中考英语课标版教材知识盘点考点精讲五 八年级(上)Unit1

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中考英语课标版教材知识盘点考点精讲五 八年级(上)Unit1_第1页
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中考英语课标版教材知识盘点考点精讲五 八年级(上)Unit1_第2页
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中考英语课标版教材知识盘点考点精讲五 八年级(上)Unit1_第3页
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中考英语课标版教材知识盘点考点精讲五 八年级(上)Unit1_第4页
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中考英语课标版教材知识盘点考点精讲五 八年级(上)Unit1_第5页
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2、cemanpolicewomanpersonalinventorinventionwonwinnerboughtmainlyexcitedexcitebadlyworseworstcertainlysuccesssuccessfullysucceedthe most popularfithealthsickillnessillnessesindoorscheer ongrow uptake part inkeep fit/healthyleave forfall illgive sb.a hand(help sb.)do well inshout at sb.do ones besttalk

3、aboutcome into beingstand fortable tennisthe day after tomorrowrelay raceneck and neckbe good atbe good forbe angry withbe able to do sth.in the futureall overat firstfor exampleat leasthave a basketball game againstBothandhopewilla good way todo well indid his bestbe angry with each otherhas a history ofis becoming more and moreboys 800meterItsfirst time tospendsexercisingtrying his best to catch up withdid my bestwas the first to crosscomecheeronWhich sport preferorprefer owingaregoing toscientistjoin usbe glad toNot at allam sorry for whatshallmeetmake it


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