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1、七年级英语Unit 2 This is my sister教案The first period (section A 1a2c)一. 教学目标: 1、 学习掌握家庭成员称谓的新单词。2、 学会家庭成员所用的指示代词:thisthat、thosethese.3、 能用所教知识介绍自己的家人.4、 Like to learn English.二. 教学重点难点:掌握家庭成员的表达;学会指示代词的用法。三. 课前准备:挂图、照片、录音机四. Teaching stepsStep1 Warming up and revisioni. Greet Ss with greeting language th

2、at we have learned “ hello, hi , how are you Good xxx.”ii. Revise “ This is xxx. Is this xxx e tc,. with objects in the classroom.Step2 PresentationTake out a photo of my family, and introduce my families with the sentence “This is xxx.” Then list these words on the right of the Bb, at the same time

3、 list “ this is” on the left of the Bb.Step 3 Learn new wordsi. Teacher read the word, and get Ss to follow reading tw ice every word. And get Ss to read together twice every word. Take out the cards and get Ss to identify people in the card one by one, then spell the word.ii. Fast ResponsePoint at

4、the characters in the chart at random and get Ss to fast answer in order to test their mastering degree.Take out their pictures , and work in pairs to introduce their own family.iii. Match the words with the people in the picture in 1a.Step 4. listen and circle(1b ,2a and 2b)Give Ss the instruction

5、and get them to listen andcircle the words you hear . Check the answers with Ss.Step 5. PresentationLook at the picture and say “ This is xxx. These arexxx .” list “ these are xxx on the Bb”. Teach Ss to learn how to use this, these,etc. Give them examples.Step 6. Look and sayGet them to introduce t

6、he people with “ this is xxx,and these are xxx. That is xxx, those are xxx.Step7 Pair work1c and 2cAccording to the prompt on the Bb, and give themclear instruction, g et them work in pairs. Checkseveral pairs.Homework: 1. Rember the names of family members.2. copy new words The second period ( Sect

7、ion 2d3c)一 教学目标:1. 巩固有关家庭成员的词汇。2. 能熟练运用指示代词的句型。3. 能用所教知识介绍自己的家人。4. To have fun.二 教学重点难点: 熟练家庭成员的表达;熟练运用指示代词的句型三 教具:挂图、图片四 教学过程 Step1. Warming-up Greetings. Step2. Revision Use “Thisthat is TheseThose are Isthisthat Are thesethose” to introduce family members in the picture in 2b on page8. Step3 . Ro

8、le-play the conversation T: Sally and Jane meet in the park. What are they talking Let us have a look.1. Get the Ss to guess the meaning of “have a good day”,then explain it.2. Role-play the conversation in groups.Get the groups to go to the Bb to acy it out and have a competition. Step3. practice 3

9、a: Complete the conversation and practice it with your parter. 3b: Look at the picture and make sentences with the words in the three boxes. Step4. Grammar focus Step5. 3c 1. Bring some family photos to class,take turns to ask and answer questions about the photos.2. Ask some Ss to the front of the

10、class to introduce hisher family to others. .Homework Draw a picture of your family and write about the people in it. 相关练习册。 The third period (section B 1a2c)一 教学目标:1.能灵活运用所教知识介绍自己的家人。2. 能听懂并辨认人物。3.掌握新单词: daughter ,son, cousin, grandpa, grandma, aunt ,uncle.4.How to draw and introduce your familytre

11、e.5.Ss should respect and help their parents.二 教学重难点:1.辨认人物。2.Have the Ss grasp the usage of who questions.3.Have the Ss read all the words and sentences correctly.三 教具:图片四 教学过程:Step 1. Warming-up and Revisioni. Greet the Ss with greeting languageii. Check the homeworkGet Ss to draw the family tree

12、on the Bb.Step 2. Guessing games (work in pairs)1aLook at the family tree on the Bb, get Student A and B to do Ask and answer with “ Is this xxx No, he isnt . Are they xxx No, they arent.”Learn new words.Step 3. Listen and check i. Look at EX. 1b , listen and check the words you hear.Check the answe

13、r after they finished.ii. listen again. Which pictures are Jiangtao and Tom talking about?iii. Check the answer. And get Ss try to introduce the picture that Jiangtao and Tom talking about Step 4.Read and write 1. Wrire a passage about your family tree and draw a picture ,then tell your partners abo

14、ut your picturea.2. Find the male and female first names in this unit and write them in the male and female boxes on page11,2a.3. Read about Jennys family on page 11,2b, and circle the names.4. Read it again and complete the sentences in 2c.Step5. c onsolidationTake out some Chinese famous person fa

15、mily photos , and tell them relevant names . Every pair get a photo, and do pair work to talk about the photo.Get several pairs to play it .Step 6. summarySummarize the knowledge that we have learned. Including the words that we learned and sentences.Homework:Draw a picture of their family and friends, and write down names Rember and read 2b.The fourth period (Section 3


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