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1、2022届高考英语一轮复习背与练M3U1编写说明平时多储粮, 战时心不慌。高三复习, 知识积累是关键, 时间再紧张, 也不能舍本求末, 该背的必须扎实地背诵。为满足考生备考和教师备课的需要, 编者基于翻译法教学理论, 研究输出教学, 紧扣课文重难点辛勤整理。把牛津教材11册课本各单元课文中的考点, 提炼出来迁移到新语境中, 这些考点就如同精心化妆的人焕然一新,让人赏心悦目,呈现鲜明特色:一. 背诵的句子精炼。通过句子呈现每篇课文的重难点知识, 在一轮复习中回归课本, 夯实考生的知识基础。高考中对读写能力的考查, 实质是考查考生对句子的理解和掌握, 所以, 积累句子和积累单词短语一样, 是高三复

2、习的最基本任务, 同学们在紧张的备考阶段, 非常有必要通过理解、背诵、翻译等学习形式日积月累, 掌握尽可能多的句子。二. 练习的形式丰富。通过背诵句型掌握考点、根据所给单词或首字母填空、句型转换、根据汉语提示翻译句子等练习形式。让学生在新语境中理解记忆考点, 从而内化形成学科核心素养。有了词句积累的厚积薄发, 也就有了语篇的理解和写作的出彩。祝您在这段高考复习之旅中, 心情愉悦地走近梦想!第一节背诵: 回归课文,收割考点M3U1 Reading 请理解并背诵下列句子,掌握本篇课文考点:1. The whole city covered in a thick fog, she wondered

3、if the buses would still be running.城市笼罩着浓雾, 她不知道是否有巴士在运行。(使用独立主格)2. Once out in the street, Polly set off towards Park Street and walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.一旦出门到街道上, 波利朝公园大街走去, 快速走向平常乘车的站点。3. The truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far. 实际情况是雾太大公交车跑不了那么远。4. She had

4、 a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat. 她感到被一个穿着黑外套高个子男人注视着。5. She glanced at the faces around her, to find that the tall man was nowhere to be seen.她扫视着周围的面孔发现高个子男人不见了。6. Wherever she looked, the fog lay like a thick gray cloud, there being no one in sight.她目光所及雾像乌云聚

5、集着, 什么人也看不见。(使用独立主格)7. She heard the sound approaching and felt a rough hand brush her face, so she could feel her heart beating with fear.她听到声音靠近感觉到一只粗糙的手拂过她的脸颊,以至她能感觉到心脏因害怕而怦怦直跳。8. A hand reached out and grasped her arm to warn her of watching out for the step here. 一只手伸出来抓住她的胳膊, 告诫她小心这儿的台阶。9. Pol

6、ly found herself staring up at the face, so she wish for someone to come along. 波利发现自己盯着那张脸, 所以期待有人同行。10. “A nice age to be!” he said it in relief, and came to Pollys aid without getting paid back. “多好的年纪啊!”他如释重负地说, 并且不图回报地帮助Polly。M3U1 Project 请理解并背诵下列句子,掌握本篇课文考点:1. Few sharks are known to have atta

7、cked human beings.已知道很少有鲨鱼攻击过人类。2. Contrary to what many people might assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans. 和很多人所认为的刚好相反, 证据表明鲨鱼很少攻击人类。3. Sharks wait for you to swim by to find out if you are fit to be eaten鲨鱼等待你游过来要搞清楚你是否适合吃。4. We must stay in groups and follow following suggesti

8、ons. 我们得集体行动并遵循以下建议。5. Hit the shark on the nose if it mistakes you for something to eat打鲨鱼的鼻子,如果它错把你当成好吃的。6. You are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.你被闪电击中的可能性比受鲨鱼的几率大三十倍。7. He employed string to rolls up the paper and attached it to the door to watch for the

9、 enemy.他用线卷起纸, 将其系在门口以警戒敌人。8. That is why it was in war that they found their greatest use.那就是为何他们在战争中发现了最大用途。9. Unlike humans, they have a wonderful sense of direction and never get lost, which remains a mystery.不像人类, 他们具有良好的方向感从不迷路, 这仍然是个谜。第二节练习: 及时巩固,内化素养一请根据首字母或使用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. As they approache

10、d the city, the enemy fled in _ (confuse).2. He spent two nights under close _ (observe) in hospital.3. _ (like) most of the teachers, Mr. You never gives us any homework during the weekend.4. He is _ (like) to arrive a little late.5. The lamp suddenly went out, leaving us in _ (dark) .6. In this sc

11、hool special courses are offered to those with sight/hearing/speech _ . (disabled)7. She watched the train until it was only a dot in the _ (distant) .8. I gave a sigh of _ (relieve) when I heard that he came back safe and sound.9. Lake Green is one of the biggest tourist _ (attract) in this country

12、.10. Shopping via the Internet is an _ (attract) idea for most young people.11. The job involves gathering and _ (analysis) data.12. Science graduates are facing less _ (employ) pressure than arts graduates.13. The weather forecast said it would be _ (fog) the next morning.14. I am _ (anxiety) about

13、 losing my job.15. We are _(hope) that we can find a solution to the problem. 16. She asked me the question with a _(puzzle) expression on her face. 17. With spring _ (approach), the weather is getting warmer and warmer.18. It was _ (observe) that 40 percent of patients had high blood pressure.19. H

14、aving been _ (bite) seriously by a shark, Tony has to lie in bed for one year.20._ (attach) the message to its leg, he set the bird loose21. Alexander tried to get his work _ (recognize) in the medical circles. 22. The dog enjoyed himself _ (roll) on the grass.23. _ (grasp) the rope with both hands,

15、 you will feel safe when you climb a hill.二、根据句子意思选择方框内合适的词组,并用其正确形式填空。glance at, reach out, watch out for, pay back, getacross, in sight, wish for, be frozen with, make sense, stare into, likely, reduce, ignore, volunteer, analyze, recognize, rather than, go hungry, ring out, be linked to1. What problems should I _when buying an old house?2. He _ and his hand touched rough-grained wood.3. When he saw a big bear coming towards him, he _fright.4. The boys were so hung


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