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1、1. Listen and number._2. Look and fill.grocery_supermarket_bookstore_department store_bakery_drugstore_1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 62, 3, 4 5, 62, 316Dialogue3. Listen and tick.4. Listen and complete.Date: Jan 24,2010To: NO.2 Vocational School From: Woods BakeryItemQuantityUnit priceAmountPizza 2 12 24Cake Total

2、 amount 60 Signature Jerry ShadeJerry Shade a dozen 3 365. Listen, read and underline.Salesgirl: Tang Hua: Salesgirl: Sara: Salesgirl: Tang Hua: Salesgirl: Good afternoon. What can I do for you?Id like to buy some bananas and oranges.Sorry, there arent any bananas. But we have oranges.How much is th

3、e orange?2 yuan a kilo. Its on sale now.OK. Ill take 5 kilos.Here you are.6. Practice and act.shoesfootballbasketballCDnewspapermobile phonepants¥ 188.00¥ 78.00¥ 98.00¥ 12.00¥ 3.00¥ 2580.00¥ 236.006. Practice and act.What can I do for you? / Can I help you?Sorry, there isnt/arent any Its Here you ar

4、e.Customer:Salesperson: Id like / I want .How much is ?Ill take A: Can I help you? B: Id like a pair of shoes.A:Sorry, there arent any shoes. Butwehavepants.B:How much is the pants ?A:Its 236 yuanapair.Itsonsalenow.B:OK,Ill takethepants.A:Hereyouare.7. Tick, talk and complete.Item of goods in store

5、Orange juice _ Coffee _ Bread _ CD _Items your store doesnt have Coke _ Milk _ Cake _ Basketball _What can I do for you? / What can I do for you? / Can I help you? Can I help you? How much is ? How much is ? Ill take 5 kilos. Ill take 5 kilos. Is there any discount?Is there any discount?我能帮您什么吗?(商店我

6、能帮您什么吗?(商店我能帮您什么吗?(商店我能帮您什么吗?(商店营业员对顾客说的套话)营业员对顾客说的套话)营业员对顾客说的套话)营业员对顾客说的套话)这个这个这个这个 多少钱?多少钱?多少钱?多少钱?我买我买我买我买5 5公斤。公斤。公斤。公斤。有折扣吗?有折扣吗?有折扣吗?有折扣吗?/ /能便宜点吗?能便宜点吗?能便宜点吗?能便宜点吗?8. Read and choose.Downtown Supermarket, your best choice!Welcome to Downtown Supermarket! Many things are on sale here. Do you n

7、eed salad sauce? We have salad sauce of different flavors at a good price ¥ 5.99 a bottle! We also have chicken for only ¥ 9.60 a kilo. There are many things at very attractive prices in Downtown Supermarket. Key sentencessurprise 在这里意为在这里意为“惊喜惊喜”,给某人的,给某人的惊喜可用惊喜可用surprise for sb。eg I have a big sur

8、prise for you. 我给你准备了一份大惊喜我给你准备了一份大惊喜。Welcome to Downtown Supermarket!Welcome to Downtown Supermarket! 欢迎光临市区超市!欢迎光临市区超市!欢迎光临市区超市!欢迎光临市区超市!这句话的完整形式是这句话的完整形式是You are welcome to Downtown Supermarket!welcome 在这里意为在这里意为“受欢迎的受欢迎的”。欢迎。欢迎某人到某地用某人到某地用sb is welcome to eg You are welcome to our meeting, Miss

9、Zhou. 周小姐,欢迎你参加会议。周小姐,欢迎你参加会议。 Welcome to Beijing! 北京欢迎你!北京欢迎你!good price 在这里意为在这里意为“合理的价格合理的价格”,“实惠的价格实惠的价格” We see many goods in the department store at good prices. 我们在百货商店看到许多商品的价格都非我们在百货商店看到许多商品的价格都非常常实惠实惠。attractive 这里意为这里意为“吸引人的吸引人的”。eg she is a attractive girl.original 意为意为“原来的原来的”,在文中指原价。,在

10、文中指原价。eg Whats the original price for this cake? 这种这种蛋糕蛋糕原价是多少?原价是多少?unit price 意为意为“单价单价”,指单位商品的价,指单位商品的价格。格。eg The unit price sounds attractive. 单价听起来很有吸引力。单价听起来很有吸引力。 A Big _ _ you! _ _ Downtown Supermarket! Many things are _ _ here. Do you _ salad sauce? We have salad sauce _ _ _ at a _ _ - 5.99

11、 a bottle! We also have chicken _ only 9.60 a kilo. There are many things at very _ prices in Downtown Supermarket. Downtown Supermarket, _ _ _! surprise forWelcome to on sale need of different flavors good price for attractive your best choice8. Read and choose.TeaOriginal 42.00Monday 39.80RiceOrig

12、inal¥2.80Tuesday¥2.30PearOriginal¥3.60Tuesday¥3.40Ice CreamOriginal¥2.80Wednesday¥2.50JuiceOriginal¥4.99Thursday¥3.99FishOriginal¥8.90Friday¥8.70AppleOriginal¥5.99Wednesday¥5.69ChickenOriginal¥10.00Thursday¥9.608. Read and choose.MilkOriginal¥7.80Friday¥7.50PotatoOriginal¥2.50Saturday¥2.00CandyOrigi

13、nal¥12.50Saturday¥12.00PizzaOriginal¥10.00Sunday¥7.50OilOriginal¥18.00Saturday¥16.00Salad SauceOriginal¥7.99Sunday¥5.99All are unit prices.Downtown SupermarketSaturday, Jan 20, 20148. Read and choose._ items are on sale on Saturday.a. One b. Two c. Three d. ManyPotatoes are on sale on Sunday.5)9. Re

14、ad and judge.Juice is on sale on Thursday.3)Tea is on sale on Tuesday.1)Pears are on sale on Wednesday.2)Chicken is on sale on Friday.4)【 】【 】【 】【 】【 】Read and judge. 再读海报,判断下列商品的降价信息是否再读海报,判断下列商品的降价信息是否正确。正确。( ) 1) Tea is on sale on Tuesday.( ) 2) Pears are on sale on Wednesday.( ) 3) Juice is on s

15、ale on Thursday.( ) 4) Chicken is on sale on Friday. ( ) 5) Potatoes are on sale on Sunday.FFTFFMonday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Shopping list10. Read and fill.ItemNumberFish1Salad Sauce2 bottlesPear1.5kgCandy8 boxesItem Fish Salad Sauce Pear CandyDay on SaleMoney SavedQuantityOriginal Price 1 2 bot

16、tles 1.5 kg 8 boxes 8.90 yuan 7.99 yuan 3.60 yuan 12.50 yuan Friday Sunday Tuesday Saturday 0.20 yuan 4.00 yuan 0.30 yuan 4.00 yuanBen wants to buy _.Its original price _ yuan. But it is on sale on _.Its _ yuan on that day. It is _ yuan cheaper in all.Ben can buy all the items with the least money on _.fish / salad sauce / pears / candies8.90 / 7.99 / 3.60 / 12.50Friday / Sunday / Tuesday / Saturday8.70 / 5.99 / 3.40 / 12.000.20 / 4.00 / 0.30 / 4.00Saturday or Sunday11. Talk and decide.There +is



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