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1、周周练十一一、单词拼写 请根据句意和汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)。1. Weather _(允许), we will have a picnic tomorrow.2. The president came to _(权力) last week.3. This story reminds me of the _(愉快的) old days I had with my family.4. From my point of view, its high time that the government should take effective measures to _(阻止) e

2、nvironmental pollution.5. He is so stubborn that no one can _(说服) him.6. Driving after drinking is strictly _(禁止).7. _ makes perfect.8. Mr. Wang is very _(受欢迎) with all of his students.9. Only in this way can you get _(升职).10. Sunglasses can _(保护) our eyes from sunshine.11. It is him who made great

3、contributions to our country that we are _(骄傲的) of.12. Its not _(礼貌) to talk with your mouth full.13. I _(更喜欢) physics to psychology.14. Failing in this exam, we should still hold _(积极的) attitude towards study.15. It is a _ that you cant come to my birthday party.16. If you want to start the engine,

4、 you must _(按) this button.17. The environment has become worse and worse in the _(过去的) few years.18. Theres _(足够的) of time for us to prepare for the College Entrance Exam.19. He was _(表扬) for what he had done.20. Scientists say that if the _(人口) continues to rise at the present rate in a few years,

5、 there wont be enough food.【答案】1. permitting 2. power 3. pleasant 4. prevent 5. persuade6. prohibited 7. Practice 8. popular 9. promoted 10. protect 11. proud12. polite 13. prefer 14. positive 15. pity 16. press 17. past 18. plenty19. praised 20. population 二、词义猜测 请根据句意选出与下列句子中划线单词意思相同或相近的选项。1. Our

6、company applied for a patent on its cookies.A. 专利B. 潜力C. 效益D. 名誉2. He doesnt have the patience to wait.A. 能力B. 耐心C. 病人D. 感情3. The earlier the treatment is given, the better the patients chances.A. 能力B. 耐心C. 病人D. 感情4. No vehicles were allowed to drive along the pavement.A. 公路B. 河岸C. 园陵D. 人行道5. The lo

7、rry driver escaped unhurt, but a pedestrian was injured.A. 昆虫B. 路人C. 伤人D. 车6. When you retire, you can get a pension from the company youve worked for.A. 养老金B. 钱C. 赔偿D. 机会7. It is said that Justin Bieber will give his first performance in China next Monday.A. 露面B. 演出C. 工作D. 面貌8. I dont want a tempor

8、ary fix. What I want is a permanent solution.A. 临时的B. 有效的C. 秘密的D. 永久的9. He was bitten by a poisonous snake and soon passed away.A. 美丽的B. 巨大的C. 有毒的D. 有能力的10. Tom is very sick and he is going to see a physician.A. 专家B. 学者C. 医生D. 物理学家11. Each morning he shaved and polished his shoes to make himself loo

9、k smarter.A. 穿上B. 擦亮C. 拿出D. 美丽12. Its convenient for us to take this portable plastic case when we go out.A. 明亮的B. 美观的C. 轻便的D. 沉重的13. Students are using delaying methods to postpone the homework again.A. 停止B. 写完C. 推迟D. 上交14. He was a victim of racial prejudice.A. 歧视B. 主义C. 观点D. 管理员15. The physician

10、made a prescription against car-sickness for him.A. 治疗B. 形式C. 外观D. 药方16. Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone tools.A. 聪明的B. 不幸的C. 原始的D. 开明的17. Education should be a universal right and not a privilege.A. 大众B. 个人C. 先进D. 特权18. To make all the things correct, there is some confusion abou

11、t what the right procedure should be.A. 程序;过程B. 结果C. 原因D. 开始19. She took part in a BBC radio phone-in programme.A. 节目B. 频道C. 机会D. 方式20. When the rice isnt cooked properly, it will taste awful.A. 熟地B. 好地C. 适当地D. 可口地【答案】15 ABCDB 610 ABDCC 1115 BCCAD 1620 CDAAC 三、单句填空 请在下列句子中填入一个适当的词或用所给词的正确形式填空。1. The

12、y promised to take action, _ needed, to help the poor who cant make ends meet.2. The tongue is one of the most important part for _(pronounce).3. _(personal) I think its a waste of time.4. My boss promised _(pay) me double time.5. He didnt do enough _(prepare) for this exam and failed.6. _ is my fau

13、lt to ask you to add such a plain plot to this perfect story.7. The hotel can provide its customers _ hot water 24 hours a day.8. To our surprise, the two violent people attempted to find a _(peace) solution to this conflict.9. She is a very _(patience) and considerate person.10. _ hearing the news,

14、 they were on pins and needles.11. _ the news, all of them were trembling with fear.12. Time _(permit), I will pay a visit to him before we leave.13. He is being constantly monitored with regular checks on his blood _(press).14. There is the strong _(possible) that such cooperation will be unworkable.15. Child _ he is, he knows a lot.16. This is the first time that I _



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