation. Part II: Paras. 6-13Part I: Paras. 1-5Life Is Full of ChoicesLife Is Full of Choices Michaelisnorun-of-the-millkindofguy.Heisalwayshappyandalwayshassomethingpositivetosay.Atwork,whensomeonewouldaskhimhowhewasdoing,hewouldreply,“IfIwereanybetter,Idbetwins!”Ifanemployeehadabadday,Michaelwouldtellhim/herhowtolookonthepositivesideofthesituationlesttheydcontinuefeelingdown.Hewaslikearayofsunshine,aprinceamongmen.Oneday,IwentuptoMichaelandaskedhim,“Idontgetit.Youca


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