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1、 届高三英语每日一练7 2020届高三英语限时训练(7).单句语法填空1.Pahlsson screamed _ loudly that her daughter came running from the house.2.The concept of “Customer First” should be _ (firm) rooted in the mind of everyshop-assistant.3.He had driven no _(far) than ten miles when his race car broke down and he was soonbehind the

2、 other competitors.4.It is known to all that the rich _(be) not always happy.5.In her letter, she said that she _(come) to England next year.6.Mary as well as her sisters _(study) Chinese in China now.7.The word “right” has the same pronunciation _ the word “write”.8.Who can think of a situation _ t

3、his Chinese idiom is frequently used?9.A housing bubble is an economic situation _ occurs when house prices rise much too fast.10.C hildren who are not active or _ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.单句改错1.His health is improving day by day. It is quite apparently that the medicine has a go

4、od effect on hisdisease.2.She didnt allow the accident to discourage her. On the contrary, she began to work twice as hardly.3.Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 college graduates this year as short-term teachers,almost three times of the number hired last year, to help reduce unemploy

5、ment pressure.4.It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite other to play it well yourself. ually there might be a lot of accidents in the heavy fog. I happened to witness it this morning.6.Despite the fact that all the family members are against his decision, hes determined to

6、 marry to thatwoman.7.Between the two roads stand a TV tower called “Skyscraper Tower”.8.Three fourths of the bread were eaten by Bob, and the rest was left on the table.9.In fact, not only Mary and I but also Jane are tired of having one exam after another.10.L ast Sunday my parents were away on bu

7、siness. I left alone, with no one to cook for me.阅读理解A“Ive always loved food,” says Cassie Dawson in the kitchen of her flat in London. “But Ive become bored with eating out. Ive had too many disappointing meals and paid too much money for them! At one point, fed up with my complaint, a friend sugge

8、sted I open my own restaurant. Impossible, I thought. But then I heard about supper clubs”Supper clubs are a mixture of a restaurant and a dinner party - you go to a strangers house and he/she cooks dinner for you. Like a restaurant, you pay for your food, but like a dinner party, you eat at the sam

9、e table as other people. They are advertised through social-networking sites with a menu and little information about where the supper club is until just before the meal.“Its like running a secret restaurant for one night,” says Cassie. “The next morning, I set the tables and chairs aside. I put the

10、 TV back and its my living room again.”Cassie opens her “restaurant” for people about once a month, and she really enjoys the evenings shes had so far. She uses fresh, local ingredients and a typical meal costs about the same as a takeaway - much less than a restaurant meal. So how does she make mon

11、ey out of it?“I dont,” says Cassie.“In fact, at first I was worried about losing money on my club. Im good at cooking but my maths is terrible! But I was surprised by how cheaply I could make a good meal. This isnt about money. Its about a different eating experience.”And what about inviting complet

12、e strangers into her house? Was Cassie ever nervous about that?“Not at all,” she says.“Almost everyone at the supper club is just interested in having a good meal with other interesting people.”1. Why did Cassie decide to open her own restaurant finally?A. To earn a living.B. To satisfy her friends

13、needs.C. To make friends with strangers.D. To cook cheap and good meals for others.2. What does the underlined word “They” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Dinner parties.B. Supper clubs.C. Fresh ingredients.D. Dinner invitations.3. What can we know about Cassies restaurant?A. It serves meals for free.B.

14、It only serves takeaways.C. It is only open to her friends.D. It is only open in the evening.4. How does Cassie feel about her restaurant now?A. Worried.B. Content.C. Annoyed.D. Sensitive.七选五Here are some ways to make healthy snacking part of your everyday routine:Prepare healthy snacks in advance.

15、Do you know that you can make your own granola(格兰诺拉麦片) or trail mix(果仁混合包)? When you make something by yourself, you get to control the ingredients and put in whats good for you! You can also keep plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables at home to have a go. _1_ Keep the servings in bags in the fridge, and ready to grab and go._2_ Make it a habit to stash some fruit, whole-grain crackers, or baby carrots in your backpack or workout bag


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