【练闯考】八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater(第4课时)Section B(1a-1e)课件课件

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《【练闯考】八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater(第4课时)Section B(1a-1e)课件课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【练闯考】八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater(第4课时)Section B(1a-1e)课件课件(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第四课时第四课时Section B(1a1e)1最高级的用法a)形容词最高级常与介词in或of引导的短语连用,与in连用意为“在内”,表示在某范围内,不一定是同类;与of连用表示属性,介词后的名词或代词与句中的主语是同一类人或物,意为“在某同类中”。eg:He is the tallest of all the students.他是学生中最高的。b)形容词最高级常出现在以下句型中:Who/Which,A,B or C?表示在三者(三者以上)选择。one of the形容词最高级复数名词,表示在众多当中“最之一”。2【辨析】person与people(1)person n“人”,不分性别、年龄

2、,有单、复数之分。(2)people n“人”,是集体名词,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。3creativeadj.有创造力的;创造性的,其比较级是more creative,最高级是most creative。4performer n表演者,演员。perform v表演performancen表演 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Which do you like_ (well), apples, pears or bananas?2. I think this story is_ (interesting) than that one.3. I feel math is_ (difficul

3、t) than Chinese.4.He doesnt like studying math. His grade is the_ (bad) in our class.5.The_(perform) will put on a new play today.best more interesting more difficult worst performers 二、根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。(bad,act,meal,service,pretty)6.The workers in the supermarket are very friendly.Yeah!W

4、e can get the best_ there.7.How was your trip to Beijing?It was_ good.8.In that movie,Jing Tian_ a policemans daughter.9.Some people only eat two_ a day. I think thats not good for them.10.I dont like this book because its much_ than that one. service pretty actedmeals worse三、根据汉语提示完成句子。11.The_ _(最滑

5、稽的演员)in the movie is Ben Smith.12.There are more and more relaxing programs like_ _(才艺表演)on TV.13.What did you think of this game show?,Well,it was_ _ (最吵闹的) for sure.14.Who do you think is the_ _ _(最佳表演者)?15.Who is_ _ _(最有创造力的)in your class? funniest actor talent show the loudest the best performer

6、 the most creative 四、单项选择。16.We like the city library.Its_place in our city.A.quietBquieter C.quietest Dthe quietest17._is your home from your school?Quite near. Its about 10 minutes walk on foot.A.How long BHow often C.How far DHow many18.Of all the students,Li Ming is_to Mr.Wang.A.close Bcloser C.

7、the closest Dthe most closest19.Of all the teachers,Miss Gao is_,and we are afraid of her.A.serious Bmore serious C.most serious Dthe most serious, D C CD 五、任务型阅读。,At the age of 15,most girls are just learning about fashion(时尚)But Madison Robinson is making (A)_(越来越多的) money because of the design(设计

8、) for flipflops(人字拖鞋) for kids.The shoes sell for about $25 a pair,and they have made at least $1.2 million.Madison,from Texas,the USA,(B) came up with the idea at the age of eight. With the help of her father Dan,she could turn her drawings into real shoes.Her business(生意) helped her a lot,such as

9、public speaking(演说)And now Madison has a lot of money to pay for her college(大学)“(C)My dad wont let me touch the money,”she says.“Its for college.”Madison wants to study business in college.“(D)我想自己做某些事情,”she says. 阅读短文内容,完成下面的任务。20.在文中(A)处填入恰当的内容:_21.文中(B)处came up with the idea意思是:_22.Who helped Madison turn her drawings into shoes?_23.将文中(C)处的句子翻译成汉语。_24.将文中(D)处的句子翻译成英语。_more and more 想出主意 Her father. 我爸爸不让我动那些钱。 I want to do something myself.


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