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1、精选教育Unit 5Food I like教学设计本课内容重点:掌握食物类的单词四个;熟练运用I like句型介绍自己的饮食喜好;能用形容词yummy, nice 描述自己喜欢的食物;能用4句话的小语段进行自我介绍及自己饮食喜好的介绍。本课难点:四个单词中两个是可数名词,两个是不可数名词,学生在运用I like句型时要注意语用的准确性;句型I like and在使用上比前一单元有提高,学生需要花一些时间进行操练;4句话的儿歌设涉及到两种句型Im /I like ,学生要熟练掌握这两种句型。教学目标:一、 语言知识目标掌握四个食物类的单词jelly, ice cream , biscuit, s

2、weet,两个相关的形容词yummy/nice,两个句型Im / I like 二、 语言技能目标能够描述不同食物的特点,介绍自己习惯的食物和水果,编一首儿歌介绍自己和自己喜欢的食物。三、 学习策略目标通过设计一个小猪Piggy为本课的主人公,介绍他的饮食喜好,通过猜一猜,唱一唱、选一选、编一编、演一演等形式进行听说训练。四、 情感态度目标 学生对piggy的饮食习惯进行讨论,揭示主题不要过多吃甜食,并给Piggy建议,可以多吃些水果,进而让学生明白要养成良好饮食习惯。教学策略:一、教学方法(1)以学生为主体,通过情景设置和任务型教学,师生共同探讨新授语言。(2)通过媒体和食物等教学手段,引导

3、学生展开话题的讨论。(3)组织各种形式的Pair work/group work,进行猜谜,编儿歌,表演等活动,巩固已学内容。(4)听说读各种技能全面关注,培养学生各种语言能力。二、辅助手段或媒体多媒体电脑和PPT课件,设计多种任务链,从听说读各方面训练学生学习能力。桌上的食物为新授词的操练和学生学习兴趣的激发起到了很大的作用。三、 课前准备材料:Piggy的头饰,为课堂上的表演起到了良好的辅助作用。新授的四个单词准备好食物,实物教学时学生学习的热情和注意力比较集中。Lesson PlanCourse book: 1B Unit 5 Topic: Food I like Period:1st

4、period Learning objectives:1. To use nouns to identify food.2. To use the pattern I like . to describe the interests. 3. To use a passage to express Piggys interests and feelings. Difficulties: To describe Piggys interests and feelings with a passage. Aids: Multimedia, word cards.PROCEDURES CONTENTS

5、 METHODSPURPOSESI. Pre-task preparationsII.While-task proceduresIII. Post-task activities1. Song 2. Quick response3. Talk: I like . 1. Guessing2. New word: jelly 3. Song4. New word : ice cream5. Song I like ice cream6. Rhyme.7. New word: biscuit8. Guessing game.9. Acting and talkingI am Piggy.I like

6、 _._, _, _.10. New word: sweet11. Rhyme12. Listening and ordering13. Missing game14. Rhyme: 1. The cry of Piggy2. More discussion: I am Piggy, Piggy.I am fat, fat.I like _ and _._, _, _.3. Group work: Talk about yourself4. AssignmentSs: Sing together.Ss: Say together.T: What do you like?Ss: I like .

7、 T: Today I would like to introduce you a new friend.It is fat. It is big. It goes Oink, oink. What is it?Ss: Guess.T: Yes. It is a pig. Its name is Piggy. Say hello to piggy.Ss: Greeting. T: These are Piggys favorite food. Which one do you want to know?T: Its jelly. Ss: Repeat.T: You can sing Apple

8、 tree well. Can you make a new song?Ss: Sing together.T: Piggy likes jelly. He likes some other food. Which one do you want to know?T: Heres the ice cream.Ss: Repeat.T: Lets sing a song I like ice cream Ss: Sing together.T: Piggy likes jelly. It likes ice cream, too. It eats happily. Look, I am Pigg

9、y.I like jelly. I like ice cream.I like jelly and ice cream.I like ice cream. I like jelly.I like ice cream and jelly. Who wants to be piggy? S1-S2 -S3T: Piggy has a big stomach. He likes biscuits. Ss: Repeat. T: Ive got some biscuits. Guess how many biscuits in my hand?S1-S2S3T: Biscuits are nice a

10、nd yummy. Follow me: Biscuits, biscuits, nice, nice, nice.Biscuits, biscuits, yummy, yummy, yummy. Ss: Repeat.T: Biscuits are very nice. Piggy eats happily. Can you be as Piggy and say?S1-S2-S3T: Lets see what piggys last favor. Its a sweet.Ss: Repeat.T: Look, how many sweets does Piggy have? Lets c

11、ount.S: Say a rhyme.T: Listen, Piggy is talking. Can you say as Piggy? Say by yourself. I am _.I like _._, _, _.S1S2S3 T: Here are four words we learn today. Lets repeat.Ss: Read.T: I will show you three words. You tell me which one is missing.S1S2-S3T: Here comes the train. Choo, choo. Apple pie, b

12、anana pie.Jelly and sweet, jelly and sweet.Biscuit, biscuit, biscuit, biscuit.Ice cream-, ice cream -. S1S2-SsT: Listen , who is crying? Oh, Its Piggy. It eats a lot. It becomes very fat. It is sad. I am Piggy, Piggy.I am fat, fat. I like jelly and ice cream. Yummy, yummy, yummy.Ss: Act and say the

13、rhyme.T: Who can be Piggy and say more?Ss: Group work.S1S2-S3T: Piggy doesnt have the good way of eating. Too much sweet food! Please eat more fruits. Ss: Repeat.T: Now its the turn to say about yourself.I am _, _.I am _, _.I like _ and _._, _, _.Ss: Group workS1S2S31) Listen to the tape and read the words.2) Sing the song I like ice cream3) Share the rhyme with your classmates.通过儿歌Apple tree复习学过的水果,再通过游戏复习食物类的单词,引出本课的主题:Food I like 通过猜一猜的游戏,引出本堂课的主人公Piggy问候piggy复习以前学过的greeting的内容学生选一选自己想知道的食物通过改编Apple tree 的歌曲,巩固jelly的读音,并掌握一些歌曲中可以用来形容jelly的形容词。



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