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1、2019-2020年八年级英语上册 阅读理解专项训练(三)(新版)人教新目标版阅读理解(一)Good friends have common ideas,and sometimes similar tastes in music,clothes and free time activities.However,the most important thing of friendship (友谊), according to some students at North Westminster CommunitY School, is trust (信任). Trust is what it i

2、s all about.AnneParker I am 15 years old. My good friends are Sarah and Minnie. I met Sarah when I was 5 and Minnie when I was 8. Because Sarah s father found a new job in New York last year, She moved there with her family. Although we can t study and play together every day, we talk online every S

3、aturday. We share all things we experience and care about each other s life. AmandaKhamonImet Susan when I was waiting outside her house on the day she moved next to my house. Last month, I broke my arm and had to stay in hospital. She came to hospital eVery day to help me with my study and tell me

4、funny things in school. Because of her, I became well very soon.JaneMuthoniRosie and I do everything together. We go to the school library every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. We talk about everything together. Apart from (除.之外) trust, it s all about love. If one of us has problems, the o

5、ther will help.JamesBarryDennis is my best friend. We both know the true meaning of friendship. No matter ( 不论) what happens, where we go and whatwe do, we 11 always be friends and nothing can come between us.阅读上面语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。( )1. The four students at North Westminster Community School think is t

6、he most important in friendship. A. love B. trust C. age D. culture( )2. Anne met Sarah. years ago. A. seven B. eight C. nine D. ten( )3. Amanda had something wrong with her last year. A. head B. leg C. arm D. hand( )4. Jane and Rosie go to the school library times a week. A. three B. four C. five D

7、. six( )5. What can we lean from the material? A. Dennis is not sure about the true meaning of friendship. B. Sarah wants to make some new friends in New York. C. S.usan and Amanda live in the same neighborhood. D. Minnie is James s best friend.(二) In the forest, everything was great and everyone wa

8、s happy before Jemima came there.Jemima was a very tall giraffe with a long neck (脖子). She was the noisiest and the most gossipy (爱说三道四的) animal in the forest. She liked to watch everything and told everyone what was going on. That made so many animals unhappy. They had a meeting and decided to teac

9、h her a lesson (给她一个教训) At that time Big Bongo the monkey decided to move to a new house. Jemima was so curious about the new house. One night she walked quietly to Big Bongo s bedroom window. The window was open and she put her head inside. She was just on time to see Big Bongo leaving the bedroom.

10、So, Jemima put her head further in so that she could follow him to the next room. It was dhrk in the house and she couldn t see very well, but she followed Big Bongo into another room, and then another. At last Jemima couldn t follow Big Bongo any more. Her neck wasn t long enough. Big Bongo ran aro

11、und his house, and Jemima s neck was in a tangle ( 绕成一团). Then all the other animals came to the house and told Jemima what they thought of her.Jemima s face turned red. She decided that she would not use her neck to poke ( 干涉) into the lives of others.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。( )1. Many animals in

12、 the forest were unhappy with Jemima because . A. she had a long neck B. she was new to the forest C. she was noisy and gossipy D. she liked to do everythi,n,g( )2. The underlined word “curious” in Paragraph 3 means“ ” inChinese. A. 好奇的 B. 满意的 C. 疯狂的 D.愤怒的( )3. Big Bongo ran around his new house to

13、. A. look at it quickly B. teach Jemima a lesson C. show his friends around D. put his things in their places( )4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Jemima s neck was long enough to see every room in the house. B. Big Bongos new house was tall enough for Jemima to stand in.

14、 C. Jemima used her neck to follow Big Bongo into his house. D. Big Bongo asked Jemima to come to his new house.( )5. The other animals in .the forest wanted to tell Jemima that . A. they. didn t want her to live in the forest B. she shouldnt poke into the lives of others C. she shouldn t go into others houses at night D. they didnt like to make friends with tall animals(三)Chris and Jessica live in Miami,Florida,They are packing(收拾行李)now.Theyre going away for a three-week vacation tomorrow.Theyre renting(租赁)a house on a small lake about 100 miles north of the city.Chris is a carpenter(木匠)



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