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1、精品名师归纳总结Module 1How to learn English1. write down写下2. each other彼此3. help sb with帮忙某人做某事4. a great way to do sth做某事的好方法5. the meaning of . . 的意思6. enjoy oneself玩的高兴 / 过的开心7. take a deep breath做深呼吸8. be good for .对 . 有益9. make friends with sb与某人交伴侣10. show sb around some place令某人参观某物11. all the time始

2、终,总是12. How about .?怎么样?13. It s a good idea to do sth做某事是个好想法14. You should .你应当15. translate .into .把 . 译成 .16. match sb againstwith sb使某人和某人交手竞赛17. a box of matches一盒火柴18. a number of很多,修饰可数名词19. repeat after sb跟某人朗读20. a piece of advice一条建议ask for advice寻求建议21. make a mistake犯错误22. each other相互,

3、彼此the other daymorning那天 那天早上the other另外的一个another另外的一个23. welcome to +的点名词欢迎到某的方来welcome back欢迎回来24. be ready for为 . 做好预备beget ready to do sth预备好做某事25. try to do sth努力做某事try doing sth尝试做某事have a try试一试try one s best to do sth竭尽全力做某事26. help sb with sth帮忙某人做某事,介词with后面常接名词help sb do sth帮忙某人做某事27. se

4、nd sb to do sth派遣某人做某事send back送回,发回,退回send for派人去请,派人去取send out送出, 发出,排出28. improve onupon比 . 有提高,超过29. watch sb doing sth观察某人正在做某事可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结30. take a deep breath深深吸一口气hold your breath闭气,屏气out of breath喘不上气31. remember sb to sb代某人向某人问好remember to do sth记住去做某事 事情仍未做过 remember doing sh

5、记住已经做过某事(事情已经做过)40. forget sbsth遗忘某人,某物forget to do sth遗忘要做某事forget doing sth遗忘曾经做过某事41. wish sb sth祝愿 希望某人某事wish to do sth表示在主观上剧烈期望做某事42. It takes a long time to do sth花费了很长时间去做某事43. How long doesdid it take .询问做某事需要花费多长时间44. find it +形容词 +to do sth发觉做某事 .45. hear sb doing sth听见某人正在做某事hear sb do s

6、th听见某人做某事46. Why don t you do .=Why not you do .为什么不了47. It is +形容词 +for sb to do sth对某人来说 做某事是 .48. Why don t you write it down.你们为什么不把它登记来了.49. It s a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day.每天都检查你的词汇笔记本是一个好想法。50. Try not to translate every word.尽量不要逐字翻译。51. She can help me with my h

7、omework.她可以帮我做家庭作业语法总结时态 一)一般现在时1. 表示现阶段常常性,习惯性的动作或存在的状态,特点或客观真理。常用的时间状语有often, usually, always, every dayweek等.2. 在条件状语和时间状语从句中,用一般现在时表将来,例如:if you dont go soon, you will be late.假如你不快点去,你就会迟到的.3. begin, come, go, leave, start, stop, arrive, return, open, close等动词常用一般现在时表示按方案规定将要发生的动作。例如:classbegin

8、sat eightin the morning. 早上八点钟开头上班。(二) 一般过去时一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的事,存在的状态或过去反复发生的动作。常用的时间状语有 yesterday,yesterdaymorningafternoonevening,lastweek/month/year,in 1980(三) 一般将来时1一般将来时表示在将来的某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间 状语 tomorrow, tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening, next week/month/year等连用2一般将来时有以下几种形式(1)助动词 wil

9、l+动词原形注:在疑问句中,当主语是第一人称I 或 we 时,常用助动词 shall2 “ be going to +动词原形”表示即将发生某事或者准备,方案要做某事可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结(3) come, go, start, move, leave, travel等动词常用进行时态表示按方案将要发生的事例如: the whole family s going for two months.全家要去两个月。(四)现在进行时1现在进行时由“ am/is/are+现在分词”也可以表示正在进行的动作2“系动词 +介词 / 副词(短语)”也可以表示正在进行的动作 3表示感觉

10、、愿望、和状态的某些东西(如:hope, smell, hear, see, like等)一般不用进行时态例如: I hope to go to collage next year.我期望明年上高校。Module 2please help me1. travel around周游2. invite sb to do sth邀请某人去做某事3. look attoday s newspaper看今日的报纸4. take off起飞,脱下(衣服)land着陆on land在陆的上5. the price of the ticket票价6. enter a competition参与竞赛7. It

11、sounds brilliant.8. come true(期望,抱负等)实现,达到9. all over China遍及全国10. have been to已经去过几次(表示人已经回来)have gone to表示人去某的,在途中或已经到目的的,仍未回来have been in加入后面可接表示组织、团体的名词11. there s a lot to see and to there12. Pizza has always been my favorite food.披萨是我最宠爱的食物。13. sell out售完,卖光to sell at a loss亏本出售sell at a disco

12、unt of 15 按八五折出售14. at the end最终15. It was my“dream come true ”.16. how many times几次17. Have you ever been to New York.你去过纽约吗 .18. Have you been abroad before.你以前出过国吗?19. Have you ever had a fantastic experience.20. more than多于,超过21. dream about .梦见22. Spring festival春节23. by plane乘飞机24. have a wond

13、erful time过的开心25. take photos照相26. so many如此多 , 修饰可数名词的复数形式so much如此多,这么多,修饰不行数名词27. have a western meal吃西餐28. live in another country住在另一个国家可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结29. write a poem or story写诗歌或故事30. have/has ever+ 过去分词?询问某人是否做过某事 (通常 already,ever,never, yet 用在现在完成时中)31. be from .来自其后街的点名词,常与come fr

14、om进行互换32. I think我想 . 、我认为 .33. invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事invite sb to +的点邀请某人到某的35. One day 某一天,总有一天该短语在句中作状语,表示将来或过去的某一天,常用语将来时或过去时some day仅指将来的某一天,只能用于将来时36. Whats the price of . . 的价格是什么?How much is/are .如: What s the price of the apples.=How much are the apples.37. fly to . = go to by plane飞往 .38. from time to time不时的,常常的,有时的harvest time收成期time for bed睡觉时间ahead of time提前all the time始终at one time曾经at the same time同时at times有时候in time准时39. ta



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