Unit 4 How's the weather today-Lesson 23同步测试

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《Unit 4 How's the weather today-Lesson 23同步测试》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 How's the weather today-Lesson 23同步测试(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4Hows the weather today?Lesson 23语音辨认练一、判断画线部分读音是否相同。(相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”。)(20分)()1.mumput ()2.weather dear()3.on OK()4.your four()5.how snowy词汇积累练二、根据图片圈出单词。(24分)1.abshirty2.barainy3.kisnowy语句应用练三、单项选择。(32分)()1.Its snowy,_ your boots.Atake offBput onCin()2.Its _Take your raincoat(雨衣)Arainy Bsnowy

2、Cwindy()3.Hows the weather today?_AIts rainy. BIt rainy. CGood.()4.Can you _ this word please?Aspells Bspell Cplease()5.Is it rainy or snowy in winter?_ARainy. BSnowy. CRain.()6._Lets make a snowman.AIts snowyBRainyCWindy()7._Open up your umbrella(雨伞)AIts windyBIts snowyCIts rainy()8.Is this your sh

3、irt?_ANo,it is.BYes,it is.CYes,it isnt情景交际练四、情景对话。(把选项序号填在横线上。)(24分)Amy:Hello!This is Amy.Kate:1._What are you doing?Amy:Im reading books.Kate:2._Amy:3._Kate:Oh,good.Can you play in the snow?Amy:4._Kate:Oh,I want to play with you.Amy:OK!Bye!Kate:Bye!AIts snowy.BHi,this is Kate.CYes,I can.DHows the weather today?答案一、1.D2.D3.D4.S5.D二、1.shirt2.rainy3.snowy三、1.B2.A3.A4.B5.B6.A7.C 8B四、1.B2.D3.A4.C


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