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1、2022年福建商学院单招英语题库及答案解析学校:_ 姓名:_ 班级:_ 考号:_题号一二三四总分得分一、单选题1_with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice ?A.To faceB.Having facedC.Faced答案:C2The customers needs cant be _ by the company at onceA.agreedB.doneC.allowedD.met答案:D3When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing t

2、here He _ her before。A.never sawB.had never seenC.has never seen答案:B4I always prefer starting early _ leaving everything to the last minuteA.rather thanB.in caseC.or elseD.for fear答案:A5After supper Tom _ down in bed and soon fell asleep.A.liedB.layC.lieD.lain答案:B6It was more than 100 years ago _ Tom

3、as Edison invented the electric lamp.A.thatB.sinceC.whatD.where答案:A7- Do you enjoy your present job?-().I just do it for a living.A.Of courseB.Not reallyC.Not likelyD.Not a little答案:B8The man in blue must be your brother, _ ?A.mustnt heB.neednt heC.is heD.isnt he答案:D9After seeing the movie, _.A.the

4、book was read by himB.the book made him want to read itC.he wanted to read the bookD.the reading of the book interested him答案:C10You have made a few mistakes in your composition but _you have done well.A.on the wholeB.generally speakingC.on the other handD.first of all答案:A11Please dont touch that fi

5、sh.It smells _.A.badB.badlyC.goodD.well答案:A12There is()in todays newspaper.A.new anythingB.new somethingC.anything newD.something new答案:D13Its time _ class.A.forB.toC.atD.in答案:A14It is necessary () us to have plenty of exercise to keep our hair healthy.A.ofB.forC.withD.to答案:B15Who knocked at the doo

6、r Ive no idea I just pretended nobody was at home, so I didnt ask who _ was.A.heB.thatC.sheD.it答案:D二、完形填空1Who says honesty(诚信)is dead? Last Tuesday morning Alan Reed,a student at Claremont College here,was getting (1) money out of the bank. He wanted to have 50 dollars and the teller(银行出纳员)(2) him f

7、ive twenties instead of five tens. For a few seconds,as Alan tells it,he wondered (3) to do. Should he give the extra money back? Keep it? If he kept it,he could buy several new CDs,or he could take his friend Simon to a big dinner. (4) no one would ever notice. But then he (5) the teller. She was a

8、 middle-aged woman with a sweet face,and she (6) him of his mother. She had been nice to him. Then he thought that there were probably exact (7) kept of how much money was paid out,and the (8) would probably get in trouble. (9) of all,Alan felt he would probably feel (10) about keeping the extra mon

9、ey. Alan gave back the money at last. 1)( )A.lessB.someC.anyD.several答案:B2)( )A.addedB.tookC.askedD.gave答案:D3)( )A.whatB.howC.whereD.when答案:A4)( )A.QuicklyB.ShortlyC.ProbablyD.Safely答案:C5)( )A.sawB.listened toC.heardD.looked at答案:D6)( )A.rememberedB.returnedC.remindedD.required答案:C7)( )A.recordsB.da

10、tesC.photosD.places答案:A8)( )A.motherB.studentC.ladyD.man答案:C9)( )A.EachB.WorstC.PartD.Best答案:B10)( )A.excitedB.satisfiedC.happyD.guilty答案:D三、阅读理解1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项A Music is an international language.The songs that are sung or played by instruments are beautiful to all people

11、 everywhere.Popular music in America is what every student likes.Students carry small radios with earphones and listen to music before class, after class and at lunch.Students with cars buy large speakers and play the music loudly as they drive on the street. Adult drivers listen to music on the car

12、 radio as they drive to work.They also listen to the news about sports, the weather, politics, and activities of the American people.But most of the radio broadcast is music. Pop or popular music singers make much money.They make a CD or tape which radio stations use in every state.Once the popular

13、singer is heard throughout the country, young people buy his or her tapes.Some of the money from these tapes comes to the singer.Wherever the singer goes,all the young people want to meet him or her.Now the singer has become a national star. Besides pop music, there are two other kinds of music that

14、 is important to Americans.One is called folk music.It tells stories about the common life of Americans.The other is called western or country music.This was started by cowboys who would sing at night to the cows they were watching.Today, any music about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl is called western or country music. 1)In America, every student likes _.A.folk musicB.country musicC.pop music答案:C2)According to the passage, most of the car radio broadcast is _.A.sportsB.musicC.the weather答案:B3)What do cowboys do accordin



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