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1、2022年湖南安全技术职业学院单招英语模拟试题及答案学校:_ 姓名:_ 班级:_ 考号:_题号一二三四总分得分一、单选题1The reason _ his being late is _ he didnt catch the early bus.A.for, becauseB.of , thatC.for, thatD.of, because答案:C2- I only told Tom about it.- You _ anyone about it.A.wont have toldB.mustnt have toldC.shouldnt have toldD.wouldnt have tol

2、d答案:C3I didnt hear the phone I _ asleep.A.must beB.should beC.must have beenD.should have been答案:C4They felt _ when they heard the wonderful news.A.excitingB.excitedC.to be excitedD.to excite答案:B5Two years _ enough for them to finish the buildings.A.isB.areC.wereD.has答案:A6After supper Tom _ down in

3、bed and soon fell asleep.A.liedB.layC.lieD.lain答案:B7Can you play_basketball?A.theB.aC.yourD./答案:D8They are learning to play()piano.A.theB.aC./D.an答案:A9The workers are busy _ windows to the new building these days.A.fixB.fixedC.fixingD.to fix答案:C10-How did you find your missing pen?-().A.Quite by acc

4、identB.I found it in my drawer.C.It writes wellD.It was well kept by myself.答案:A11The ice isnt thick enough().A.to skateB.to skate onC.skateD.skate on答案:B12When doing experiments,one cannot rely too much upon the human senses to make_observation.A.accurateB.casualC.eventualD.potential答案:A13Tom will

5、go for a picnic with his classmates if _ this Sunday.A.wont rainB.isnt rainingC.doesnt rainD.dont rain答案:C14As an adult, you have to tell the right _ the wrong.A.fromB.withC.toD.off答案:A15The thief tried to break away from the policeman who _ him but failedA.has heldB.was holdingC.had heldD.would hol

6、d答案:B二、完形填空1When I was 18,one morning,my father told me to drive him into a town,about 18 miles away. I had just learned to drive,so I (1)with pleasure. First we came to the town. Then I took the car to a nearby garage to have it (2) and promised (答应)to pick Dad up at 4 p.m. Because I had a few (3)

7、to spend,I decided to go to the (4) . However,I became so interested in the films that I forgot the (5) When the last film finished,it was 6 oclock. I was afraid Dad would be (6) and never let me drive again,so I drove back (7) to meet Dad and made an excuse for my being late. I11 never forget the (

8、8) he gave me. “Im disappointed that you feel you (9)lie to me,Jack,Im angry,not with you but with myself. I have failed (10) Ive brought up a son who can not even (11) the truth to his own father.Im going to (12)home now and think seriously about where I have gone wrong all these years. Dad began w

9、alking along the road.I begged (13) ,telling him how drove (14) him for 18miles,at a speed of 5 miles an hour. It was the most (15) lesson. I have never lied to him ever since.1)( )A.saidB.agreedC.answeredD.replied答案:B2)( )A.repairedB.stoppedC.producedD.locked答案:A3)( )A.weeksB.daysC.hoursD.minutes答案

10、:C4)( )A.restaurantB.supermarketC.bookshopD.cinema答案:D5)( )A.timeB.carC.garageD.place答案:A6)( )A.gladB.angryC.kindD.polite答案:B7)( )A.slowlyB.quietlyC.easilyD.quickly答案:D8)( )A.laughB.cryC.lookD.smile答案:B9)( )A.willB.have toC.wouldD.yet答案:B10)( )A.thoughB.ifC.becauseD.when答案:C11)( )A.talkB.speakC.sayD

11、.tell答案:D12)( )A.driveB.walkC.runD.ride答案:B13)( )A.by the wayB.all the wayC.in the same wayD.in a different way答案:B14)( )A.behindB.beforeC.withD.in front of答案:A15)( )A.difficultB.interestingC.unforgetbalD.successful答案:C三、阅读理解1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Even if you are a good high-jumpe

12、r, you can jump only about seven feet off the ground. You cannot jump any higher because the earth pulls you hard. The pull of the earth is called gravity.You can easily find out the pull of the earth. If you weigh yourself, you will know how much gravity is pulling you.Since there is gravity, water

13、 runs downhill. When you throw a ball into the air, it falls back down, because of gravity you do not fall off the earth as it whirls around in space.It was impossible for you to get away from the earth or go far out into space, but now you can do it , because spaceships have been invented . The spa

14、ceship will go so fast that it can escape the earths gravity and carry out into space. 1)In the passage, the word “gravity ”means .A.the pull of everythingB.the force of attraction among objectsC.the force which attracts objects towards the center of the earthD.the force which attracts the earth towards the sun答案:C2)When you slip in something, you .A.always fall down to the ground because of the gravity.B.sometimes fall down to the ground.C.go up into the airD.neve


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