上教版(三起)英语四年级下册 教学设计 Module 3 Unit 9

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1、309教育网 Module 3 My colourful life Unit 9 A friend in Australia. 教材分析本课是教材Module 3 Unit 9的教学设计。本单元的语言功能项目是正确使用When is your birthday? My birthday is in 本课内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,为学生操练对话创设了一个真实的语言情景,有利于学生在比较接近实际的情景中听听说说,从而培养他们运用英语进行交际的能力。 教学目标【知识目标】1.能够听、说、认、读12个月份的名称,并能书写其缩写格式。2.熟练运用When is your birthday? My b

2、irthday is in 的句式。【能力目标】能灵活使用句型: Hows the weather in? 询问北京、悉尼January, November, December, June等月份的天气情况,并能用Its sunny/ snowy/回答。【情感目标】利用多种游戏或活动形式培养学生对英语学习的浓厚兴趣。 教学重难点【教学重点】能够听、说、认、读12个月份的名称并能书写其缩写形式,能够运用句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in 【教学难点】January、February的读音,12个月份中文与英语单词的对应。 课前准备Useful p

3、hrases and sentences. 教学过程Step1:Warming up & RevisionLets start师生看单词卡片进行对话,如:T:Do you like spring?Ss:Yes, I do.T:Whats the weather like in spring?Ss:Its warm. And its windy, too.T:What can you do in spring?Ss:I can fly kites, I can plant trees and flowers.设计意图采用师生对话形式引导学生复习与本课关系密切的单词,为后面的教学做不可或缺的铺垫。

4、Step2: Presentation教学单词 March April May T:Which month do you like best in spring ?(如有学生点到March,就引入March教学,其余两个单词教师可以通过手势,提问学生T:Before/After March,it is自然引入)指导读并板书教师指出划线部分的读音,而后请学生拼读March April May 设计意图通过展示商标中的英语,能引领学生关注身边的英语。T:Spring is March、April and May .(师总结)教学July June August教师指着“夏季”方框,画一轮艳阳,表情

5、夸张地说T:Oh, summer is after spring, and its hot, very very hot.T:Do you like summer?S:Yes, I do.T:What can you do in summer?S1:I can swim in the lake.S2:I can eat ice-cream.T:Which month do you like in summer?根据学生的回答随机引入单词教学,其余的两个通过after and before引入。指导读并书写跟读单词July和June,并且比较两个单词中“U”的发音。T:Now Lets writ

6、e the word “July”(June August)on the blackboard .Please hold up your finger and write it in the air.(教师将单词慢慢地写入黑板上的四线格中,同时让学生书写所学过的单词,并指导字母的占格及写法,同时示范单词的发音。)设计意图在板书单词的同时进行拼写和发音训练,有利于学生形成正书写和规范发音的习惯。师生一起做“Before and After”游戏T:Now, lets play a game.教师向学生宣布游戏规则:在MarchAugust六个单词中,教师随机给出一个单词并举左手或右手,举左手表b

7、efore,举右手表after,要求学生反应迅速,口齿清晰。设计意图通过猜单词游戏活跃课堂气氛,营造英语学习的氛围。教学September October November当游戏进行到最后的时候,教师给出单词August并举右手,引出September。学生跟读并书写其简写形式。教师在秋季方框上画上黄色落叶,做出树叶飘落的手势,并以开玩笑的口气T:Oh, September is in fall. Because leaves are yellow and begin to “fall” now .which other two months are in fall?Ss:October an

8、d November.教师应注意学生的发音并引导学生拼读及缩写形式,跟读October,辨别两个”O”的发音。教学December January February(教师在”冬季”方框中画上雪花,做出冷的样子说T: Now we have the last season-winter .How cold it is! It snows! But my favorite season is winter .why? Guess?S::You like snow? You can play in the snow? You can make a snow man?T:(表赞许)You are right .But that is not all .The most important reason is that -my birthday is in winter.Step 3 Consolidation小结本节课所学内容。(具体小结见PPT展示)Step 4 Homework:1.听,模仿读课文中email三遍。2.课后,把自己邮件和同学分享。 教学反思略。309教育资源库



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