人教版英语下册Unit4 Then and now B let's talk同步练习

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《人教版英语下册Unit4 Then and now B let's talk同步练习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版英语下册Unit4 Then and now B let's talk同步练习(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Pep 六Unit4 Then and now B lets talk同步练习一、将同学们送给偏远山区小伙伴的礼物,按提示送上“爱心车”,使它们能尽快送到小伙伴的手机中。(连线即可)二、单项选择。( )1.Before I _ short. Now I _ tall.A.am, am B.was, am C.was, was( )2.You are _ a shirt.A.wears B.wearing C. wear( )3.Come and look _ Mikes old photos.A.at B. to C. in( )4.Thats _ good exercise.A.a B. a

2、n C. /三、补充句子。1.Come and look _ Mikes old photos.2.Before I liked pink. _ I dont like it now.3.Before I _ quiet. Now Im very _ in class.4.I was short. So I _ ride my bike well.5.I didnt like math _ . But now I like it. 三、照样子,写句子。1.例 :John, thin, strongBefore John was thin. Now he-s strong.(1) Amy, qu

3、iet, active_. (2)Miss Chen, strict, funny_. 2,例:Sam, take picturesBefore Sam couldnt take pictures.Now he takes pictures well.(l)Sarah, speak Chinese_. (2)Mr Wang, play badminton_. 参考答案一、形容词:easy, active, quiet, different名词badminton, grass, star, dining hall, gym二、1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C三、1.at 2. But 3. was active 4. couldnt 5. before四、1. (1) Before Amy was quiet. Now shes active.(2) Before Miss Chen was strict. Now shes funny.2. (1) Before Sarah couldnt speak Chinese. Now she speaks Chinese well.(2) Before Mr Wang couldnt play badminton. No


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