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1、备战中考:英语阅读理解专项训练讲义考点20阅读理解考点详解考点详解记叙文一、材料特点人物故事类的阅读理解是中考英语的常考材料之-O这类文章一般可分为人物传记和短篇故事两类。1 .人物传记主要涉及某人的生平事迹、趣闻轶事、生活背景、个性特征、成长和奋斗历程等,其特点 是以时间的先后或事件的开展为主线,脉络清楚,可读性较强。2 .短篇故事与人物传记不同的是,这类文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生开展或结局,有人物、 时间、地点和事件。命题往往从故事的情节、人物或事件之间的关系、作者的态度及意图、故事前因和后 果的推测等方面着手,考杳考生对细节的识别能力以及推理判断能力。二、解题技巧1 .阅读人物

2、传记类文章时应该抓住时间线索来获取有关信息,即主人翁在某个时间做过什么,然后通 过分析推理、综合归纳的方法进行解题。2 .阅读短篇故事类材料时,同学们一定要根据主要情节掌握文章主旨大意,同时抓住每一个细节,设 身处地地根据文章内容揣摩作者的态度和意图,根据情节展开想象,这样的话即使是深层理解题也可迎刃 而解。说明文”英语说明文,顾名思义,就是一种以“说明、解释为主要表达方式的英语文体。它是对客观事 物的性状、特点、功能和用途等作科学解说的。它既不像故事那样重在情节的表达和描写,也不像议论文 那样,重在说明主张和论点论据;更不像科幻作品那样富于想象和虚构夸张。说明文是通过解说事物、阐 明事理,使

3、人们增长知识和技能。说明文是高考英语阅读理解题中的重点内容之一。说明文具有与自己特 点相适应的说明方法,因此说明文结构复杂,专业术语多,易于拉开考生分数档次,便于高校分层次选拔-Kate,14Buy now! 38.60 (hardcover) 34.70 (e-book)The London Eye MysterySalim suddenly disappears. No one knows where he has gone. His cousins, Ted and Kate, have to follow clues around London in order to find him

4、 before its too late. Can they make it? Read the novel to find out.Buy now! 74.70 (hardcover) 66.60 (e-book)The Name of This Book Is SecretReaders will love following Max-Ernest and Cass as they solve the mystery of a missing magician!“An amazing story full of mysteries! It will make you never want

5、to stop turning its pages!Buy now! 113.40 (hardcover) 33.30 (e-book)13. What does Kate probably mean by saying had my nose in it?A. The book was easy to understand.B. The book was very hard to understand.C. The book was so boring that she didn/t like it at all.D. The book was so interesting that she

6、 couldnt stop reading it.14. In The London Eye Mystery,.A. twelve kids try to escape from Londontwo children try to find their missing cousinB. twelve kids try to escape from a new librarytwo children try to solve the mystery of a museum15. Cynthia decides to buy The London Eye Mystery and The Nome

7、of This Book Is Secret for her daughter. How much money can she save if she buys e-books instead of hardcovers?A. 18 yuanB. 88.2 yuanC. 106.2 yuan D. 70.2 yuan【答案】13. D14. B15. B【分析】本文以表格的形式为青少年推荐了三本畅销的推理小说,并介绍了书名、故事梗概和书的价格。13 .句意猜想题。根据“lt,s a great book!”可知,Kate认为书很棒,推测出她很喜欢读这本书,结合备选答案, 划线句子表示这本书非常

8、有趣,Kate一读就停不下来,应选D。14 .细节理解题。根据表格第二栏“His cousins, Ted and Kate, have to follow clues around London in order to find him”可知,在这本书中,Ted和Kate要根据线索找到失踪的表弟,应选B,.推理判断题。根据第二栏的价格74.70 (hardcover) 66.60 (e-book)”可知,电子书比纸质书廉价8.1元 (74.7-66.6=8.1);根据第三栏的价格“113.40 (hardcover) 33.30 (e-book)”可知,电子书比纸质书廉价80.1元(113.

9、4-33.3=80.1 )(因此买这两本电子书一共能省88.2元(8.1+80.1=88.2),应选B。义显真题再现(2021浙江绍兴中考真题)Its been 100 years since the actor and filmmaker Charlie Chaplin produced the film The Kid, which many consider to be his greatest one.Like all films at the time, The Kid was made in black and white and was silent (made without

10、any sound, not even the characters talking). The story is about the relationship between “the Tramp”, played by Chaplin, and his adopted (领养的)child, played by Jackie Coogan. The pair develop a partnership where the six-year-old boy breaks windows and runs away, so that Chaplins character can offer h

11、is services as a window fixer.Although the film is a comedy, it also has some tragedy, reflecting Chaplins own life. He started testing actors for the role of the Kid just a few days after his baby son had died. Chaplin was known for being hard to please, and it is said that if he could, he would ha

12、ve played every role in every one of his films. When Chaplin visited a theatre,a dancer brought his son, Jackie Coogan, on stage, and Chaplin knew he had his co-star (联袂主演者).Chaplinlater wrote, Z/AII children in some form have talents; the trick is to bring it out in them. With Jackie it was easy/Li

13、ke the Kid in the film, Chaplin and his brother Sydney grew up very poor. They lived in London and were raised by their mother. When Chaplin was 10 years old, his mum became too ill to look after her sons, so they had to take care of themselves. He later wrote that the film sets in The Kid were base

14、d (基于)on the places where he and Sydney had lived with their mother as children. zzPerhaps thats why the film had some truth/ he said.1. The second paragraph mainly talks about.A. why The Kid was madeB. when The Kid was onD. what The Kid is aboutC. how The Kid got successfulWe can infer from Paragra

15、ph 3 that Jackie Coogan.A. always visited the theatre aloneB. was possibly talented in actingC. knew much about Chaplin beforeD. played every role in Chaplins films2. Which of the following is TRUE about Chaplin?A. He had a poor childhood experience.C. He looked after his mother very well.4. Whats t

16、he best title for the passage?A. A film about a dancerC. A place for film-makingB. He was brought up by his father.D. He produced films with his brother.B. A family in LondonD. A life on film【答案】1. D2. B3. A4. D【分析】文章讲了卓别林的电影孩子寻找角色的过程,并提到他在电影中融入了自己的生活。1 .段落大意题。根据The story is about the relationship between .”可知第二段主要讲电影孩子主要是关于什么的。应选D。2 .推


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