初中英语-Module1 Change Unit3 Travelling in Garden City

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1、初中(牛津)英语初中(牛津)英语A double-decker busA single-decker busa bus farea taxi farean underground fareTalk about the way of buying tickets!1.in the past2. nowadays3. in the future4.2. like doing sth.5.3. by bus6. by the bus7. by a bus8. by buses by bus=on a bus by train/ car/ plane/ bike/ truck4. all passen

2、gers 形容词形容词 all of the passengers 代词代词 the passengers all 副词副词5. have to 客观情况的要求客观情况的要求 must 主观要求主观要求6. in each bus7. collect from 8. like- have- is- collect- put-likedhadwascollectedput1. instead 替代;更换替代;更换 If you cannot go, let him go instead. 如果你不能去,让他替你去。如果你不能去,让他替你去。 I didnt have a pen, so I us

3、ed a pencil instead. 我没有钢笔,因此我就用铅笔了。我没有钢笔,因此我就用铅笔了。 (与(与of连用)代替连用)代替 I will go instead of you. 我代你去。我代你去。 Well have tea in the garden instead of in the house. 我们将改在花园喝茶,而不在屋里喝。我们将改在花园喝茶,而不在屋里喝。2. none of them None of us enjoy getting up early.我们中间没人喜欢早起。我们中间没人喜欢早起。 None of that money on the table is

4、 mine. 桌上没有一分钱是我的。桌上没有一分钱是我的。 Its none of your business, the young man said rudely. 这不干你的事这不干你的事,这个青年粗鲁地说。这个青年粗鲁地说。1. travelling by bus Taking a walk after super is good for our health. Watching TV too much is bad for our eyes.2. comfortable a comfortable income 相当不错的收入相当不错的收入 Please make yourself c

5、omfortable. 别客气。别客气。 enjoying the comfort of my favorite chair. 享受享受我最我最心爱心爱的的椅子椅子所所给予给予的的舒服舒服. It is uncomfortable to sit in such a chair.3. most Greatest in number: 数量上最多的:数量上最多的: won the most votes. 拥有最多数的选票拥有最多数的选票 Greatest in amount, extent, or degree: 数量、范围或程度上最大的:数量、范围或程度上最大的: has the most co

6、mpassion. 最具同情心的最具同情心的 In the greatest number of instances: 在大多数情形中:在大多数情形中: Most fish have fins. 大多数鱼有鳞大多数鱼有鳞Talk about drivers!none of some ofmost of all of+ the +n.some ofmost of _ _ _ _In the _(past, nowadays, future), many people _(like travel)by _(a bus, bus, the bus).pastliked travellingbusAl

7、l passengers _(have, has, had) to buy tickets. There _(be) a bus-conductor in _(every, each) bus.hadwaseachHe _(collect) money _ (to, for, from) the passengers and _(put) the money in a bag.collectedfromputPassengers _ (do, did, does) notbuy tickets now. They _ (put) theirmoney in a fare-box _.doput

8、insteadIn the past, there were only_ (single-decker, double-decker)buses. _ (all, some, none,most) of them was a _(double-decker, single-decker)bus.NoneIn the past, _ (travel) by bus_(be) not very comfortable.There _ (be) no air-conditionersin the buses. Nowadays, _ (all,most, none, some) buses _(ha

9、s,have, had) air-conditioners. travellingwasweremosthave_ (most, all, none, some) of the bus-drivers are men, but _ of them are women._, in the past, _ ofthe bus-drivers were women._ of them were men.MostsomeHowevernoneAllHow do people travel nowadays?People travel by bus nowadays.People travel by c

10、ar nowadays.People travel by taxi nowadays.People travel by plane nowadays.People travel by ship nowadays.People travel by boat nowadays.People travel by minibus.People travel by underground.People travel by motorbike.People travel by ferry nowadays.People travel on foot.How is the weather?HowWhatli

11、keWhat is the weather like?How will the weather be tomorrow?What will the weather be like tomorrow?travelling in our cityIn 10 years timeWhat will travelling in our city be like in 10 years time?Perhapsthere will be more roads.Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams.Perhaps we wont travel by ferry

12、any longer.Perhaps more people will travel by taxi.What is your opinion?notany longerI have done my homework for two hours.I will _ do it _.He has eaten for three hours. He can _ eat _.She rode a bike during the past ten years, She will _ ride it _.pedestrian escalatorpdestrineskleittraffic jamflyov

13、errailwaysUnderground stationLook at the tables in the book and discuss with others.What will travelling in our city be like in 10 years time?Travelling in our city in 10 years time1.Perhaps people will not travel 2. by _ any longer.2. Perhaps more people will.3. _there will be more/ fewer.4. _all of the _ will.5. _ none of the _will.isarehaveputdocollectlikeplaylovetravellovedputplayedwastravelleddidcollectedhadlikedwerepast formis_are_have_put_do_collect_like_play_love_travel_waswerehadputdidcollectedlikedplayedlovedtravelled祝大家学习愉快!


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