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1、高中英语诗歌教学四部曲 高中英语诗歌教学四部曲 以Module 6 Unit 2 Poems Reading为例 在英语教学中加强英文诗歌的分析和鉴赏,对提高学生的语感和语言理解能力具有非常有效的作用。本文以一堂诗歌教学课为例,对高中英语诗歌教学模式进行了探究,总结出高中英语诗歌教学四部曲:体验音韵妙趣,感受诗歌之语言美;了解诗歌类型,感受诗歌之形式美;搭建创作平台,体验诗歌创作;赏析经典诗例,感受诗歌之意境美。 诗歌语言形式创作意境 一、引言 语言是文化的载体,语言本身就是文化的一个重要组成部分。现代英语教学中,教师应根据学生的年龄特点和认知能力,逐步扩展文化知识的内容和范围,把英语语言教学

2、置于跨文化交际的环境之中,培养学生的跨文化意识,提高对英美文化的感悟力。诗歌是真实的语篇,是语言艺术的精华它不仅语言优美、韵律感强,而且文化内容十分丰富,是不可或缺的教学资源。选用合适的诗歌进行教学不仅可以培养学生的听、说、读、写能力,还可以激发学生对语言本身的兴趣和热爱,培养学生的世界意识,有利于形成跨文化交际能力。高中的英语文化意识普遍比较薄弱,他们很少接触英语文学作品,更别说是诗歌。 下面我以Module 6 Unit 2 Poems Reading为例,谈谈我对高中英语诗歌教学模式的探究。本课堂以英语诗歌作为载体,组织大量有效的教学活动。在鉴赏诗歌时,每种诗歌组织不同的活动,如:朗诵、

3、找韵脚、找主题、翻译等,让学生在活动中了解了英语诗歌的特点。这种“在活动中学习”的探究模式下实现知识的意义建构,有利于激发学生的学习积极性。 二、高中英语诗歌教学模式探究 1.体验音韵妙趣,感受诗歌之语言美 (1)读出诗歌韵味 诗人北岛曾说:“诗歌不是拿来看的诗歌是拿来读的,不懂得这个道理, 不会读懂诗,也不会写好诗“作为一个阅读文本,诗歌以富有节奏的韵律给语言 一份韵味。在英语诗歌课堂教学中可以组织学生齐声朗读诗歌,体验音韵妙趣。例如: Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world s

4、o high, Like a diamond in the sky. 教师引导学生在富有节奏的朗读中感受、发现英语诗歌的基本特点:Rhyming words: star,are,high,sky; The type of rhyme is aabb; rhythm pattern。大声朗读能帮助学生获得体验,感受诗歌的节奏美、音韵美,也有利于学生体验作者的思想情感,理解诗歌的意境。 (2)感悟诗歌韵味 教师可设计一些押韵和节奏练习,让学生充分理解英语诗歌的押韵和节奏特点。押韵练习 A clumsy young fellow named Tim, Was never taught how to_

5、(swim) He fell off a dock,(码头) And sunk like a_(rock) And that was the end of him. 节奏练习 Tiger!/ Tiger!/ burning / bright, In the / forests / of the / night 诗歌是语言的艺术,高中生要完全理解和掌握英语诗歌的特点,并不现实。选择难度比较小的诵读和押韵练习能营造一种宽松的学习环境,刺激学生的感官,吸引学生的注意力,调动学生的情绪,使学生很快进入角色。 2. 了解诗歌类型,感受诗歌之形式美 学生分组朗读不同的诗歌类型,找出它们各自的特点,并进行分

6、享。分享时,学生先朗读,再呈现特点。 (1)赏析童谣, 让学生讲述童谣的特点,并给学生搭建平台,分享更多的童谣,从而深刻体会童谣的特点。 Nursery Rhyme Language:Concrete but imaginative Rhythm:Strong rhythm; A lot of repetition; Easy to learn and recite Theme: a fathers love for his child (2) 让学生讲述清单诗的特点。两首清单诗,各有所则重。赏析Poem B,找出the rhyming words。赏析Poem C, 理解诗歌的主题。 the

7、 rhyming words: fire, squire; high, sky; lead, dead; race, lace; cat hat; too, true List Poems清单诗,是文学诗作的一种,不断重复短语和节奏,比较容易创作,是学生模仿写作的好对象。清单诗可长可短,可以重复一些短语,较为灵活。有些清单诗有韵脚,有些则没有。 List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases. Some rhyme while others do not. Poem B I saw a fish-pond all on f

8、ire, I saw a house bow to a squire, I saw a person twelve-feet high, I saw a cottage in the sky, I saw a balloon made of lead, I saw a coffin drop down dead, I saw two sparrows run a race, I saw two horses making lace, I saw a girl just like a cat, I saw a kitten wear a hat, I saw a man who saw thes

9、e too, And said though strange they all were true. Poem C Our first football match We would have won if Jack had just scored that goal, if wed had just a few more minutes, if we had trained harder, if Ben had passed the ball to Joe, if wed had thousands of fans screaming, if I hadnt taken my eye off

10、 the ball, if we hadnt stayed up so late the night before, if we hadnt taken it easy, if we hadnt run out of energy, We would have won if weve been better! The speaker conveys his _(regret) for not winning the match. ( 3 ) Cinquain五行诗是指每段由五个诗行组成的诗歌。赏析Poem D, 分析Cinquain的特点。 Brother -one word (topic)

11、Beautiful, athletic -two adjs Teasing, shouting, laughing -three verbs with ing Friend and enemy too four words Mine -one word Summer夏日 Sleepy, salty 困乏,咸涩 Drying, drooping, dreading 干涸,枯萎,恐怖 Week in, week out 周而复始 Endless 永无止境 头韵alliteration是英语语音修辞手段之一,它蕴含了语言的音乐美和整齐美,使得语言声情交融、音义一体,具有很强的表现力和感染力。头韵是加

12、强行内节奏感的一种手段,是节奏式辅助因素。这也是英语追求形式美,音韵美的一个重要表现。赏析Poem E, 引导学生发现此首诗的特点,从而向学生介绍头韵。Loves Labors lost 爱的徒劳 Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见 Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感 (4)俳句的篇幅短小且格式规整给人一种精致的美感,每个句子仿佛近似,仔细品味每个句子的内容却包括万象。 学生赏析Poem F, Poem G,总结俳句的特点。 Haiku is a _ (Japanese)form of poetry that is made up of _( 17)syll

13、ables. It is easy to write and can give a _ ( clear ) picture and create a special feeling using the minimum of words. What does the poet want to describe? A fallen blossom is coming back to the branch. look, a butterfly! (by Moritake) (5 )Tang Poems 通过翻译练习,让学生理解诗歌的内涵,感悟英汉诗歌的异同。 Where she awaits her

14、 husband, On and on the river flows Never looking back, Transformed into stone. Day by day upon the mountain top, wind and rain revolve. Should the journey return, this stone would utter speech. (by Wang Jian) Which of the following words can convey the womans feelings A. loneliness B. joy C. love D. trust E. anger F. hate G. sorrow Translate Poem H into Chinese. 望夫石 王健


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